
huasheng comic review: the ratio of undergraduate to graduate students is “inverted”. is there an oversupply of graduate students?


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text/zhou peipicture/ai
lanzhou university recently announced that the total number of graduate students will exceed the total number of undergraduates for the first time in 2024. as soon as the news came out, it sparked heated discussions among netizens. in fact, universities such as shanghai international studies university, nanjing university, and xi'an jiaotong university have also "achieved" the phenomenon of "inverted" number of graduate students and undergraduates in recent years, that is, the total number of graduate students exceeds that of undergraduates.
is there a surplus of graduate students? first of all, according to the data, according to the sampling survey of the national bureau of statistics, as of 2022, the proportion of the population with master's and doctoral degrees in china is less than 1%, far lower than the level of developed countries. this shows that there is still a lot of room and potential for the development of graduate education in my country.
secondly, with the development of the economy and society, the demand for high-level talents is growing. as an important source of high-level talents, the quantity and quality of graduate students are related to the country's development momentum and competitiveness. in recent years, the scale and proportion of graduate students, especially doctoral students, have continued to increase, providing a steady stream of high-level talent support for the high-quality development of the economy. therefore, based on social needs, it is necessary to further increase the development of graduate education and expand the scale of training. in march this year, the ministry of education made a clear statement at a press conference that it would steadily expand the scale of graduate talent training.
there is no surplus of postgraduates. the increase in postgraduates is the inevitable result of higher education adapting to the needs of the times and an important support for the national development strategy. in the face of the challenge of "depreciation of academic qualifications", we should focus more on optimizing the employment structure of postgraduates, encourage students to accurately position themselves according to their own interests and abilities, and at the same time advocate that society be guided by actual needs and reasonably set talent selection standards to achieve matching of people with jobs and making the best use of their talents.
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