
the first sedition case verdict after article 23 legislation! hong kong government issued a statement


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[global network reported by trainee reporter meng yuan] according to reports from orange news, and other hong kong media on september 19, a 27-year-old man was stopped and searched by the police while wandering outside the shek mun station of hong kong metro on june 12 this year, wearing a shirt with the slogan "hong kong independence" and a yellow mask with the english abbreviation of the "hong kong independence" demand. the man earlier admitted to the charge of "committing one or more acts with seditious intent with seditious intent" under the "safeguarding national security ordinance". on the afternoon of the 19th, he was sentenced to 1 year and 2 months in prison at the west kowloon magistrates' court in hong kong. this is the first case in which the penalty for sedition was increased under article 23 of the basic law. the hong kong special administrative region government issued a statement on the evening of the 19th, saying that the defendant was convicted and sentenced to imprisonment, indicating that anyone who wants to endanger national security and incite social hatred will inevitably not escape the law. hong kong is a place of rule of law. laws must be followed and violations must be investigated. those who break the law will pay the legal price for their evil deeds.

according to orange news, a spokesperson for the sar government said that the magistrate clearly stated in the sentencing reasons that the seditious words in this case involved advocating that the sar government break away from the legal governance of the central government and implement his ideas in a way that undermines social peace and public order, which seriously endangers national unity and territorial integrity. in addition, the magistrate also clearly stated that the defendant attempted to provoke others to hate and despise the sar government and law enforcement agencies, causing social divisions and divisions. if the law does not intervene early, the society will fall into chaos again.

the spokesperson also stated that the basic law and the hong kong bill of rights protect fundamental rights such as freedom of speech, peaceful assembly, procession and demonstration. the relevant provisions of the national security ordinance have clearly distinguished between illegal incitement or speech and legal constructive criticism, and the relevant terms are not ambiguous.

the spokesman reiterated that the crime of "committing one or more acts with seditious intent" is a crime endangering national security and reminded citizens not to test the law.

on march 19, 2024, the hong kong special administrative region's "national security ordinance" was passed unanimously and officially implemented on march 23. nearly 27 years after its return to the motherland, the hong kong special administrative region successfully completed the legislation of article 23 of the basic law, which is another milestone in the practice of "one country, two systems". it is conducive to safeguarding national sovereignty, security, and development interests, maintaining hong kong's long-term prosperity and stability, safeguarding the fundamental well-being of all hong kong residents, and protecting the legitimate interests of investments from all over the world in hong kong, truly ensuring long-term stability in hong kong and the steady progress of "one country, two systems".