
national development and reform commission: five aspects of efforts to accelerate the implementation of various policies


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our reporter guo jichuan reported that on september 19, the national development and reform commission held a press conference for september. jin xiandong, director of the policy research office and spokesperson of the national development and reform commission, reported on the approval of investment projects. from january to august, the national development and reform commission approved 83 fixed asset investment projects with a total investment of 673.1 billion yuan, of which 53 were approved and 30 were approved, mainly in high-tech, energy, transportation and other industries.
jin xiandong said that the national development and reform commission will accelerate the implementation of various policies and focus on five aspects.
first, we will accelerate the implementation of key reform tasks. we will adhere to and implement the "two unshakable" principles, formulate a guide catalog for optimizing the layout and restructuring of the state-owned economy, formulate a law to promote the private economy, and promote the complementary advantages and common development of various ownership economies. we will promote the construction of a unified national market, improve the system and rules of the factor market, improve the integrated circulation rules and standards, and smooth the circulation of the national economy. we will improve the basic system of the market economy, protect the property rights of various ownership economies equally and permanently according to law, improve the market access system, and optimize the market access environment for new formats and new fields. we will continue to promote reform through opening up, enhance the ability to open up in expanding international cooperation, and build a new open economy system at a higher level.
second, we will increase macro-control efforts. macro policies will be moderately strengthened and more precise, and counter-cyclical adjustments will be strengthened. we will accelerate the full implementation of the determined policy measures, coordinate the "hard investment" of project construction and the "soft construction" of policies, planning, mechanisms, etc., promote the construction of government investment projects such as "double heavy" as soon as possible and form physical workload; promote the implementation of the "two new" policy measures as soon as possible, and ensure that the real money and silver benefits will reach enterprises and people directly. at the same time, we will strengthen policy pre-research and reserve, and timely launch a batch of incremental policy measures that are highly operational, effective, and accessible to the people and enterprises.
third, we will implement the strategy of expanding domestic demand in depth. we will accelerate the cultivation of a complete domestic demand system, improve the mechanism for promoting investment implementation, and improve the long-term mechanism for expanding consumption. in terms of investment, the focus is on giving full play to the guiding and driving role of government investment in social investment, improving the long-term mechanism for private enterprises to participate in the construction of major national projects, continuously promoting high-quality projects to private capital, actively and steadily implementing the new mechanism for cooperation between the government and social capital, promoting the regular issuance of infrastructure reits, and further stimulating the vitality of private investment. together with all departments and localities, we will implement the employment priority policy in depth, increase residents' income through multiple channels, and continuously improve residents' consumption capacity; make good use of ultra-long-term special treasury bond funds to increase support for the replacement of old consumer goods with new ones, further promote the quality and expansion of service consumption such as cultural tourism, education, medical care, elderly care, childcare, and housekeeping, actively create new consumption scenarios, and cultivate new growth points for consumption.
fourth, accelerate the construction of a modern industrial system. improve the system and mechanism for developing new quality productivity in accordance with local conditions, and promote the gathering of various advanced production factors to develop new quality productivity. grasp the transformation and development of key industries and optimize and upgrade them, accelerate the transformation and quality improvement of traditional industries and the elimination of backward and inefficient production capacity, continue to promote the cultivation and expansion of emerging industries and the forward-looking layout of future industries, and promote the deep integration of advanced manufacturing and modern services, the real economy and the digital economy. at the same time, continue to deepen the pilot reform of the comprehensive reform of the market-oriented allocation of factors, improve the market-oriented allocation system of resource and environmental factors, and allow various advanced and high-quality production factors to flow smoothly and be efficiently allocated to the development of new quality productivity.
fifth, we will increase efforts to protect and improve people's livelihood. we will deepen reforms in public services such as those for the elderly and children, and weave a tight and solid social security network. we will plan ahead to ensure energy supply during the peak winter season, and continue to support local post-disaster emergency recovery and disaster prevention and mitigation capacity building. we will do a solid job in ensuring the supply and price stability of key livelihood commodities.
source: securities daily