
diligent research and thinking will bring new results, and joint consultation and planning will yield fruitful results - yizhang no. 9 middle school held a working meeting for the heads of teaching and research groups


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huasheng online news, september 20 (reporters zeng shuili and peng liyan) teaching quality is the lifeline of a school's survival and development, and is the foundation of a school. in order to further strengthen teaching quality management, timely discover and improve deficiencies in teaching work, and promote the steady improvement of teaching quality. on september 19, yizhang county no. 9 middle school held a working meeting of the heads of teaching and research groups of various subjects. secretary yang huaxiang, director of the teaching and research office peng liyan, director of the academic affairs office ou guodong and heads of teaching and research groups of various subjects attended the meeting. the meeting was chaired by vice principal du xihua.
the journey is long and only struggle can lead to success. this working meeting of the teaching and research group leaders laid a good foundation for the smooth development of the work of each group in the new semester. at the meeting, secretary yang huaxiang said: "in the new semester, opportunities and challenges coexist, and hope and innovation coexist. let us devote ourselves to the work of the new semester with an upbeat attitude and full enthusiasm, stick to our original intentions to meet challenges, and work together to build a new chapter."
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