
a brigade of the 76th group army cultivates officers and soldiers with a high degree of conscious discipline awareness


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we must keep the roots and not lose our traditional advantages. president xi jinping stressed at the central military commission’s political work conference that we must “restore and carry forward the fine traditions of political work.” to study and implement president xi jinping’s important instructions, implement the strategy of building the army politically in the new era, and constantly create a new situation in building the army politically is to pass on the fine traditions forged by our ancestors with their blood and lives from generation to generation, and ensure that the people’s army will always obey the party’s command, consolidate its advantages in winning battles, and remain pure and glorious.
in practice, the troops at all levels regard the fine traditions of political work as heirlooms that can never be lost, and infiltrate them into the roots of military construction and development. they consciously ensure that educators are educated first and soul builders first build their souls. they take the lead in restoring traditions and establishing new styles and new looks, influencing and motivating the officers and soldiers to carry forward the fine traditions and inherit the red genes, so that the lifeline can demonstrate vigorous vitality and strong vitality. please see the relevant reports sent back by reporters.
"a soldier's bounden duty is to obey orders, iron discipline is the guarantee of victory, qiu shaoyun is a role model to learn from..." in the early morning of september 5, along with the slogans of officers and soldiers' morning exercises, "qiu shaoyun's song" coming from the radio echoed loudly over the camp of a brigade of the 76th group army.
"adhering to the conscious and strict discipline is a fine tradition of our army's political work. the song "song of qiu shaoyun", which has been sung for decades, has spurred and inspired generations of officers and soldiers of the brigade to learn from their predecessors and strive to be models of strict discipline." the leader of the brigade told reporters that as the unit where qiu shaoyun served during his lifetime, the good style of strict discipline has been passed down in the brigade and has become more and more new over time. it has become a spiritual high ground that generations of officers and soldiers have jointly adhered to, and has been injected with new connotations with the development of the times.
how did the officers and soldiers keep the tradition going for decades? the story of sergeant feng yunlong told the reporter the answer.
when feng yunlong first joined the army, he violated the rules by using his mobile phone. for this reason, the company cadres criticized and educated him, and asked him to study the regulations and write a self-criticism. he thought it was an exaggeration and felt a little dissatisfied.
the transformation started with an education class. during that education, the instructor used sound, light, electricity and other means to present the past battle scenes in a panoramic manner through data pictures, historical images, etc., and also interspersed with short plays created and performed by officers and soldiers. "don't move, cry or shout when being hit by artillery; disguise yourself well, don't fire randomly; don't cough or talk"... as the pictures flashed on the screen, the "three hidden disciplines" echoed in feng yunlong's ears, deeply touching him.
"qiu shaoyun remained unmoved in the flames, guarding discipline with his life. without strict self-discipline in normal times, how can one be steadfast at critical moments!" the instructor's words made feng yunlong suddenly alert. reliving the passionate stories of revolutionary predecessors and exploring the spiritual source of heroic deeds, he reflected on his daily behavior in the after-class exchanges and said: "discipline is no small matter, it concerns the lives of comrades and the success or failure of battles. a unit that can win battles must be a disciplined unit! if even the basic requirements cannot be met in normal times, then winning battles in wartime will only be empty talk."
since then, feng yunlong has established a strong sense of discipline, starting from daily trivial matters, strictly demanding himself, and actively applying to be the company's "discipline training supervisor". due to his outstanding performance, he was named "discipline star" in the company's quarterly evaluation. at the same time, he based on his position to play his strengths and refine his skills, and achieved good results in professional competitions organized by superiors many times.
