
after becoming famous on the spring festival gala, she jumped from the 23rd floor after taking a bath. when she was dying, she said: mom, i regret it so much


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from a rising star of the spring festival gala to a tragic fall from a building: who killed xie jin's future?

"mom, i regret it so much!" a desperate cry came from the window of the 23rd floor. xie jin, a once popular singer, ended his young life just like that. what made this spring festival gala regular choose to bid farewell to the world in such a decisive way?

shadows in the spotlight: is fame too early and the price too high?

do you still remember the girl who sang "blue-faced dou erdun steals the imperial horse"? xie jin, a rising star in the music world, quickly became famous across china with her unique voice and youthful vitality. on the stage of the spring festival gala, she was the focus of everyone's attention. at that time, she was a lucky person in everyone's eyes, with a bright future.

fate seemed to have played a cruel joke on her. an accident during a performance and an impulsive slap caused her to fall from the peak of her career to the bottom. the flowers and applause she once received instantly turned into being banned and looked down upon. this huge gap was undoubtedly a devastating blow to a young person whose mind was not yet mature.

some people say that xie jin's tragedy is a microcosm of the cruel reality of the entertainment industry. becoming famous overnight and falling overnight, behind the glitz of fame and fortune, there are too many unknown bitterness and pressures. how many people have lost themselves on the road to pursuing their dreams and were eventually swallowed up by fame and fortune?

the warmth of family: can a warm word melt the ice in your heart?

in the darkest moment of xie jin's life, her family should have been her strongest support. but what we saw was her mother's cold words and the lack of emotional support in the family relationship, which undoubtedly made the situation worse. imagine if someone could give her a warm hug and a word of encouragement at that time, would the ending be different?

this makes us reflect on whether we are overemphasizing material conditions and neglecting spiritual care in today's society? are we putting too much pressure on children and forgetting to listen to their voices?

social reflection: do we all owe xie jin an apology?

xie jin's tragedy is not only her personal misfortune, but also reflects the impetuousness and utilitarianism of the entire society. we pursue success but ignore the needs of humanity; we worship stars but forget that they are ordinary people who also need to be understood and cared for.

perhaps, each of us owes xie jin an apology, a belated greeting, a sincere sigh, and a reverence for life.

if i could live my life again...

if life could be repeated, would xie jin still choose to enter the entertainment industry? if time could flow back, could we give her more warmth and less harm?