
the pilot project of the national bulk commodity warehouse receipt registration center was launched in shanghai


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xinmin evening news (reporter yang shuo) on september 20, the shanghai futures exchange (hereinafter referred to as shfe) and shanghai commodity warehouse receipt registration co., ltd. (hereinafter referred to as warehouse registration company) held a national commodity warehouse receipt registration center (hereinafter referred to as quancangdeng) business pilot launch and business cooperation framework agreement signing event.
in order to implement the work arrangements of the cpc central committee and the state council's "opinions on supporting pudong new area's high-level reform and opening-up to create a leading area for socialist modernization construction", quancangdeng actively implemented the work requirements of seeking progress while maintaining stability, promoting stability through progress, and establishing before breaking, and gradually expanded the variety system of warehouse receipt registration business. previously, the pilot construction of the quancangdeng alliance chain in qingdao, zhejiang and shanghai has been completed, and the registered varieties are bonded copper, no. 20 rubber and low-sulfur fuel oil. this time, the cangdeng company opened and piloted the launch of copper, silver, natural rubber and bonded 380 fuel oil varieties. while expanding the registered varieties of bonded goods, it has achieved a leap from bonded goods to duty-paid goods registration, and has once again taken a solid step on the road to promoting the high-quality development of the bulk commodity market.
tao changsheng, deputy director of the shanghai municipal party committee financial office, said that building a full warehouse registration system is a task of great significance, and it is also an innovative, long-term and complex task. the newly revised "regulations on shanghai to promote the construction of an international financial center" by the municipal people's congress clearly stated that "the city supports the construction of a national basic platform in the field of bulk commodity circulation, and provides centralized registration and query services for bulk commodity warehouse receipts", which provides strong support and legal protection for the innovative development of the full warehouse registration system. the municipal party committee financial office will work with all parties to continuously optimize the financial business environment and provide better services for the healthy development of shanghai's bulk commodity market.
the industry is full of expectations for the development of full warehouse registration. li yichen, deputy general manager of shanghai port logistics, said that the full play of the warehouse receipt registration function will be an important driving force for the "good money drives out bad money" in the warehousing industry. shanghai port logistics will work with warehouse registration companies to explore new paths for the development of the warehousing industry, continuously improve the intelligence level and service quality of warehouses, and promote the standardization and standardization of the warehousing industry.
ni hongyan, deputy general manager of shanghai jingsheng metal, said that the full warehouse registration platform integrates the resources of all parties in the market, tracks and manages the entire industrial chain of bulk trade, ensures the authenticity, uniqueness and safety of the goods, and lays a solid foundation for business entities to carry out trade activities more safely and efficiently. based on warehouse receipt credit enhancement, business entities can obtain more opportunities to participate in transactions and financing credit, and enhance their innovation capabilities and market competitiveness.
as of september 20, the total registered weight of the newly launched copper, silver, natural rubber and bonded 380 fuel oil was nearly 190,000 tons, with a total registered value of more than 8 billion yuan; the full warehouse registration platform has nearly 20,000 registered customers, with a total of more than 90,000 warehouse receipts registered, and the total registered weight of warehouse receipts of various varieties is more than 1.1 million tons.