
beijing: optimize real estate policies and cancel the standards for ordinary residential and non-ordinary residential buildings in a timely manner


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on september 20, the beijing municipal committee of the communist party of china implemented the implementation opinions of the "decision of the central committee of the communist party of china on further comprehensively deepening reforms and promoting chinese-style modernization."

beijing: optimize real estate policies and cancel the standards for ordinary residential and non-ordinary residential buildings in a timely manner

it mentioned that we should improve the housing system that promotes both renting and purchasing. we should speed up the establishment of a new real estate development model that suits the characteristics of the capital, increase the construction and supply of affordable housing, and meet the rigid housing needs of the working class. we should improve the policy mechanism to support the diversified housing needs of urban and rural residents, and give full play to the housing security role of housing provident funds. we should optimize real estate policies, cancel the standards for ordinary and non-ordinary residential buildings in a timely manner, optimize the transaction rules for commercial residential land, and reform the financing methods for real estate development and the pre-sale system for commercial housing.

beijing: deepen equity investment and venture capital reforms and improve the support and service system for technology-based enterprises in listing, bond financing, mergers and acquisitions, and restructuring.

it is proposed to improve the system and mechanism for developing new quality productivity. strengthen the innovation of key common technologies, cutting-edge leading technologies, modern engineering technologies, and disruptive technologies, strengthen the supply of new fields and new tracks, improve the open innovation mechanism of application scenarios, improve the development policies and governance systems of strategic industries such as new generation information technology, medical health, artificial intelligence, intelligent networked vehicles, and green energy, and establish an investment growth mechanism around future industries such as embodied intelligent robots, commercial aerospace, low-altitude economy, biomanufacturing, 6g, and quantum technology. lead the optimization and upgrading of traditional industries with standard improvement, and improve the policy mechanism to support enterprises in implementing digital and green transformation. targetedly deploy a number of new industrial innovation platforms, actively develop open source technology systems and open industrial systems, and accelerate the transformation of industrial models and corporate organizational forms. deepen the reform of the management system and mechanism of various industrial parks, establish a market-oriented operation mechanism for the parks, and promote the development of industrial clusters in the parks. accelerate the promotion of new industrialization, explore and form an investment mechanism that matches the functional positioning of the capital and maintains a reasonable proportion of advanced manufacturing. improve the gradient cultivation and service mechanism of high-quality small and medium-sized enterprises. improve the professional service system such as specialized, sophisticated, and new service stations and characteristic parks, and promote the regional agglomeration and high-quality development of specialized, sophisticated, and new enterprises. improve the mechanism for discovering and cultivating potential gazelle and unicorn enterprises, and improve the working mechanism for serving gazelle and unicorn enterprises in undertaking scientific and technological projects and establishing innovation platforms. improve the system and mechanism for promoting the aggregation of various advanced production factors to develop new quality productivity, deepen the reform of equity investment and venture capital, better play the role of government investment funds, and develop patient capital. improve the support and service system for technology-based enterprises to issue and go public, issue bonds for financing, and merge and reorganize.

beijing: exploring the implementation of local macro balance sheet management to coordinate tax system reform

it is proposed to deepen the reform of the fiscal and taxation and financial systems. improve the budget management and performance evaluation system, strengthen the overall coordination of fiscal resources and budgets, and include all income obtained by relying on administrative power, government credit, and state-owned resources and assets into government budget management. improve the state-owned capital operation budget and performance evaluation system. deepen the zero-based budget reform, improve the uniformity and standardization of budget management, improve the basic expenditure standard system, and improve the budget disclosure and supervision system. improve the government procurement system. further rationalize the fiscal relationship between municipal and district governments, reasonably divide the fiscal powers and expenditure responsibilities between the city and district, optimize the fiscal transfer payment policy system, and improve the incentive and constraint mechanism for transfer payments to promote high-quality development. improve the government debt management system and mechanism, establish a full-caliber local debt monitoring and supervision system and a long-term mechanism to prevent and resolve hidden debt risks, improve the special bond management policy regulations, and make regular reserves of special bond projects. explore the implementation of local macro-balance sheet management. implement the accrual government comprehensive financial reporting system. cooperate with the implementation of tax system reform.

beijing: unwaveringly encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public economy and promote legislation related to the private economy

it mentioned that we should unwaveringly encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public economy. we should promote legislation related to the private economy, comprehensively clean up all kinds of explicit and implicit barriers, and promote fair opening of competitive infrastructure fields to business entities. we should improve the working mechanism to promote the development of the private economy and improve the long-term mechanism for private enterprises to participate in the construction of major projects. we should promote the integration and innovation of large, medium and small enterprises, support capable private enterprises to take the lead in undertaking major technological research tasks, and promote the further opening of major scientific research infrastructure to private enterprises. we should improve the policy system for supporting private enterprise financing, give full play to the role of the financing docking support mechanism, and solve the problems of difficult and expensive financing. we should improve the long-term supervision mechanism for enterprise-related charges, and improve the long-term mechanism for preventing and resolving arrears of accounts payable to enterprises. we should improve the enterprise credit evaluation system and improve the credit enhancement system for private small and medium-sized enterprises. we should support and guide private enterprises to improve their governance structure and management system, and strengthen corporate compliance construction and integrity risk prevention and control.

beijing: improve the project reserve and recommendation mechanism for infrastructure real estate investment trusts (reits)

it is proposed to improve the working mechanism for planning and reserving major projects. establish a long-term mechanism for government investment to support the construction of major projects with basic, public welfare and long-term significance. improve the system and mechanism for government investment to effectively drive social investment, implement the new mechanism for cooperation between the government and social capital, improve the working mechanism for promoting private investment, and improve the project reserve and recommendation and approval mechanism for real estate investment trust funds (reits) in the field of infrastructure. deepen the reform of the investment approval system and improve the mechanism for promoting investment landing. improve the long-term mechanism for expanding consumption, establish a policy system to promote service consumption, and support the development of new types of consumption such as digital consumption, green consumption, and healthy consumption. promote legislation related to the construction of international consumer center cities, reduce restrictive measures on consumption, reasonably increase public consumption, and actively promote the initial public offering economy. improve the consumption environment and improve the consumer rights protection mechanism.