
inner mongolia's "big investigation" on forest and grassland destruction has come to an end: 10 years of investigation, nearly 2 billion yuan in fines have been recovered


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948,300 mu of grassland and forest vegetation were restored, 1.991 billion yuan in fines were recovered, and 1.549 billion yuan in losses from vegetation restoration fees paid for re-applying for forestry and grassland procedures were recovered - these are the results achieved in the "major investigation" of illegal and irregular acts that destroyed grassland and forest land in inner mongolia.

in mid-september 2024, the forestry and grassland bureau of the inner mongolia autonomous region released information on its official website stating that in 2021, the party committee and government of the autonomous region deployed a special rectification campaign against illegal and irregular acts that damage grassland and forest land in the entire region, focusing on rectifying various illegal and irregular occupation, reclamation, indiscriminate discharge, storage and burial that polluted grassland and forest land from 2010 to 2020, and inadequate investigation and handling of cases. a total of 31,240 problems were identified, and 99.71% of the rectification tasks have been completed, entering the final stage of rectification.

the above article states that the achievements made in the special rectification campaign against illegal and unlawful acts that damage grassland and forest land in the whole region are due to the coordination and concerted efforts of the whole region to consolidate work responsibilities at each level; the coordination and cooperation of various departments to gather strength and jointly promote the implementation of work; the scientific guidance and classified measures in various fields to solve the problems found in a targeted manner; and the establishment of rules and regulations and long-term effectiveness in various industries to continuously "reduce the existing stock and curb the increase."

the region has sorted out and investigated 55,344 cases of grassland and forest destruction, involving 2.4669 million mu, and found 14,822 cases of problems, involving 1.102 million mu; verified 111,626 suspected problem spots on the spot, involving 6.6307 million mu, and found 16,418 problem spots, involving 974,700 mu; accepted and concluded 1,245 cases of public reports and petitions. the area of ​​grassland and forest vegetation was restored to 948,300 mu, and fines of 1.991 billion yuan were recovered, and the loss of vegetation restoration fees of 1.549 billion yuan in re-application of forest and grass procedures was recovered. through special actions, the illegal and irregular destruction of grassland and forest in the past ten years was "exposed", long-standing problems were solved, and the ideological consensus and conscious action of the whole society to protect grassland and forest were enhanced.

staff from the inner mongolia forestry and grassland system organized and archived the special rectification work documents.

in may this year, the forestry and grassland bureau of the inner mongolia autonomous region also published an article on its official website to summarize the special action. the special action mainly adopted four measures:

first, we should coordinate efforts from top to bottom and work in the same direction. we should establish three-level deliberative and coordinating institutions at the autonomous region, league city, and banner county (district) levels, form a governance structure in which the main leaders of the party and government take charge personally and the leaders in charge take specific charge, and effectively and orderly promote the implementation of special actions. after the transition to normal management, we should establish a phased account book, strengthen work scheduling, do a good job in supervising and assisting, continue to track and inquire about the results, and urge rectification and implementation.

second, departments work together to gather strength. all member units cooperated and worked together to complete comprehensive inspections and investigations, classified and centralized research and judgment, jointly promote rectification, and supervise and review the cancellation of cases. in daily management, an inter-departmental joint meeting system and communication and cooperation mechanism were established; in case investigation and handling, work methods were jointly issued to improve the work system for the connection between administrative law enforcement and criminal justice; in law enforcement, a comprehensive administrative law enforcement agency, public security agency, procuratorate, and judicial agency information sharing, case notification, and case transfer system were established to increase the investigation and prosecution of cases that damage grasslands and forests, and strengthen public interest litigation.

the third is scientific guidance and classified measures. formulate the "detailed rules for the implementation of investigation and verification", "guidelines for handling work", "notice on the review and cancellation of cases", and "supplementary notice on measures for handling related issues". departments jointly formulate documents such as grassland and forest land identification and strengthening cooperation and coordination in the field of forest and grassland law enforcement and investigation, clarify opinions on classified handling, propose targeted measures, and guide the resolution of outstanding issues.

fourth, establish rules and regulations for long-term governance. improve the modern forest and grassland governance system, give full play to the leading role of the forest chief system, and consolidate the main responsibilities of party committees and governments at all levels to protect forests and grasslands. adhere to the combination of special rectification and daily supervision, crack down on illegal and criminal acts that damage grassland and forest resources in accordance with laws and regulations, and continue to "reduce the stock and curb the increase". improve the long-term mechanism for the protection of forest and grassland resources, introduce the "regulations on grass-livestock balance and grazing ban and rest", "opinions on strengthening grassland ecological protection in mineral resource development", "implementation opinions on strengthening grassland protection and restoration", "forest grassland wetland resource protection supervision measures", etc., to strengthen the protection and supervision of forest and grassland resources. build a digital supervision platform for grassland ecology, strengthen joint law enforcement inspections, build a large-scale protection pattern of joint management by multiple departments, and build a solid ecological protection barrier.

the above article stated that the special rectification campaign sent out a strong signal of strictly protecting and managing grassland and forest land, a firm determination to severely crack down on illegal and irregular behaviors that damage grassland and forest land, and always maintained a high-pressure situation to crack down on deforestation and grassland destruction. it has strongly deterred lawbreakers and curbed illegal and irregular behaviors, effectively strengthened the protection and sustainable development of forest and grassland resources, firmly guarded the bottom line of grassland and forest land protection, and continuously consolidated the achievements of ecological civilization construction.