
young talents from beijing and inner mongolia are paired up to provide a two-way cooperation channel for young entrepreneurs from both places


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recently, in a series of activities jointly organized by the beijing youth league committee and the inner mongolia autonomous region youth league committee, called "beijing-inner mongolia cooperation and youth looking to the northern frontier", young entrepreneurs' trip to ulanqab, representatives from the youth entrepreneurs associations in beijing and inner mongolia signed the "framework agreement on pairing and assistance between the inner mongolia autonomous region youth entrepreneurs association and the beijing youth entrepreneurs association for young talents".
a beijing youth daily reporter learned from the beijing youth league committee that "young entrepreneur pairing" is only a part of the youth talent exchange between beijing and inner mongolia. the beijing youth league committee will subsequently carry out more exchanges and interactions between young talents in the two places, hoping to promote the common development of the two places in the fields of education, culture, and economy through this form.
young entrepreneurs from beijing and inner mongolia form a “pairing”
beijing youth daily reporter saw that according to this "talent pairing assistance framework agreement", the young entrepreneurs associations of the two places will regularly organize youth exchanges, organize beijing experts, scholars, and entrepreneurs to visit representative enterprises, universities, and research institutions in inner mongolia to learn about industrial development, educational resources, and scientific and technological achievements; invite young entrepreneurs from inner mongolia to beijing for exchanges and learning, and experience the innovative atmosphere and diverse culture. hold theme seminars, young talents share ideas and projects, experts comment and guide, and provide support for innovation and entrepreneurship. carry out cultural exchange activities, organize young people from the two places to participate in ethnic cultural exchanges, enhance cultural understanding and recognition, and promote ethnic integration and unity.
in addition, the youth entrepreneurs associations of the two places will also invite corporate executives and human resources experts to share experiences and strategies, provide career planning guidance for young talents, and enhance their professional competitiveness.
the beijing youth daily reporter noticed that the talent pairing assistance framework agreement is only a part of the beijing-inner mongolia youth talent exchange project. behind the agreement is a whole set of beijing-inner mongolia youth talent exchange projects. for example, the "youth entrepreneurship beijing-spark youth science thought conference" hosted by the beijing youth league committee in 2018 also came to inner mongolia a few days ago, attracting more than 100 academic experts from beijing and inner mongolia, as well as financial institutions, energy companies, youth entrepreneurship organizations, youth entrepreneurship associations and other units to participate.
regarding the exchange of young talents between the two places, a beijing enterprise leader who participated in the exchange said that he was very grateful to the beijing youth league committee for organizing such activities, which provided an opportunity for exchanges between scientific and technological personnel and young entrepreneurs in beijing and inner mongolia. beijing provides counterpart assistance to inner mongolia. the environmental protection new materials industry where he works pays close attention to the development and cooperation in the field of science and technology between the two places. this event made him feel a different investment environment and cooperation atmosphere. in his opinion, the exchange between beijing and inner mongolia has very good prospects in terms of projects, scientific and technological atmosphere, and cooperative development. he looks forward to regularly organizing such exchanges between young talents in the two places, which is very meaningful for the development of the industry, enterprises, and young entrepreneurs.
providing a two-way cooperation channel for young entrepreneurs in both places
beijing and inner mongolia have a long history of cooperation. as early as 1996, the two places officially became partners. from the initial financial assistance and material donations to the later cadre assistance and talent training, the breadth and depth of the cooperation between the two sides have been continuously expanded and deepened.
in terms of youth talent exchange, the beijing youth daily reporter noticed that before this, young talents in beijing and inner mongolia have carried out various types of exchange activities. for example, in january this year, the "beijing-inner mongolia collaboration and precision assistance" youth talent exchange conference jointly sponsored by the beijing youth league committee and the inner mongolia autonomous region youth league committee was grandly held in beijing. at that time, more than 60 young entrepreneurs from the two places, more than 40 youth league committee leaders of universities in beijing, and more than 100 young talents who are interested in starting businesses and working in inner mongolia participated in the event.
