
the un general assembly passed a resolution calling for an end to israel's occupation of palestinian territory. gaza residents hope the resolution will be implemented.


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the un general assembly adopted a resolution requiring israel to end its illegal occupation of palestinian territory within the next 12 months, bringing new hope to the people of gaza who are suffering from the war; but at the same time, some local people are worried about whether the resolution can be truly implemented and whether their rights can be truly protected.


cgtn reporter magdi aslim:with every international conference, palestinians are optimistic that their issues will be the focus of attention, and they have high hopes for the convening of this un general assembly, which will discuss the palestinian issue and the gaza conflict, the issue of jewish settlements, and the attacks on the west bank of the jordan river in palestine, which represents a ray of hope for palestinians who are exhausted by all these situations.

displaced person medhat heras:we hope that the resolution (can be implemented), that this (un) general assembly can truly implement the results that benefit the palestinian people, and that the fair rights of our suffering people can be realized. we have suffered too much in this war that has lasted for nearly a year, and we, as the oppressed palestinian people, expect the world to stand on our side. but as of now, we palestinians have not felt any progress that can change the situation. we are experiencing a terrible and painful situation that no one in the world has experienced since world war ii.

local resident ibrahim salem:the united nations general assembly has passed hundreds of resolutions, but many have been ignored and not implemented, and have not received any attention. we do not want this to be another resolution that has no results.

kamal abu ubada, a local resident:what kind of un resolution will israel abide by? there will be no promises from israel, and there will be no solution for the palestinians that matches the suffering of the palestinian people.

political analyst sami abu salim:i think this resolution will not bring any practical results to the palestinian people in the gaza strip, and the expectations of the gazan people for the resolution will not have any practical significance, just like there will be no end to the war, no return to their homes, no cessation of killing, no cessation of bloodshed. this will not happen. why? because of the existence of the united states. the united states has used its veto power three times in the past to protect israel diplomatically. they used their veto power not only for military reasons, but also to veto the humanitarian ceasefire plan. as long as the united states exists, the palestinians will not benefit from anything.
