
the public security department strikes hard! crack down on "small essays" in the capital market, and three rumor mongers are fined


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cailianshe news, september 21 (reporter lin jian)according to news from the cyber ​​security bureau of the ministry of public security on september 21, the public security organs recently investigated and dealt with a case in accordance with the law in which a self-media operator maliciously fabricated online rumors to attract fans, make illegal profits, and disrupt social order.

cailianshe reporters learned from relevant departments that liu (male, 36 years old), chen (male, 46 years old), and shao (male, 26 years old) fabricated and published rumors about the transfer and financing connect on online platforms in the name of foreign media in order to attract attention, attract fans and make profits. they said that the transfer and financing connect data were all fake, there was no upper limit on the amount of securities sold, and there were unlimited chips and bullets for short selling, etc.upon investigation, it was found that the foreign media did not publish any relevant reports and the information was completely false.

in today's ever-changing financial market, the authenticity of information directly affects investors' decisions and market stability. overall, liu and others fabricated "small essays" out of thin air, spread "fake news", distorted facts, misled public perception, damaged market confidence, and affected the financial operation order, all for their own illegal economic interests. the reporter learned that at present, the local public security organs have punished the relevant personnel in accordance with the law and instructed the network platform to take disposal measures against the relevant accounts.

according to the cyber ​​security bureau of the ministry of public security, the ministry of public security, relying on the "net clean 2024" special operation, has organized public security organs across the country to continue to carry out special operations to combat and rectify online rumors, and resolutely rectify the behavior of self-media operators who maliciously fabricate online rumors to attract fans, illegally profit, and disrupt social order. the public security organs call on the majority of netizens to remain calm and rational, beware of "traffic harvesting", and jointly maintain a clear cyberspace. at the same time,the public security organs hereby warn criminals that the internet is not a lawless place, and the public security organs will investigate and punish in accordance with the law any act of maliciously fabricating and spreading rumors that disrupt social order.

at the "promoting high-quality development" series of themed press conferences held by the state council information office on august 27 this year, wang qiang, director of the traffic management bureau of the ministry of public security, introduced that since 2024, relying on the "net clean 2024" special operation, the national public security organs' network security departments have handled more than 27,000 cases of online rumors so far, investigated and dealt with more than 31,000 netizens who spread rumors in accordance with the law, shut down more than 199,000 illegal and irregular accounts in accordance with the law, and cleaned up more than 1.562 million pieces of online rumor information.

rumors and false essays have repeatedly slandered capital market participants

in this era of information explosion, rumors and truth often go hand in hand. a large number of cases show that the abnormal stock price fluctuations caused by false "small essays" have seriously affected the stability and fairness of the market and damaged the fairness and transparency of the market. generally speaking, rumors will lead to more fluctuations in company stock prices, and most of the content has been proven to be groundless. people with bad intentions will spread relevant news in the hope of influencing the rise and fall of stock prices, facilitating their own entry and exit, and stealing private profits. in addition to the possible harm to other investors, this profit-making behavior will also have varying degrees of impact on listed companies and the entire market.

cailianshe reporters have been tracking and reporting on stock market essays or essay-style rumors for a long time. rumors and false essays have repeatedly slandered listed companies and other capital market participants. the cost of "essay-style" false news is extremely low, but the impact is huge. first, the disseminators use it to make profits and achieve a harvesting effect in the stock market; second, ordinary investors follow the trend and speculate, and it is inevitable that they will chase the rise and get stuck but have no way to appeal.

among them, there are at least four ways to spread "small essays":first, they publish news in the name of important domestic media, and some even publish news directly in the name of reuters, bloomberg, etc.; second, they publish news in the name of analysts; third, they publish news on overseas websites first, using the method of "exporting and then selling domestically" to enhance their so-called credibility; fourth, some news without a beginning, end, or source is directly spread on the internet.

severe punishment for fabricators of false information, and supervision will never tolerate leniency

it can be seen that no matter what the motivation is, whether intentional or unintentional, spreading false information and causing drastic fluctuations in stock prices constitutes a serious violation of the law and will be severely punished by law.

market and institutional investors interviewed repeatedly told reporters that "rumors stop at the wise." both individual and institutional investors should cultivate the ability to identify "small essays" and strengthen their awareness of prudence. when encountering uncertain news, they should seek verification in a timely manner and must not be swayed by all kinds of false information, which will affect their decisions and cause unnecessary losses.

(cailian news reporter lin jian)