
the tv series "song of ordinary people" ended with a heartwarming ending, and the hot discussion continued to explore the extraordinary meaning of ordinary life


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on september 18, the urban topic drama "song of ordinary people", produced by cctv, noon sunshine and iqiyi, adapted from ji jingrong's novel "i'm not a loser" and written by ji jingrong, directed by jian chuanzhi, produced by hou hongliang, starring yin tao and wang xiao, and starring zhang ruonan, qin junjie, zhang zhehua and chen haoyu, ended with great popularity on cctv-8 prime time, iqiyi and tencent video. the drama focuses on the life texture of people of different ages, depicting the reality of the world with a warm background, and many hot topics have triggered discussions. what kind of difficulties and challenges does life in the ordinary world face? what should we do if the values ​​in emotional relationships cannot converge? how can an urban drama open up a unique perspective to project realistic issues? the tv series "song of ordinary people" presents a colorful picture of life to the audience with its solid and delicate realistic brushstrokes and the texture of plain and realistic writing. three groups of very representative ordinary men and women ushered in their respective grand finales after experiencing the ups and downs of life. although it is not perfect, it is the best solution for their respective lives.

ratings and popularity soar, ordinary people's stories are extraordinary

the popularity of "song of a mortal" continued to rise during its broadcast, and it won the first place in the cvb prime-time tv series daily list for many times; yunhe data ranked first on the screen list for 15 consecutive days, with a 31.7% market share of effective broadcasts of feature films and a yunhe rating of s+; kuyun's prime-time tv series ratings ranked top1 for 15 days, kuyun's full-end broadcast market share ranked top1 for 17 days, kuyun's full-end popularity ranked top1 for 13 days, and kuyun's real-time peak ratings were as high as 2.4885%; huanwang's prime-time ratings for all dramas ranked top1 for 16 days, and maoyan ranked top1 on the entire network. effective playback exceeded 1 billion, maoyan tv series effective playback ranked top1 for 17 days, maoyan network ratings ranked top1 for 14 days, maoyan tv series popularity ranked top1 for 14 days; dengta tv series main film playback volume continued to top1 for many days, weibo and douyin series rankings continued to top, douban and baidu tv series rankings ranked top1; datawin, vlinkage, guduo, blue eagle, yien, xunyi and other authoritative rankings repeatedly ranked first, iqiyi site popularity value of 8915, tencent video site popularity value of 26833. in addition, "mortal song" also won super high exposure on social media platforms, and continuously landed on weibo, douyin, kuaishou, xiaohongshu and other platforms hot search lists, conquering diverse audiences from different age groups (data statistics as of 5 pm on september 19).

since the broadcast, topics such as "the reality of the song of ordinary people", "the life of ordinary people", "the song of ordinary people watching dramas while looking in the mirror", "the literature of broken houses in the song of ordinary people", "it is better to consume the leader than to consume yourself", "is it wrong not to have children in a rented house", "shen lin and wei are the ideal of marriage", "li xiaoyue and jun are hard to accept", "the song of ordinary people rebounded from the bottom" and so on have aroused heated discussions among the audience. from the dilemma of middle-aged careers to the current situation of overtime in large factories, from the second-child mother returning to the workplace to the hardships of starting a business, from drifting apart due to different values ​​to mutual reconciliation and two-way growth... "the song of ordinary people" starts with ordinary people in urban life, and extends its tentacles into the social texture, allowing the audience to find emotional resonance in empathy, showing the vigorous and continuous vitality of realistic themes.

after going through the storm, set sail again. ordinary is the truth of life.

