
"70 years of the national people's congress" has made every suggestion of representatives come true


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huasheng online omnimedia reporter guo chen
in late july, changsha city issued an announcement on the centralized and open recruitment of college graduates by municipal institutions in 2024. the recruitment targets are no longer limited to recent graduates, but "graduates who will graduate in 2022, 2023, and 2024 and have not secured employment within the establishment during the recruitment process."
thanks to the "several measures for doing a good job in the open recruitment of college graduates by public institutions" implemented by the provincial department of human resources and social security in june, the requirements for recruiting college graduates by public institutions across hunan province have been relaxed to include graduates within the past three years and those who did not find a job within the establishment during the recruitment process, without any restrictions on whether they have work experience or have paid social security.
while many job seekers benefited from this, provincial people's congress representative wang ying was also very happy - it was the representative proposal put forward by wang ying at this year's provincial people's congress that directly led to the introduction of this policy.
supervising one type of suggestions, solving one type of problems, and promoting one aspect of work, standing at the height of being responsible to the people, the work of handling representatives' suggestions across the province has continued to expand in scope and increase in efficiency, providing a vivid contemporary footnote for strengthening the "two connections."
speak for the people and identify the root cause of the problem
in recent years, the annual provincial people's congress has received more than a thousand proposals from representatives. people's congress representatives across the province have actively put forward suggestions and proposals focusing on the concerns of the masses and their urgent needs.
when wang ying was conducting research on the employment issues of university graduates in hunan province, she found that the reason why some graduates delayed finding employment or did not find jobs was that many units required recent graduates to be recruited. many graduates would rather not find a job and stay at home preparing for the exam, or they lost the opportunity to apply for the exam because they found a job first. this is not conducive to encouraging and promoting employment.
in january this year, wang ying, together with representatives lan guangxiang and wang yesong, proposed to the second session of the 14th provincial people's congress to relax the recognition standards for fresh graduates applying for relevant units. subsequently, the proposal was studied by the director's meeting of the provincial people's congress standing committee and was identified as a key proposal for 2024. it was supervised by the members of the director's meeting of the standing committee and hosted by the provincial department of human resources and social security, and finally achieved good results with the introduction of several measures.
the suggestion on building a joint operation and maintenance mechanism for social security fee information put forward by provincial people's congress deputy zeng guanghui has helped shorten the processing time of social security fee matters in the province from half a month to within 2 days; the suggestion on improving medical insurance for non-hospitalized chronic patients in rural areas put forward by provincial people's congress deputy zhang jianhui has helped to include outpatient medication for chronic disease patients in our province into medical insurance; the 7 suggestions put forward by provincial people's congress deputy li li on barrier-free travel for people with disabilities have prompted the quality upgrade of the "software and hardware" of barrier-free environment construction in the province... driven by the representatives' suggestions, one by one, the people's urgent problems are being resolved on the fast track.
a proposal that is down-to-earth, benefits the people's livelihood and wins the support of the people often means detailed research, in-depth visits and rigorous thinking.
in the hinterland of xuefeng mountain in southwestern hunan, the mountains are high and the roads are long, and transportation is inconvenient. local people are eagerly looking forward to the highway to their doorsteps. provincial people's congress representatives zhang xiaoling, gong xiongfu and others went deep into the mountains, with the odometer on their cars increasing by thousands of kilometers. they submitted suggestions to speed up the construction of the changji expressway project, helping the project to be smoothly included in the "14th five-year plan" and started its implementation.
many representatives feel the same way: "in order to live up to the trust of the people, a proposal often has to be written from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, and it is carefully polished many times before it is submitted, striving to achieve 'the people elected me as a representative, and i serve the people as a representative'."
submit your answer sheet and let the grade representative evaluate it
the content must be high quality, and the handling must also be high quality. the representatives suggested that how to implement it effectively?
the provincial people's congress standing committee strengthened its leadership, the members of the presidium took the lead in supervision, the various special committees supervised the implementation, the deputies actively participated, and the society paid close attention. the provincial people's congress and its standing committee have established a "large supervision" pattern for the deputies' suggestions. in 2022, hunan further achieved "full coverage" of the deputies' suggestions, with the members of the presidium of the provincial people's congress standing committee taking the lead in supervision and the leaders of the provincial government taking the lead in implementation.
as the proposers, witnesses, participants and promoters of the proposal handling work, the representatives have the most say and the most right to judge whether the representatives' suggestions are implemented well and what the actual results are.
since 2014, the standing committee of the provincial people's congress has carried out review work on the handling of representative suggestions every year, which is a national first at the provincial level; in 2016, it issued the "regulations on the handling of suggestions, criticisms and opinions of representatives of the hunan provincial people's congress", which standardized the review work in the form of local regulations.
the review is not a formality, nor is it a "performance meeting". at last year's meeting for the deputies to review the handling of suggestions, 70 provincial deputies reviewed the handling of suggestions by five provincial departments. while there were some "thumbs-up" comments, there were also some "explosive" comments.
"some replies are too official and empty, lacking substantive implementation measures." "in the process of handling some suggestions, the main focus is on persuading representatives to sign satisfactory opinions." "some sponsors shirk their responsibilities and push the responsibility of solving problems to the co-sponsoring units." the representatives pointed out the shortcomings in the process of handling the suggestions one by one. the evaluated units promised to check each of the problems pointed out in the evaluation, make immediate corrections, and continuously improve the satisfaction of handling the suggestions.
the results of handling suggestions are visible and tangible, and the people have praised them unanimously. in recent years, the problem resolution rate and plan resolution rate of deputies' suggestions have been above 80%, and the deputies' satisfaction rate with the attitude and results of handling suggestions has been above 90%.
the people have a call, and i have a response
provincial people's congress standing committee representative working committee
the work of representative suggestions is an inherent requirement of whole-process people's democracy and an important aspect of the practice of whole-process people's democracy in hunan.
high-quality representative suggestions are the result of representatives' extensive research and visits, in-depth and systematic thinking, and are a concentrated reflection of the voices and wishes of the masses in all industries, fields, and aspects. they contain both insights related to high-quality development and the urgent needs and concerns of the people. relevant agencies and organizations, standing at the height of being responsible to the people, earnestly handle the representatives' suggestions, and make the people's sense of happiness and gain more tangible, knowable, and accessible.
organizing representatives to review under the goal of "high-quality content and high-quality handling" has aroused the enthusiasm of people's congress representatives and the people to participate in supervision work, and the authority and quality of people's congress supervision have been reflected. in a sense, the handling of representative review suggestions is a big test in which the people set the papers, the handling units answer the papers, and the people's congress representatives mark the papers. the standing committee of the provincial people's congress will further improve the various working methods for handling representative suggestions, handle each representative suggestion with high quality and efficiency, and make greater contributions to the development of people's democracy throughout the process and to ensuring that the people are masters of their own country.
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