
industrial fund of the week | shenzhen's first seed fund was launched, shanxi established a low-altitude economic fund


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recently, shenzhen's first seed fund was launched with a scale of 200 million yuan, which will be invested in extremely early projects. this is another landmark event in shenzhen's cultivation of early-stage investment. in addition, shanxi has established a low-altitude economic fund, with the provincial government investing 1.5 billion yuan as guiding funds, eventually forming a parent-child fund cluster with a total scale of 5 billion yuan.

shenzhen's first seed fund is launched

recently, the shenzhen guangming district government, through the district guidance fund, jointly established the first seed fund sub-fund in shenzhen with the shenzhen angel investment guidance fund and lihe science and technology innovation group. it is understood that the first fund has a scale of 200 million yuan and will be guided by "early investment, small investment, and hard technology" and follow the principle of "government guidance, urban-rural linkage, earlier and smaller, and risk tolerance" to support guangming science city's seed-stage technology projects with independent intellectual property rights, high technological content, and strong innovation capabilities, and promote technological innovation and transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

previously, the shenzhen science and technology innovation seed fund was launched, which is a landmark event for shenzhen to cultivate early-stage investment. the total subscribed scale of the fund is 2 billion yuan. the shenzhen finance bureau, through the shenzhen guiding fund investment co., ltd., will arrange the relevant funds in accordance with laws and regulations based on the actual operation of the seed fund. it is worth noting that the seed fund breaks the previous 5 to 10-year convention and extends its duration to 15 years, which is more in line with the development cycle and rules of very early innovative enterprises.

in terms of investment targets, the projects invested by the seed fund are very early-stage projects, namely: first, the investment of the sub-fund must be its first round of external institutional investment; second, the enterprise valuation does not exceed rmb 100 million when the sub-fund makes an investment decision. after completing the investment in the very early-stage project, additional investment can be made during the growth of the project, but the amount used by the sub-fund for additional investment shall not exceed 20% of the size of the sub-fund.

shanxi sets up a low-altitude economic fund

recently, shanxi province low-altitude economy and general aviation industry development fund completed its registration. it is understood that the fund is guided by 1.5 billion yuan of provincial finance investment, with a registered scale of 1.501 billion yuan. it will establish sub-funds under this fund through equity participation and invest in equity and other ways permitted by laws, regulations and policies. it will raise funds from social capital parties such as provincial state-owned enterprises and central enterprises through projects, and eventually form a parent-child fund cluster with a total scale of 5 billion yuan.

in terms of investment direction, the fund mainly invests in general aviation infrastructure construction projects in shanxi province, general aviation manufacturing projects in the province, various general aviation operation service projects carried out in the province, and surrounding industries such as drones, technology-based and innovative industries.

prior to this, the shanxi provincial development and reform commission announced that in order to accelerate the development of the province's low-altitude economy and the construction of a general aviation demonstration province, it would arrange funds to support related projects, up to 50 million yuan. it mentioned rewards for the landing of major general aviation industry projects. for major industry projects that meet relevant requirements, the project construction units will be rewarded 5 million to 25 million yuan according to the actual investment amount of the project.

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