
sichuan zigong, the first in the province, issued 12 measures in the field of ecological environment to promote high-quality development of low-altitude economy


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press briefing site
cover news reporter liu kesheng
on september 20, the zigong ecological environment bureau held a press conference for the third quarter of 2024, reporting on the water environment quality and air environment quality in zigong from january to august. at the same time, the "twelve measures (trial) to promote the high-quality development of low-altitude economy in the field of ecological environment in zigong" (hereinafter referred to as the "measures") were interpreted. it is reported that the "measures" are the first of their kind in zigong in the province.
how to promote high-quality development of the low-altitude economy? zigong issued twelve measures in the field of ecological environment
the measures were issued and implemented on september 5. starting from the perspective of ecological environmental service guarantee, the measures innovate environmental protection service mechanisms, service models and service methods to serve the high-quality development of zigong's low-altitude economy.
the key support scope of the measures includes low-altitude aircraft and parts assembly, sub-assembly, parts manufacturing, new material research and development and application, infrastructure construction, and operation service guarantee. specifically, the industries include general equipment manufacturing, special equipment manufacturing, aerospace and other transportation equipment manufacturing, electrical machinery and equipment manufacturing, communications and other electronic equipment manufacturing, metal products, machinery and equipment repair, instrumentation manufacturing, and new aviation material research that meet the requirements of ecological environment access.
at the same time, we will carry out work in four aspects: strengthening the allocation of environmental factors, accurately implementing service projects, optimizing environmental law enforcement and supervision, and innovating environmental protection service models. we will actively strive for special environmental protection funds from the central and provincial governments to support enterprises in carrying out water, soil, and air pollution prevention and control projects, and provide financial subsidies to enterprises that have successfully created environmental protection performance. we will deepen the reform of "delegating power, delegating control, and serving" in environmental assessment approval by "delegating a batch, bundling a batch, and connecting a batch in parallel", and delegate projects in the low-altitude economic field that should prepare environmental impact reports to districts and counties for technical review.
in the process of environmental supervision, we highlight differentiated flexible supervision and off-site precise supervision, and include enterprises in industries such as low-altitude manufacturing services that have little pollution and strong employment capacity into the positive list of supervision and law enforcement. we minimize the frequency of on-site inspections through online monitoring and remote assistance, and do not impose penalties for 15 types of first-time minor violations. for environmental performance-based enterprises, we implement differentiated management during the emergency response to heavy pollution weather, so that they can go all out to fight for the economy and develop.
an innovative "one specialist, one housekeeper, and one team" model was created, and a key business person was sent to the park to help improve the environmental management mechanism. classified assistance was provided to enterprises to solve the problem of "pollution that cannot be cured" in a "one enterprise, one person" manner. at the same time, environmental protection scientific research and technical units were introduced to guide the park construction throughout the process, providing technical support such as industrial layout, green technology transformation, and environmental risk prevention and control, so as to effectively open up the "last mile" of environmental protection services.
from january to august, the water quality rate of 10 national and provincial test sections in zigong was 100% excellent
how is the water environment quality in zigong from january to august? from january to august this year, the water quality rate of 10 national and provincial test sections in zigong was 100%, an increase of 10 percentage points year-on-year.
compared with the same period last year, the water quality of two sections in zigong city has improved. the water quality of leigongtan section has improved from class iv to class iii, and the water quality of shuangxi reservoir has improved from class iii to class ii; the water quality of two sections at the mouths of damuzi and yuexi river has dropped from class ii to class iii, and the water quality has rebounded; there is no obvious change in the water quality of the remaining six sections overall.
what should we do next? it is understood that zigong will strictly implement the requirements of the "three-year action plan for consolidating and improving the water environment quality in the fuxi river basin of zigong city (2023-2025)" and the "list of key tasks for water pollution prevention and control in zigong city in 2024", strengthen the efforts to meet the water quality standards in the fuxi river basin, continue to carry out water environment problem investigation and rectification and water quality supervision, dynamically update the list of water environment problems and risk points, and solve water pollution problems from the source.
continue to promote the construction of water resource storage projects such as zigong city's "water retention" project, and fully tap the existing water resource storage potential. strengthen the construction of supporting recycled water pipelines in central urban areas and county towns, expand the coverage area of ​​recycled water pipelines, and improve the utilization rate of recycled water.
from january to august, the number of days with good and good weather in zigong was 77.0%
from january to august this year, the city's pm2.5 concentration was 39.1 micrograms per cubic meter, an improvement of 0.5% year-on-year; the rate of good days was 77.0%, a decrease of 1.6 percentage points year-on-year; the comprehensive index was 3.66, a decrease of 0.21 year-on-year, ranking 71st among the 168 key cities in the country, up 12 places year-on-year.
in august, affected by the continuous extremely high temperature, sunny and hot weather with little rain (6 days exceeding 40℃, 11 days exceeding 38℃ and 26 days exceeding 35℃), zigong city encountered a long round of ozone pollution, during which there were 16 polluted days, resulting in a rebound in the number of good days compared with the same period last year.
since the beginning of this year, zigong city has adhered to the principle of "reducing emissions at the source and treating pollution systematically", focusing on the coordinated treatment of fine particulate matter and ozone, and has fought hard to protect the blue sky, promoting the continuous improvement of environmental air quality. it has vigorously implemented in-depth treatment of key industries, created 4 grade b performance and leading enterprises, and 14 passed the on-site review; it has innovatively implemented new regulations for new energy vehicles to share bus lanes, issued subsidy policies to promote automobile consumption, and vigorously encouraged the purchase of new energy vehicles. from january to july, 3,381 new energy vehicles were added, with a penetration rate of 31.6%.