"ordinary people's song" uses solid lens language and artistic brushstrokes without losing the flavor of fireworks. through the plight, struggle and self-reflection of different characters, it reproduces the screen images of people in life who are struggling forward along their own trajectories. every ordinary person has his own life theme song. shen lin (played by yin tao) was originally a strong woman in the workplace, but she returned to her family to become a full-time housewife for the sake of her children. at the party, a classmate asked a soul-searching question: what would you do if your husband fell? shen lin, whose alarm bell was sounded again, decided to return to the workplace, but the social environment had already changed drastically. she had to be demoted and reduced her salary to work. although she suffered repeated blows in the process, she has been working hard for her family. na wei (played by wang xiao), her husband who had a successful career, suddenly encountered an accident in his company. he was over 40 years old and accidentally lost his job. he took the blame for his boss to pay off his debts and encountered setbacks in his own business. after a lot of tossing, the original rich family assets were also very little. in order to reduce the cost of living, the family rented out their big house in beijing and moved to yanjiao. facing the pressure of life, the maturity of adults is to know how to reflect on themselves. a marriage that can last must also stand the test. after several ups and downs, shen lin made full use of her skills to sell braised food. after na wei suffered setbacks in his entrepreneurial career and went through a downturn, he also started a braised food business with his wife. after the family's life hit rock bottom, it finally rebounded.

li xiaoyue (played by zhang ruonan) is free and optimistic, not driven by money, and not constrained by the workplace. but her boyfriend na jun (played by zhang zhehua) is just the opposite. his nickname "juanjuan" is just as his name suggests. he is very busy in the big factory 996, and nothing can affect the "ten-year plan" he set for himself. although they have been trying to be together, the two people with different values ​​​​cannot continue to go on, and finally choose to break up completely. the regrettable ending made the audience shout "it's hard to settle". shen lei (played by qin junjie) and his wife xie meilan (played by chen haoyu) pursue different lifestyles and cannot continue to move forward at the same frequency. in the end, they gradually drifted away on the road of marriage. the two of them were an enviable couple from campus lovers. shen lei had a stable job in a public institution, but xie meilan's mentality changed after her mother died of illness. her husband who followed the rules made her feel insecure. both of them are good enough, but they represent different values, and their marriage has come to an end. although the process is bitter, growth will always pay off. xie meilan pursues career security, and shen lei also finds a new direction in life.

the focus of "song of mortals" is on every living "person". through the confusion, choices, and restarts in the face of difficulties, the growth of each character is portrayed. through the depiction of different emotional relationships, it pries the audience's inner resonance to varying degrees. driven by the dual cores of life and drama, the drama exudes a warm social background and brilliant human brilliance, achieving the dual deepening and expansion of urban dramas and workplace dramas.

go forward bravely, enjoy life, gain insight into reality and achieve extraordinary results

at the beginning of the show, the realistic portrayal of the workplace survival environment in "song of ordinary people" first attracted the audience's attention. the vivid portrayal of the current urban "workers" in the series has won unanimous praise from the audience. shen lin returned to the workplace, and in addition to being demoted and reduced in salary, she was also greeted by age and gender discrimination everywhere; na wei was over 40 years old, but was fired by the company he had worked for for more than ten years; li xiaoyue's new company had to work overtime continuously and meaninglessly, and her colleagues complained but dared not speak out; the big factory where na jun worked was getting more and more exploitative, and even the bathroom was installed with a timer... the audience said that "it showed the bitterness of the workplace and life", "it was too heartbreaking. for those who have worked in beijing since graduation, many plots are very real." the whole show explores and asks social topics such as "how to survive in the workplace", "middle-aged workplace dilemmas", and "the balance between family and work for working women", touching the true temperature of the current era.

as the show becomes popular, the three groups of characters in the show are like three prisms, which truly and poignantly show the different predicaments in life, bring different perspectives of scrutiny and choice, reflect the diverse and complex values ​​in urban life, and outline a vivid group of characters. individuals, families, and society constitute the three narrative dimensions of "songs of ordinary people", but the dramatic plots and rich real-life topics are not heavy, but are dismantled in a warm and healing style. when they face the unpredictable winds and clouds of life, although there are short-term pain and struggles, they will soon get back on the road and work harder to meet the challenges. the strength and optimism of ordinary people shine brightly in "songs of ordinary people", and their spiritual strength to climb up and move forward is inspiring to every audience: take your destiny into your own hands, face the test without losing courage, adjust yourself and start again, and life will always be full of infinite hope.

although we are ordinary people like you and me, our life can also be as brilliant as a song. the tv series "song of ordinary people" wishes everyone can play their own song of life.