
industrial internet promotes the intelligent transformation of manufacturing industry - the storm of intelligent manufacturing is coming, how can traditional enterprises seize the wave of digital transformation?


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(the author of this article is wang peng, a researcher at the beijing academy of social sciences)
recently, the successful convening of the 2024 global industrial internet conference has once again put the industrial internet in the spotlight of the global manufacturing industry. this conference not only showcased the latest applications of technologies such as 5g, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things in the industrial field, but also released a number of important policy documents aimed at accelerating the digital and intelligent transformation of china's manufacturing industry. during the conference, the performance of chinese industrial internet platform companies was particularly eye-catching, demonstrating how to achieve intelligent control of large-scale production through data interoperability, intelligent manufacturing and other means, reflecting china's leading position in the development of the global industrial internet.
the combination of these policies and technologies has made global manufacturing companies see more clearly that the traditional manufacturing model can no longer meet the ever-changing market needs. the core competitiveness of the future lies in whether companies can quickly adapt to the digital wave and improve the efficiency of industrial chain collaboration. with the in-depth implementation of the made in china 2025 strategy, the industrial internet is no longer a simple technological innovation, but a key path for industrial transformation and intelligent manufacturing upgrades. this article will explore in depth how the industrial internet can lead manufacturing companies into a new era of intelligent manufacturing through market expansion, technological breakthroughs and policy support.
1. the rise of the industrial internet: market size and technological breakthroughs
1. rapid growth of market size
at present, the development of my country's industrial internet is showing an unprecedented rapid growth trend. according to data, in 2023, the scale of china's industrial internet market has exceeded 984.95 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 13.9%. this figure shows that the industrial internet is gradually becoming an important cornerstone for the development of my country's manufacturing industry, driving the entire industry to transform towards digitalization and intelligence. against this background, the rise of the industrial internet platform market is particularly rapid, with a market size of 146.76 billion yuan and a growth rate of 34.7%. the industrial internet platform is an important carrier for the digital transformation of enterprises, especially in the manufacturing industry. through the platform, enterprises can optimize resource allocation, improve production efficiency and reduce costs. this also shows that in the next few years, as more companies access the industrial internet platform, the market size will continue to expand. it is expected that by 2026, this figure is expected to reach 1486.25 billion yuan.
the expansion of the market not only reflects the growing demand for industrial internet, but also shows the vitality and potential of the entire industry. in fact, the application scope of industrial internet is wide, covering many industries such as manufacturing, energy, transportation, and medical care. in these industries, industrial internet has greatly improved the production efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises through the interconnection of equipment, real-time analysis of data, and intelligent management systems.
2. breakthrough progress in core industries
the development of the core industries of the industrial internet is also remarkable. in 2023, the scale of my country's core industries of the industrial internet exceeded 1.35 trillion yuan, showing strong growth potential. these core industries include network infrastructure, industrial internet platforms, industrial software, and related hardware equipment. with the continuous development of new-generation information technologies such as 5g, artificial intelligence, and blockchain, the application of the industrial internet in the manufacturing industry has continued to deepen, and has promoted the transformation of the manufacturing industry towards digitalization, networking, and intelligence.
on the technical level, 5g technology, as the basic support of the industrial internet, provides the advantages of low latency and high bandwidth for network connections, enabling faster and more accurate data transmission between devices. the development of this technology has not only brought about an improvement in production efficiency, but also promoted the large-scale application of the industrial internet. in some leading industries, the industrial internet has been used to achieve remote monitoring of equipment, optimization of production processes, and intelligent supply chain management. these application cases provide reference for other industries. in addition, the introduction of blockchain technology also provides guarantees for the security and transparency of the industrial internet. through blockchain technology, enterprises can ensure that data is not tampered with during transmission and storage, thereby improving the credibility of data management. this is undoubtedly a key technological innovation for those companies that rely on the industrial internet for high-frequency data interaction.
3. deepening of technological innovation and integration
as the technological innovation capabilities of the industrial internet continue to increase, industry integration is also accelerating. at present, the industrial internet has been fully integrated into 49 major categories of the national economy, achieving full coverage of major industrial categories. for example, the number of "5g+industrial internet" projects has exceeded 14,000, which means that more and more companies are beginning to optimize their production processes through the industrial internet platform and realize intelligent production on this basis. a typical case is the automobile manufacturing industry. through the industrial internet platform, automobile manufacturers can monitor every link on the production line in real time, from raw material procurement to vehicle rolloff, and all processes can be optimized through data analysis and intelligent management. this not only improves production efficiency, but also significantly reduces the defective rate. in addition, the industrial internet has also promoted data interoperability between automobile manufacturers and suppliers, realized intelligent management of the supply chain, and thus accelerated the pace of digital transformation of the entire industry.
2. industrial internet empowers manufacturing: a win-win situation for efficiency and ecology
1. the production efficiency revolution brought about by intelligence
the greatest value of the industrial internet lies in its ability to significantly improve the production efficiency and resource utilization of enterprises through the application of intelligent technology. take the intelligent inspection robot as an example. it can work around the clock, monitor the operating status of the equipment in real time, and analyze the real-time data of the equipment to find potential faults, thereby reducing the risk of equipment downtime. this intelligent inspection mode is more efficient than traditional manual inspections, with an accuracy rate of up to 99%. in this way, enterprises not only reduce labor costs, but also effectively reduce errors caused by human operations. take the petrochemical industry as an example. in the past, manual inspections may have taken several days to complete, but now it only takes a few hours with intelligent inspection robots. more importantly, robots can work in extreme environments. for example, in high temperature, high pressure, and corrosive environments, intelligent robots can replace manual inspections to complete inspections, thereby ensuring the safety of employees.
another example of intelligent application is the intelligent production scheduling system. in some advanced manufacturing companies, the industrial internet platform can automatically adjust production plans and resource allocation by collecting and analyzing a large amount of production data. this intelligent scheduling system can not only adjust the production rhythm according to changes in market demand, but also minimize the waste of resources in the production process. for example, in the electronics manufacturing industry, adjustments to production lines usually require downtime for maintenance. through the industrial internet platform, companies can monitor the status of equipment in real time and adjust production plans in advance when the equipment is close to the maintenance cycle, thereby avoiding production delays caused by excessive downtime.
