
september beijing cultural festival is colorful and eye-catching, beijing-style cultural and creative products are the focus


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in september, beijing held a series of cultural events. on september 12, the china international fair for trade in services just ended, the ditan book fair followed on september 13, and the beijing cultural forum was held on september 19. beijing in september presented a colorful picture with a strong cultural atmosphere.
2024 ditan book fair photographed by shi dongyuein this painting, the strong beijing flavor and profound historical traditions are the most humanistic scenery. with the official "world heritage application" of beijing's central axis in july, various cultural and creative products with the theme of representative buildings of the central axis heritage sites have quickly appeared in various tourist attractions and bustling streets in beijing. customers have also found that these products with distinct beijing characteristics are increasingly carefully exploring the fresh elements and scenes in the memories of the years and the hutong style.
when the ditan book fair was held again, a group of refrigerator magnets with the characteristics of ditan culture also lit up the venue in a creative way. walking through the book fair, people will also find many cultural and creative products that can evoke the memories of countless people born in the 1970s and 1980s, and lay out a series of beijing-style scenes in the years of feelings. and they all become a unique landscape in the book fair in the form of creative refrigerator magnets and picture frame ornaments.
beijing style cultural and creative products photo by shi dongyuehere, people can see the scene of grandma pushing a cart to sell popsicles in their childhood. i remember that at that time, there had to be a quilt in the popsicle cart. red beans, red fruits, double sticks, snowmen... were the products that children loved most throughout the summer; and selling katydids was also the most unforgettable scene in beijing's hutongs. countless katydid cages formed a symphony of insect sounds, playing all along the hutong, which was also the most authentic sound of summer.
in addition, scenes including popcorn, picking dates, hitting persimmons, borrowing coal in winter, etc. are also presented in the form of cultural creation. in particular, the refrigerator magnets and picture frame ornaments with the theme of hutong people fully and interestingly show the comfortable life in the old beijing courtyard.
the past life awakens people's inner memories, and the scenery of the capital is even more fascinating: the former xisi archway, the newly renovated and reopened weibao bookstore, and the beautiful scenery of yinding bridge are all presented one by one.
these products, which are full of beijing culture, are designed and produced by jingwei times. recently, they have also launched a series of refrigerator magnets for beijing's classic urban travel routes: route 5, route 44, route 103, route 107, etc. these refrigerator magnets not only restore the familiar bus stop style, but also have pushable car bodies and front images under the bus stops, which are full of interactivity and fun. from the hutong people to the beautiful scenery of the capital to the old objects in the memory of the years, the full beijing culture is filled in every familiar memory and scene.
beijing public transportation and other refrigerator stickers shi dongyuefrom the services trade fair to the ditan book fair, the cultural tourism and creative products with distinctive characteristics of various districts and counties in beijing are also brilliant. this series of products with distinct beijing cultural characteristics are the most popular among visitors. each designer has dug deep into the details and profound connotations of beijing culture, and has not only the historical accumulation of the 3,000-year-old capital, but also shows the fresh atmosphere of the times.