
the blue and white parties in taiwan's legislative yuan cooperate again, and the general budget bill of the authorities was returned for re-examination


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reference news reported on september 21according to a report on the singapore lianhe zaobao website on september 20, taiwan's legislature opened a meeting on the 20th to review the taiwan authorities' fiscal budget, but with the joint efforts of the blue and white parties, the budget was returned to the procedural committee for reexamination.

according to taiwan media reports, when the taiwan legislative yuan was handling report matters on the morning of the 20th, independent legislator kao chin-shumei proposed that next year's general budget and the fifth special budget for the forward-looking plan be returned to the procedural committee for re-examination. some legislators opposed it on the spot, so the proposal was put to a vote.

with the kuomintang and the people's party holding a majority, the vote was passed with 59 in favor and 46 against.

the taiwan authorities' executive yuan passed the general budget and the special budget for forward-looking infrastructure in august this year, with both total budget revenue and expenditure reaching new highs.

the kuomintang previously criticized the budget for "lavishly spending money on elections, spending money without restraint, normalizing special budgets, and glorifying over-taxation", saying that the sequelae of debt left to future generations and the bitter consequences of "fiscal hell" have only just begun.

the kuomintang caucus issued a press release on the 20th after the vote was passed, stating that the kuomintang caucus strongly protested the taiwan authorities' executive branch's disregard for the decision of the taiwan legislature and the basic needs of the people. it must recompile the general budget and give a specific explanation to farmers, ethnic minorities and all the people.