
a middle school in zizhong plans to include evening self-study in the after-school extended service fee. the official said: the school has been ordered to correct it.


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recently, some netizens reported that xinqiao middle school in zizhong county, sichuan, as a boarding school, was preparing to include all evening self-study classes from monday to thursday in after-school extended service, and the extended service fee was calculated at 40 yuan per class. netizens believed that this was an illegal operation. on september 18, red star news reporters noticed that the local education and sports department responded publicly after receiving the feedback, stating that the situation reported by netizens was basically true and that the school had been ordered to correct the error in a timely manner.
▲official reply picture from mala community
on september 9, netizens reported the incident through the "voice of the masses" of the mala community. on september 13, the education and sports bureau of zizhong county publicly responded that after receiving the report, the bureau immediately went to xinqiao middle school to investigate and verify. it is understood that when xinqiao middle school opened for registration this semester, it had publicized the fees in accordance with the requirements of the superiors. the school required each class to pre-collect only the living expenses of students eating in the school cafeteria. the pre-collection standard was 300 yuan for breakfast, 600 yuan for lunch, and 600 yuan for dinner per student per semester, and parents and students were clearly informed that the actual settlement would be made at the end of the semester. in addition, other service and agency fee items such as after-school service extension have not yet been arranged for collection.
regarding the charging and management of after-school extended service, the response stated that according to relevant documents, after-school extended service is voluntary for students to participate, and the fee standard for participating students is 3.5 yuan per student per class, and the fee per student per day shall not exceed 7 yuan. this semester, xinqiao middle school did plan to include evening self-study in the after-school service funding management, but it has not been implemented yet and no consequences have been caused.
in response to this, the zizhong county education and sports bureau stated that what netizens reported about xinqiao middle school planning to include evening self-study in after-school extended services is basically true. the bureau has ordered the school to correct the mistake in a timely manner, carefully study and read relevant documents on after-school services, rectify the school system, and promptly cancel the decision to include evening self-study in the after-school service funding management. it is strictly forbidden to use after-school service fees for morning and evening self-study expenses.
red star news reporter yao yongzhong
editor zhang li responsible editor wei kongming
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