
pingyao international film festival officially issued a statement: no piracy such as screen recording and illegal recording will be allowed during film screenings. we look forward to seeing you in pingyao.


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on september 20, the pingyao international film festival officially released a copyright protection initiative: we hope that every audience can respect filmmakers and put an end to piracy such as filming, screen recording, and pirated recording during film screenings. we look forward to seeing you all in pingyao!

in the statement "about eliminating screen shooting and piracy", the film festival officials pointed out that at each screening, there will be no less than one staff member on site to monitor and prevent the audience from recording, recording, taking photos, etc. if any audience is found to have recorded, recorded, taken photos, etc., the audience will be warned and the staff will deal with the pirated materials. the film exhibition will announce their behavior, and audiences who have such behavior will no longer be able to obtain official passes issued by the film exhibition.

[source: pingyao international film festival weibo]

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