
netizens complained that someone in the park under construction was suspected of illegally mining sand and gravel resources. the official said: they have been ordered to leave.


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photo report by cover news reporter

"it is clearly past the stipulated time, so why is it still being mined privately?" recently, netizens have repeatedly complained that in guang'an city sports park, a key project in guang'an city, some people are suspected of stealing sand and gravel resources and trading them privately, affecting the progress of the park's construction.

netizens questioned that according to the "audit information" of the guang'an audit bureau, the mining project should have been completed on july 30, 2023, but why, one year later, even after the relevant departments were ordered to stop work many times, the mining is still continuing?

on september 18, the guang'an district natural resources and planning bureau (referred to as the guang'an district natural resources and planning bureau) responded that it will increase law enforcement efforts to ensure the rapid progress of the project.

high-value stones found during construction

410,000 yuan was used to buy the mining rights for 64,000 cubic meters of sand and gravel

the guang'an city sports park project, with a planned total area of ​​approximately 600 acres, will start construction in march 2022 and is scheduled to be completed by the end of december 2024. it is one of the important projects to accelerate the pace of guang'an park city construction, improve the quality of the living environment, and enhance the city's taste and image.

during the construction of the park, the earthwork project near the northern extension of fangping avenue was implemented by sichuan xuhui construction engineering co., ltd. (a state-owned enterprise under guang'an district, hereinafter referred to as xuhui company). the company subcontracted the labor service to guang'an hongjiu electric power group co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as hongjiu company). the contract period is from december 2022 to may 2023.

in april 2023, hongjiu company discovered that most of the earth and stone in the construction area were high-value stones. in june of that year, through an open electronic bidding transfer, it acquired the mining rights of approximately 64,000 cubic meters of sandstone resources at a price of 410,000 yuan, and signed a resource transfer contract with the guang'an district self-regulation bureau.

the contract stipulates that hongjiu company should complete resource excavation and transportation before july 2023.

audit findings: illegal mining beyond the deadline

seriously affecting the progress of the sports park project

in july 2023, hongjiu company failed to complete the excavation and transportation as agreed in the contract. subsequently, it submitted several applications for extension of mining to the guang'an district self-regulation bureau and was approved to end the mining before october 31, 2023.

the whistleblower said that after the delay ended, hongjiu company did not withdraw at the agreed time, but continued to mine and trade in violation of regulations.

excavator is digging rocks

on may 9, 2024, the office of the audit committee of the cpc guang'an municipal committee issued an audit report stating that hongjiu company had illegally mined stone beyond the deadline, seriously affecting the progress of the project construction.

the audit found that as of the end of april 2024, hongjiu company had not stopped its stone mining operations, which violated article 31 of the "implementing rules of the mineral resources law of the people's republic of china", which stipulates that "the mining right holder shall perform the following obligations" item (a) "construct mines or mine within the approved period", and is an illegal mining behavior beyond the deadline.

the audit recommendations are that the guang'an district government should urge the district self-regulation bureau to order hongjiu company to immediately stop illegal stone mining beyond the deadline and investigate and punish it according to law. the second recommendation is that the guang'an district government should urge xuhui company to optimize the construction plan to ensure the smooth progress of the sports park project and its early completion.

reporter investigation: there is mining at the site

the company said it was normal earthwork operation

in order to investigate whether the netizens' reports were true, the reporter visited the construction site of the city park several times in mid-september. not far from the project site is the qianjin beautiful home community in guang'an city. there is a narrow corridor between the construction site and the community, and the barrier becomes the only boundary between the two.

the owner of the community said that the construction site has been under construction for more than a year, and the constant noise every day has disturbed the residents. the owner recalled that the original earth slope has been completely dug and leveled, and trucks are waiting in line outside the community at any time to transport the stones away. those stones that cannot be transported immediately will be broken into sand and gravel before being transported.

cut into pieces of stone

stones being loaded

looking down from the rooftop of the residential area, stones were neatly cut into rectangles on the construction site, and machines were working at a roaring pace. outside the residential area, a long line of trucks were waiting in line, and one of them was already loaded with stones.

part of the stone purchase and sales contract

during the investigation, a citizen showed the reporter a stone purchase and sales contract that had just been signed. the contract stated that the raw materials of the stone came from sandstone material, material b, in the earthwork project of the northern extension of fangping avenue in guang'an district, and the price per cubic meter exceeded 600 yuan.

in order to further verify the situation, the reporter sought confirmation from the person in charge of hongjiu company. the person in charge insisted that hongjiu company was currently carrying out earthwork operations within the prescribed time and had not engaged in any illegal mining of stone materials. he mentioned that although the relevant departments had previously ordered the company to withdraw from the site on september 10, due to the recent high temperatures in guang'an, it was postponed for another month to october 10. as for the private transactions mentioned by netizens, he said he was unaware of them.

similarly, the head of xuhui company also said that they are currently carrying out normal earthwork and stone leveling operations. regarding the stones that were transported away, he explained that they were taken to the guansheng new district waste dump for disposal. regarding reports of private illegal transactions, he said that if it really existed, the company would definitely report it to the police.

district self-regulation bureau:

the contract has been terminated and the law enforcement will be strengthened

why is it still happening despite the ban? the reporter interviewed the guang'an district self-regulation bureau, and the relevant person in charge said, "we have visited the site many times to urge the company to speed up the progress, and ordered hongjiu company to withdraw because it failed to dispose of the sand and gravel in the project within the specified time, which seriously affected the construction progress of the guang'an city sports park project." at the same time, the district self-regulation bureau will increase law enforcement efforts to ensure that the problem is properly resolved.

in response to netizens' reports on the illegal mining and sale of stone, the district self-regulation bureau also gave a detailed explanation a few days ago. combined with the audit requirements, it sent a written letter to sichuan xuhui engineering co., ltd. on may 17, 2024, requiring timely verification of the amount of earth, stone and gravel in the project and expediting the progress of disposal.

in view of the fact that hongjiu company failed to dispose of the sand and gravel in the project within the specified time and refused to leave the site, the guang'an district self-regulation bureau has notified the company in writing to terminate the contract in accordance with the contract agreement, and has promptly notified the project implementation unit and industry regulatory authorities of the disposal situation.

the bureau of self-regulation explained that on june 13, 2024, it also sent a letter to xuhui's parent company, explicitly requiring them to strengthen the supervision of the excavation and disposal of earthwork projects in the northern extension section of fangping avenue in guang'an district. at the same time, it is strictly forbidden to illegally trade sand and gravel resources, and it is strictly forbidden to excavate sand and gravel resources beyond the scope of the engineering design.

lawyer reminder:

illegal mining may involve illegal mining

a well-known lawyer from sichuan shuguang law firm said that stealing sand and gravel may involve illegal mining. according to article 343 of the criminal law: if anyone violates the provisions of the mineral resources law, mines without a mining license, enters the state-planned mining area, mining areas of great value to the national economy, or mining in other people's mining areas without authorization, or mines specific minerals that are subject to protective mining by the state, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention, or public surveillance, and shall be fined or fined alone if the circumstances are serious. if the circumstances are particularly serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than seven years, and shall be fined.