in june this year, the beijing youth league committee, the inner mongolia autonomous region youth league committee and the bayannur municipal people's government jointly held a series of activities in bayannur city, including beijing-inner mongolia youth watching over the northern border - bayannur tour and youth support for the construction of the "three norths" project. more than 100 youth league cadres, youth federation members and youth entrepreneurs association representatives from the two places participated in the event.
in july this year, the beijing-inner mongolia youth entrepreneurship resource matchmaking conference and the beijing-inner mongolia youth entrepreneurs' northern xinjiang tour were held in hulunbuir city, sponsored by the inner mongolia autonomous region youth league committee and hosted by the beijing youth entrepreneurs association and the inner mongolia youth entrepreneurs association. more than 60 young entrepreneurs from beijing and inner mongolia participated in the event.
regarding the youth talent exchange project between beijing and inner mongolia, the beijing youth daily reporter learned that in august this year, the beijing party and government delegation went to the inner mongolia autonomous region. during the discussion, they proposed to focus on the four actions of "improving characteristic industries, building industrial clusters, helping farmers to increase their income through consumption, and improving labor cooperation" to guide more companies to invest and start businesses in inner mongolia. at that time, the beijing youth league committee considered whether it could do something in this regard based on its own advantages, and then this project came into being. on the one hand, the beijing youth league committee organized young entrepreneurs from beijing to visit inner mongolia, and on the other hand, it also welcomed young entrepreneurs from inner mongolia to come to beijing for exchanges. through this project, a two-way cooperation channel was provided for young entrepreneurs from the two places. led by the youth entrepreneurs associations of the two places, young entrepreneurs from beijing and inner mongolia were mobilized, and the two sides frequently visited each other, deepened cooperation and exchanges, and ultimately achieved a win-win situation.
realize collaborative development between the two places through talent exchange
a relevant person in charge of the beijing youth league committee told the beijing youth daily reporter that before this, the beijing youth league committee had done a lot of assistance work for inner mongolia, which also included the exchange of youth talents, but this was the first time that the exchange of youth talents took the form of talent pairing.
regarding talent pairing, the person in charge introduced that in addition to industrial assistance, beijing has the advantage of talent resources and can provide support in terms of talent and technology. the specific situation of each enterprise is different. for example, some enterprises are engaged in energy-related businesses. after pairing, they can land their enterprises in inner mongolia, or provide talent and technical assistance; some beijing enterprises are engaged in platform-related businesses such as internet supermarkets. although his enterprise cannot come to inner mongolia, after pairing, the enterprise can do a good job in the docking of agricultural product sales and sell inner mongolia's agricultural products to beijing. "enterprise pairing is to do suitable work according to the endowment of each enterprise." in terms of specific enterprise selection, they also have certain standards. they tend to those enterprises that can combine with inner mongolia's resource endowment. inner mongolia enterprises can put forward specific needs, and then they will look for suitable enterprises in beijing according to specific needs.
the person in charge of the project said that some of the young talents are entrepreneurs themselves, and pairing between them is only a part of the youth talent exchange project, which also involves many aspects.
the relevant person in charge of the beijing youth entrepreneurs association said that they hope to strengthen the professional and cultural exchanges between young people in beijing and inner mongolia through the "beijing-inner mongolia youth talent exchange" project, build a platform that integrates learning sharing, career development and entrepreneurship support, and create more cross-regional learning and work opportunities for young people in the two places, and ultimately promote the collaborative development of the two places in the fields of education, culture, and economy. the two sides will build a platform for exchanges and cooperation between young entrepreneurs in the two places, forming a one-to-one, one-to-many or many-to-one, diversified pairing model. the two sides will also invite corporate executives, human resources experts, etc. to share career development experiences and strategies, and provide career planning guidance for young talents. at the same time, relying on the advantages of association members, provide employment assistance and career recommendations for young people in inner mongolia in beijing.