
paying tribute to hubei olympic champions, lantu presents them with their dream car


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on september 21, news from lantu auto:as a high-end new energy vehicle brand born in hubei, lantu auto presented its star models to the hubei olympic athletes who won gold medals to express its congratulations and respect to them.the hubei provincial government also awarded the award to 6 companies including lantu autoover"hubei province olympic movement promotion partner" plaquein recognition of its support for hubei's sports industry.

at this year's paris olympics, athletes from hubei won 6 medals, demonstrating the strong style of hubei sports.among them, chang yani and her teammate chen yiwen cooperated well in the women's double 3-meter springboard event and won the diving event.the first gold medal in the men's double 3-meter springboard; wang zongyuan not only defended the championship in the men's double 3-meter springboard, but also won the silver medal in the men's single 3-meter springboard; zheng qinwen defeated a strong opponent in the women's singles tennis final and achieved a breakthrough in my country's olympic tennis singles gold medal; sun jiajun contributed key strength to the chinese team in the men's 4x100m medley relay, helping the team win the championship and breaking his personal best record. they not only demonstrated the spirit of higher, faster and stronger sports,it also reflects the hardworking and responsible spirit of the backbone forces in the new the award ceremony, lantu motorsceo lu fang presented lantu dreamer awards to chang yani and wang zongyuan, and to sun jiajunawarded lantu zhuiguang andthe car model was handed over to the olympic champion

lu fang, ceo of lantu auto, said: "after the tokyo olympics, lantu is honored to present cars to the olympic champions of the paris olympics. this makes us very proud and also impressed by the elegance displayed by the olympic champions on the field.i admire you very much. in the process of hubei building a strong sports province, lantu auto has the opportunity to participate in this cause, and we are honored. lantu will also be guided by the spirit of olympic athletes to dare to challenge and constantly break through, move towards higher goals, and continue to create a better future for the backbone of the new, driving china's automobile industry forwarddevelop."

the lantu dreamer delivered this time andlantu and light chaser are both star products of lantu auto. lantu dreamer has created a new market for high-end new energy mpvs.forthe new product experience has been brought to users and has been widely recognized by consumers. on september 19, the new lantu dreamer was launched. on the basis of inheriting the advantages of product safety, driving, and three-electric, it has been comprehensively upgraded in terms of luxury and technology:"refrigerator, tv, large sofa" is fully equipped, and the interior space is spaciousflexible, equipped with huawei qiankun intelligent driving and hongmeng cockpit,bringing a brand new experience to users. lantu light chaser is lantu's first sedan model, with two versions, ev and phev, showing the industry's top performance in driving control, luxury, safety, intelligence and other product dimensions.among them, lantu light chasing phevthe entire series adopts intelligent four-wheel drive system, equipped with massage ventilation and heating functions and rear leg rests, million-level predictable magic carpet chassis, l2.9 intelligent driving assistance, highlightingit embodies the concept of being all-wise and all-powerful, and being stable both when sitting and walking.

since the brand was founded, lantuthe product layout of three categories in three years and four models in four years has been completed.currently, the pre-sale of lantu’s fourth model, lantu zhiyin, has will be unveiled at the 2024 turin motor show as voyah’s first global became the lead vehicle to tour the entire city of turin, demonstrating the confidence and style of chinese auto brands.(jiupai news intern fanzi ran)

[source: jiupai news]

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