
china urges israel to give up its obsession with using force and abandon the myth of complete military victory


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according to cctv news, on the 19th local time, the un security council held an open meeting on the situation between palestine and israel, especially the implementation of security council resolution 2334 requiring israel to stop illegal settlement activities. china's deputy permanent representative to the united nations geng shuang said in his speech,occupation will not make israel safer, but will only breed more hatred and confrontation, trapping both sides in a vicious cycle of violent conflict. only by ending the occupation and allowing palestine to achieve an independent state can we truly achieve peaceful coexistence between palestine and israel and achieve long-term peace and stability in the middle east.

geng shuang said that as the conflict in gaza drags on,middle eastat this critical moment when the situation is complex and difficult to resolve, the emergency special general assembly's adoption of the resolution with an overwhelming majority is of great historical significance.the establishment of an independent state is the inalienable national right of the palestinian people.israelthe long-term illegal occupation has hindered the palestinian people from achieving national self-determination and given israel an exclusive veto over the establishment of a palestinian state.

geng shuang pointed out that military means are not the way out of the problem, and responding to violence with violence will only intensify hatred. over the past decades, a large number of palestinian and israeli civilians have lost their lives due to conflicts and confrontations, and now the bloodshed and death are still continuing.what is needed to resolve the palestinian issue is political will and diplomatic efforts, not an endless supply of weapons and ammunition and violent conflict.

geng shuang emphasized thatthere are no exceptions to the fulfillment of international law obligations. all countries are equal before international law. any double standards or selective application are unacceptable.israel must fulfill its legal obligations, implement relevant resolutions adopted by the security council, and abide byinternational lawin particular, international humanitarian law.

geng shuang said that israel is constantly expanding its settlements in the west bank, eroding palestinian territory and squeezing palestine's living space as a country.israel’s actions continue to erode the foundation of the “two-state solution” and increasingly expose its rejection and resistance to the “two-state solution”.the international community must act with the utmost urgency to revive the political prospects of the two-state solution.china supports the un general assembly resolution's proposal to hold an international peace conference based on the general assembly to discuss the implementation of relevant un resolutions and the "two-state solution."

geng shuang said that the unga resolution reflects the broad consensus of the international community to promote the resolution of the palestinian issue and reflects the international community's firm determination to uphold justice and achieve peace in the middle east. the security council should listen carefully to the voice of the international community and effectively respond to the concerns of the international community.regrettably, due to the negative attitude of some countries, the security council has been unable to take strong action to resolve the palestinian issue, and in particular has been unable to stop the gaza conflict that has lasted for nearly a year.

geng shuang said that more than three months ago, when the united states pushed the security council to adopt resolution 2735, israel had agreed to accept the ceasefire agreement.but the reality does not seem to be so. for more than three months, people have seen israel's increasingly intensified military operations, increasing negotiation conditions and escalating provocative behavior.there is no time to lose in achieving a permanent ceasefire and alleviating the humanitarian disaster, but the united states has repeatedly called for more time and patience for diplomatic efforts. however, the civilians of gaza are paying for more time and patience with their lives and suffering. is the time and patience needed by the united states really so costly?

geng shuang expressed that the current war in gaza continues to drag on, the spillover effects are accelerating, the situation in lebanon and israel is on the verge of breaking out, and peace and stability in the middle east is at stake.china urges israel to abandon its obsession with the use of force, abandon the myth of complete military victory, immediately stop its military operations in gaza, stop violating lebanon's sovereignty and security, and stop risky actions that could drag the region into another catastrophe.we support the security council in using all options in its toolbox to promote the implementation of relevant resolutions and take further actions in a timely manner to end the war as soon as possible, alleviate the humanitarian disaster and achieve peace in the middle east.

source: cctv news