"to cultivate a conscious and strict sense of discipline, the first thing is to carry out education with heart and emotion, so that officers and soldiers can identify with it from the bottom of their hearts, and then they will form a conscious action of resolutely implementing it without conditions or compromises." the leader of the brigade said that in order to inherit and promote the fine tradition of strict discipline of their predecessors, they compiled and distributed the "qiu shaoyun spirit learning and education reader", taking advantage of large-scale education, party class tutoring, theoretical study and other opportunities, and flexibly adopting case-based, experiential, situational and other educational forms that officers and soldiers like, to explain the connotation and essence of "discipline is more important than life", the characteristics of the times, and practical requirements, to help everyone strengthen ideological identification and form conscious action.
at the same time, the brigade also widely carried out activities such as "learning from revolutionary predecessors and striving to be a model of discipline" and "singing the first song at the march assembly" to create a strong atmosphere for inheriting fine traditions; combined with daily work, it organized the selection and commendation of "top ten people who touched the brigade" to encourage everyone to be the first and strive for excellence; taking advantage of opportunities such as new recruits joining the company, new cadres reporting, promotions and adjustments, it organized a series of activities such as "key nodes and key courses" to ensure that the red gene of iron-clad discipline is always passed on through practical measures.
strengthen bit by bit, cultivate overnight. the third squad of the ninth company was the squad where qiu shaoyun served when he was alive. the soldiers reserved a bed for qiu shaoyun in a prominent position at the entrance. every evening at the roll call, the duty officer called "qiu shaoyun"'s name first, and all the soldiers in the company answered "here" in unison. in such daily bits and pieces, soldiers regarded qiu shaoyun as a "model around them" and a spiritual model to learn from.
returning to the 9th company where qiu shaoyun served, the new platoon leader tang jiahao felt particularly at home. in the lobby, the six big characters "discipline is more important than life" are particularly eye-catching. in the study room, club, corridors, aphorisms about discipline can be seen everywhere... from a new recruit in the company to a promoted officer, he has spent 7 years here.
"when i was a new recruit, i took the 'first lesson in the camp' here; after graduating from the military academy and becoming a grassroots troop leader, i returned here to take the 'first lesson on the job'. same class, different experiences and insights." tang jiahao said that during his studies at the military academy, he thought deeply and realized more deeply that as a revolutionary soldier in the new era, he must start from every little thing, incorporate discipline requirements into all aspects of work, training and life, consciously use laws and regulations and discipline to regulate his daily words and deeds, abide by discipline unconditionally and enforce discipline without exception, be cautious and strict, build a good image, lead his comrades, and inherit and carry forward the fine traditions of his predecessors.
on both sides of the main road in the camp, large red light boxes display typical deeds and photos of advanced members of various professional positions in the brigade. the "training and preparation model" light box closest to the reporter displays the deeds of wang jianwu, a cadre of the air defense battalion. a paragraph reads: he always supports high standards and strict requirements and acts in accordance with discipline and rules.
"the party committee of the air defense battalion insists on doing things according to discipline and rules, and strictly evaluates merits and awards according to standards. it has successively returned one third-class merit and three 'four-have' outstanding soldiers' commendation and reward indicators." talking to reporters about the construction of the air defense battalion, the brigade cadre zhang linfeng said.
"we must be serious in enforcing discipline and dare to be serious in the face of violations." at the award ceremony for the "top ten people who moved the brigade" organized by the brigade, wang jianwu talked about his experience in combination with specific work. he said that discipline must be obeyed as hard as iron and enforced as hard as steel. for a fighting collective, rules and regulations and disciplinary provisions are not only constraints but also protection. only by strictly observing the rules and regulations, keeping a good check against the regulations, constantly strengthening the awareness of organization, command and discipline, and alerting oneself to always not indulge, not deviate, and not overstep the line, can we transform the spiritual wealth left by our predecessors into a huge force for struggle in the post.
li wennian, a reconnaissance cadre who trains according to the law, guan yahui, a radar technician who manages and uses equipment according to regulations, and wang bo, a squad leader who strictly observes the discipline of lurking... today, a group of advanced models are active in various professional positions of the brigade, using their practical actions to vividly interpret the saying "discipline is more important than life", and have become benchmarks for officers and soldiers to learn from and examples to catch up with.
after the interview, the reporter strolled around the brigade camp. the big red slogan "observe the rules and be a pioneer" was particularly eye-catching. not far away, the officers and soldiers walked off the training ground in neat rows with high morale. the "song of qiu shaoyun" was sonorous and inspiring, echoing on the way back to the camp... (cheng tiebin, zhang leifeng, ma zhen)
source: china military network