
the f-16v, which was originally scheduled to be delivered last year, has not yet been seen by the taiwan military


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the delivery of the new f-16v fighter jets, which the dpp authorities spent a huge amount of money to purchase from the united states, has been delayed again.

according to local media reports, the taiwan military has allocated nt$247.2 billion in a "special budget" in 2023 to purchase 66 f-16v fighter jets from the united states. the first aircraft was originally scheduled to be delivered last year, but was later changed to the third quarter of this year. the taiwan air force recently stated that it will actively strive to complete the first aircraft shipment in the fourth quarter. taiwanese media believe that this shows that the taiwan air force is "not sure" about getting the first aircraft in the fourth quarter.

"i was really angry when i saw this. (taiwan) bought equipment from you, and the cash has been paid to you, but there is no sign of the goods." li zhengjie, a retired general in taiwan, said, "the f-16v does not have air superiority at all now. the 'taiwan independence' elements want to rely on it to save their lives, which is really too much." liang yongchun, a mainland military observer, analyzed that in terms of quality, the f-16v is a light fighter. if it encounters the pla's j-16 heavy fighter and j-20 stealth fighter, the f-16v is completely at a disadvantage in terms of radar, missiles, and maneuverability. in terms of quantity, the pla's fighters are independently produced using domestic technology, and the number can completely crush the taiwan air force. in terms of the number and quality of pilots, the taiwan military has a lack of young pilots and constant training accidents. even if all 66 f-16vs arrive in the future, it is a problem whether they can gather enough pilots. naturally, the taiwan military will not be a match for the pla.

"the united states has laid many 'ambushes' in the f-16v transaction, and the dpp authorities dare not tell the taiwanese people the truth." liang yongchun pointed out that the dpp authorities once boasted that the americans would provide the taiwan military with a lot of f-16v supporting equipment, and retired generals of the taiwan military have revealed that related projects such as airborne ammunition have actually just been approved, and it is not certain whether they can be purchased.

△taiwanese military f-16 fighter jet

"even if the f-16v is put into use in the taiwan strait, it cannot fill the huge loopholes in the taiwan military's combat system." liang yongchun said that if the pla launches a military operation against "taiwan independence", the taiwan military's airports, radar stations, etc. will be hit hard in the first place. these f-16v fighters either cannot take off at all, or have nowhere to land after taking off in a hurry, and there are no other aircraft to support them in the air. facing the pla's five-in-one combat system of land, sea, air, space, and electromagnetic, taiwan's military aircraft are completely "live targets."

liang yongchun advised the pilots of the taiwan military that if the war of unification breaks out, they should cherish their lives and refuse to take the bullet for the "taiwan independence" elements. the compatriots on both sides of the taiwan strait are all chinese. people have only one life. if they die for "taiwan independence", it will be as light as a feather.

the us took the money but did not deliver the goods, and the dpp authorities were helpless. taiwanese netizens denounced, "this is hollowing out taiwan" and "it's all a fraud gang!" public opinion on the island called on the dpp authorities to improve cross-strait relations and use the funds for purchasing weapons for the economy and people's livelihood, so that the taiwanese people can live better.