
the people's congress of zhanglou town, weishan county, plays the role of people's congress representatives to promote high-quality development of education


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zhanglou town organized a symposium on education work reporter zhu chen and correspondents yang tong and wang mengjie reported from jining
in recent years, the people's congress of zhanglou town, weishan county has insisted on treating education as an important matter of people's livelihood, continued to make education work the top priority of people's congress supervision, and continued to help provide education that satisfies the people.
in order to continuously promote the optimization and improvement of the educational environment in zhanglou town, the town people's congress actively organized county and town people's congress representatives to conduct on-site inspections at the construction site of the town's central primary school, inspected the construction of classrooms, corridors, toilets, playgrounds and other venues in the new teaching building, listened carefully to the construction party's situation report, and learned in detail about the difficulties in promoting the project. at the same time, the county and town people's congress representatives in the jurisdiction sorted out 6 opinions and suggestions involving the installation of lighting equipment, improving the quality of fire hydrants and emergency lighting equipment, and suggesting the improvement of various functional rooms in the school, forming a ledger to feedback to the relevant departments of the town, regularly conducting "look back" work, and holding seminars to understand the progress of the project. the total investment of zhanglou town central primary school is 36 million yuan, with a built-up area of ​​more than 10,000 square meters, which can accommodate 24 classes. at present, the main construction has been completed. the outdoor pipe network and playground are under construction and are expected to be fully completed by the end of september.
since the beginning of this year, the town people's congress, the youth league committee, the women's federation, the cultural station and other departments have relied on the rich cultural heritage of zhanglou to create a special "immersive outdoor cultural classroom", regularly visit the children in the "hope house" in the jurisdiction to understand their living and learning conditions, and carry out 38 "protecting qinghe", "qinghe classroom" and drowning prevention series activities. at the same time, the town people's congress actively mobilized county and town people's congress representatives to carry out 6 activities of popularizing the law, safety knowledge and "070 brave action" publicity lectures on campus to escort the healthy growth of minors.