
find consensus and more possibilities for climate action at the "linggan conference: 1.5 degree youth climate innovation party"


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is the distance between us and climate change as far as that between humans and homeless polar bears, or is it close to everyone's personal experience? from september 20 to 22, 2024, beijing friends of nature charity foundation hopes to explore and answer this question through the "linggan conference: 1.5 degree youth climate innovation party". this public advocacy event on climate issues launched in a hutong courtyard is a party for everyone to understand "what does climate change have to do with me", and it is also a space where everyone can be inspired and find "my own climate action inspiration".

"the "ling" in the "ling" feeling conference refers to the original intention of friends of nature when it was founded under the linglong tower 31 years ago. it also represents the linglong plan, a citizen climate action plan that friends of nature has launched since 2021 and has continued to carry out and has gained increasingly wide influence." ms. liu jinmei, climate strategy director of friends of nature and initiator of the linglong plan, said in her opening speech, "it is our common ideal to control global warming to 1.5 degrees. as long as you care about climate change and want to make a change, then, regardless of age or background, everyone can define themselves as a "1.5-degree youth." when we put "people" at the center of responding to climate change, we will find that climate issues are not just about capital, technology, and policy, but also the health and safety of each of us. i hope that everyone will reflect on today, shape tomorrow, harvest stories, and start action at this party."

ms. liu jinmei, climate strategy director of friends of nature and initiator of linglong project, delivered a speech

the linglong project is the fertile soil for the "ling" feeling conference to take root and sprout. it is jointly initiated by friends of nature, peking university nature conservation and social development research center, tsinghua university industrial development and environmental governance research center, duke kunshan university environmental research center, shanshui nature conservation center, and guokr nature. it aims to support outstanding citizen climate actors and leaders to more effectively solve real problems in the field of climate change, while influencing more green citizens to pay attention to, participate in and respond to problems and challenges in the field of climate change. since 2021, the linglong project has been carried out for five phases, with more than 1,360 people from all walks of life signing up, 157 seed partners selected, and 68 actors supported in phases 1-4 to carry out citizen climate actions. the 8 workshops, 7 dialogues, multimedia exhibitions, small stages, sustainable markets and other multi-dimensional and highly interactive activities presented to the public at this event all come from partners, mentors and important partners of the linglong project.

the richness and diversity of linglong partners is particularly reflected in the opening ceremony dialogue "our present and future: 70/80/90/00 generations talking about climate". yang qing, a climate activist and oral history writer born in the 1970s, is a second-term partner and later became a mentor; liu jinmei participated in the dialogue as a representative of the post-80s; yu kun, a representative of the post-90s, is an activist with a sociology background. this summer, he has attracted much attention for his personal experience of outdoor work such as takeout in high temperatures; liu siming, the youngest fifth-term partner in the dialogue, is a high school student and an amateur skier. everyone has different concerns and expectations, but activists of different generations have a solid consensus and tenacious action.

70s/80s/90s/00s talk about climate

it is worth mentioning that the aigc interactive test "age of disaster: survival rules for a 3-degree warming" designed by friends of nature and guokr nature has been online for a week as a warm-up for the "ling" sen conference. this is the first aigc interactive test in the field of public advocacy of climate issues in my country. it tells the possible consequences of climate change and the importance of positive action by designing 6 disaster areas, 36 futuristic new professions and 60 new equipment. users only need to answer 11 simple and interesting questions to unlock exclusive cards including personality analysis and adventure stories, and explore the various possibilities of pubg to reconstruct a green home. the first batch of users who have "tasted" the test said: "the style is cool and the creativity is great", "everyone's career diversity is very rich", "different professions constitute a future world with division of labor and cooperation, and people with all kinds of characteristics, which reminds us of the necessity of unity and cooperation to cope with climate change." according to jiang jiang, the general manager of guokr market and the head of the aigc creative industry alliance, the total number of active users has reached 11,000 since the test was launched a week ago, and the number of users who generated posters has exceeded 10,000, accounting for 91%. the stay time is 2 minutes and 15 seconds.

this event also made the "zero waste" advocacy visible everywhere: reusable bamboo was used for construction, coffee cups were required to be brought by the user, and the venue prominently displayed reminders for garbage sorting and tried not to produce disposable materials. a green, sustainable, and climate-friendly lifestyle and consumption choice has already taken a step forward from here.

zero waste advocacy can be seen everywhere

more than 60 partners and volunteers from the fields of environmental protection, social welfare, school community, corporate social responsibility and media communication participated in the opening ceremony on the afternoon of the 20th, and more than 16,000 netizens watched the online live broadcast. a young volunteer from shanghai said: "the linggan conference is much more interesting than class", and xiao mushroom, a netizen from guangdong, said: "ordinary people's climate actions are very informative, interesting and powerful."

as we play, we gain a more concrete understanding of the seemingly grand and boring climate issues; as we chat, we become climate activists who can walk side by side. friends of nature will take this "ling" sen conference as a starting point, and continue to explore based on the accumulation of the citizen climate action plan - linglong plan, to encourage more green citizens to pay attention to, participate in and respond to the problems and challenges in the field of climate change, and promote the improvement of public awareness and the stimulation of action.

【about friends of nature】

friends of nature was founded in 1993 and is one of the earliest environmental protection social organizations in china. at present, the number of volunteers nationwide exceeds 30,000, and the monthly donors exceed 6,000. for more than 30 years, friends of nature has used a series of innovative working methods and mobilization methods through environmental education, ecological communities, public participation, legal actions and policy advocacy to rebuild the connection between people and nature, protect the precious ecological environment, and promote the emergence and growth of more and more green citizens.

【about linglong project】

linglong project - citizen climate action plan was jointly initiated by friends of nature, nature conservation and social development research center of peking university, industrial development and environmental governance research center of tsinghua university, environmental research center of duke kunshan university, shanshui nature conservation center, and guokr nature. it focuses on the core needs and challenges of citizen climate actors in the design and initial implementation of action plans. through a series of methods such as online and offline courses, mentor guidance, community learning and discussion, online resource centers, funding and platform support, it supports outstanding citizen climate actors and leaders to more effectively solve real problems in the field of climate change, while influencing more green citizens to pay attention to, participate in and respond to problems and challenges in the field of climate change.