
russian media: zelensky said the "victory plan" is ready and will submit the plan to biden during his visit to the united states


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[global times special correspondent in russia xiao xinxin, global times special correspondent liu yupeng] "zelensky said his 'victory plan' is fully ready." russia's izvestia reported on the 19th that ukrainian president zelensky made the above statement in a video speech on social media on the evening of the 18th, saying that the plan aims to bring peace to ukraine. zelensky said he will submit the plan to us president biden during his visit to the united states. however, zelensky did not disclose the specific content of the plan, and many experts from russia and ukraine are skeptical about the realization of the plan.
ukrainian president zelensky's profile picture source: visual china
zelensky updates daily on the preparations for the "victory plan"
bloomberg reported on the 19th that zelensky updates the preparation of the "victory plan" every day, but he has hardly revealed the specific content of the plan, only saying that the plan aims to propose acceptable terms for ukraine.
it is reported that during his visit to the united states next week, zelensky will make a request to the us government for ukraine to join nato and the european union. at the same time, as part of his "victory plan", the west should continue to provide ukraine with more advanced weapons. zelensky will submit his plan to us president biden when he meets with him. at the same time, zelensky also hopes to meet with us presidential candidates harris and trump separately to discuss his "victory plan."
russia today reported on the 19th that russian state duma member belik said that the so-called ukrainian "victory plan" proposed by zelensky has nothing to do with the actual steps to resolve the current conflict. on the contrary, this is another attempt by the kiev regime to divert public attention from the failure of the ukrainian armed forces on the front line. chepa, the first deputy chairman of the international affairs committee of the russian state duma, also said that zelensky's "victory plan" has no prospects at all, and even zelensky himself knows that "ukraine's victory" is impossible. the plan is nothing more than hoping that western countries will continue to provide unlimited military and financial assistance to ukraine. dzhabarov, the first deputy chairman of the international affairs committee of the russian federation council (the upper house of parliament), said that the "victory plan" proposed by zelensky was surprising. he actually proposed a "victory plan" when ukraine suffered such a huge loss of life and territory.
some ukrainian experts also seem to have little confidence in zelensky's "victory plan". russia's viewpoint reported on the 19th that ukrainian political analyst skachko said that zelensky's plan is unlikely to be realized. kiev can only hope that the west will partially meet its demands for weapons and money. for zelensky, continuing the military conflict is a way to maintain his power and a way to maintain his status, money and security.
the eu may organize people to donate to ukraine
the united states also responded to the plan. ukraine's independent news agency reported on the 19th that us state department spokesman matthew miller said on the 18th that us state department officials learned about the "victory plan" proposed by zelensky last week. he said: "as president zelensky said, he looks forward to presenting the plan in detail to president biden in the coming days and weeks. i think we will wait until this meeting before making further conclusions on the plan." regarding the time to implement the plan, he said that zelensky should reveal the details because this is his plan.
europe is also paying attention to the war between russia and ukraine. ria novosti reported on the 19th that the european parliament plans to pass a resolution recommending that eu countries organize voluntary donations from the public to buy weapons for kiev. this move is because eu member states have cut military aid funds to ukraine. the resolution also emphasizes the need to strengthen solidarity and eu public participation in the ukraine aid process. european commission president ursula von der leyen said on the 19th that the eu will allocate 160 million euros to support ukraine's energy infrastructure, of which 100 million euros will come from profits from russia's frozen assets. since russia launched its special military operation, the eu has provided kiev with 2 billion euros in energy infrastructure aid.
will the situation in ukraine be irreversible?
russia's izvestia reported on the 19th that former cia official george beebe said the united states is at risk of being involved in a war with russia. if the russian-ukrainian conflict cannot be ended as soon as possible, the situation in ukraine will soon become irreversible. in this case, the united states has only two choices: one is to accept that ukraine will lose more and more territory, and its economy and infrastructure will gradually collapse as a result. the other is a direct war between the united states and russia.
russia's viewpoint reported on the 19th that the russian ministry of defense announced that day that since the ukrainian army launched an offensive in kursk oblast, the ukrainian armed forces have lost more than 14,950 soldiers and a large amount of weapons and equipment. in addition, in the past 24 hours, the russian armed forces destroyed the important radio intelligence communication center of the ukrainian ministry of defense intelligence directorate, ukraine's extremely important airport infrastructure, attacked the ukrainian army's personnel and military equipment gathering in 142 regions, and shot down 41 drones.