2. optimization of platform and ecosystem
the industrial internet not only improves the production efficiency of enterprises through technical means, but also helps enterprises achieve coordinated development by building a complete industrial ecosystem. as the functions of the industrial internet platform continue to improve, more and more enterprises have achieved comprehensive interconnection of equipment, data and applications through these platforms. according to the latest data, there are nearly 340 comprehensive, characteristic and professional industrial internet platforms with certain influence in my country. these platforms provide enterprises with a new path for digital transformation and help them achieve the transformation from traditional manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing. for example, in the field of intelligent manufacturing, some leading industrial internet platforms can help enterprises optimize production processes and management models through big data analysis and cloud computing technologies. through real-time analysis of production data, enterprises can predict changes in market demand in advance and better adjust production plans. this flexible production management model not only improves the response speed of enterprises, but also wins more market opportunities for enterprises. in addition, the industrial internet platform also promotes collaboration between upstream and downstream enterprises. for example, in the automobile manufacturing industry, vehicle manufacturers can share production data with parts suppliers in real time through the industrial internet platform. this data sharing model not only improves the transparency of the supply chain, but also significantly reduces the inventory costs of suppliers. this synergy effect is not only reflected in the production process, but also extends to logistics, after-sales and other service links, ultimately forming a complete industrial ecosystem.
(iii) coordinated development of industrial ecology
with the continuous development of the industrial internet, the entire industrial ecosystem is gradually maturing. in this process, upstream and downstream enterprises in the industrial chain have achieved closer cooperation through the industrial internet platform. especially in the manufacturing industry, enterprises use the platform to share data and optimize resource allocation, thereby improving production efficiency and product quality. for example, boeing in the aviation manufacturing industry works closely with its global suppliers through the industrial internet platform to share production progress and product design data in real time. this highly collaborative production model not only speeds up product development, but also improves production efficiency, and ultimately enhances the market competitiveness of products.
in addition, the industrial internet has also promoted collaboration between small and medium-sized enterprises and large enterprises. in the traditional model, small and medium-sized enterprises often find it difficult to participate in the supply chain of large enterprises due to insufficient resources. through the industrial internet platform, small and medium-sized enterprises can share technology, data and market resources with large enterprises, thereby gaining more development opportunities. for example, some small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises can participate in the supply chain of multinational companies by accessing the industrial internet platform, thereby improving their own production capacity and market competitiveness.
3. future prospects of intelligent manufacturing: towards intelligence and greenness
1. towards a new era of intelligent manufacturing
with the continuous advancement of industrial internet technology, the manufacturing industry is gradually moving towards a new era of intelligence. intelligent manufacturing is not only the automation of equipment, but also the comprehensive intelligence of the entire production process. through the industrial internet platform, enterprises can achieve comprehensive monitoring of the production process. from raw material procurement, production and manufacturing to product delivery, each link can be optimized through data analysis, thereby realizing intelligent management of the entire process. a typical example is the home appliance manufacturing industry. in the past, home appliance production lines mostly relied on manual operation and had low production efficiency. now, through the industrial internet platform, home appliance manufacturing companies can achieve full intelligent management from production to logistics. for example, a well-known home appliance brand has not only optimized its production line through the industrial internet platform, but also accurately predicted market demand through big data analysis, thereby significantly reducing inventory backlogs and production waste.
2. popularization of digital twins and smart factories
in the future, digital twin technology will play a more important role in intelligent manufacturing. digital twin refers to the real-time monitoring and simulation of physical equipment through virtual models, so as to achieve accurate prediction and management of equipment operation status. in the aviation manufacturing industry, digital twin technology has been widely used. by monitoring the digital twin model of aircraft engines, airlines can predict equipment failures in advance, thereby avoiding flight delays and economic losses caused by equipment failures. in addition to digital twins, the construction of smart factories is also accelerating. smart factories fully interconnect production lines, equipment, personnel and environment through the industrial internet platform, realizing intelligent management of the production process. for example, in germany's "industry 4.0" plan, smart factories have become one of its core contents. through smart factories, enterprises can achieve highly automated production, and at the same time, they can perform precise management through data analysis, thereby further improving production efficiency and product quality.
3. prospects of green manufacturing
as global environmental awareness continues to grow, the manufacturing industry is gradually transforming towards green production. the industrial internet plays a vital role in this process. through the industrial internet platform, companies can monitor energy consumption in the production process in real time and manage energy through intelligent technology, thereby significantly reducing energy consumption and emissions.
for example, in the chemical industry, companies monitor the energy consumption data of production equipment through the industrial internet platform and automatically adjust energy use according to the operating status of the equipment, thereby reducing energy consumption and carbon emissions. this green production model not only helps companies reduce costs, but also improves the company's environmental image, and wins more competitive advantages for companies in the global market. in addition, the logistics industry has also achieved green transformation through the industrial internet. many logistics companies optimize transportation routes through the industrial internet platform, reducing unnecessary energy consumption and carbon emissions during transportation. this green supply chain management model has brought huge economic benefits to logistics companies and contributed to global sustainable development.
this article only reflects the author’s views.
(this article comes from china business network)