
11, 13, 14, 15, 16 are all typhoons! why are there so many typhoons recently?


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the mid-autumn festival holiday is over, and on the first day of work, i found that there is another typhoon on the typhoon "schedule", 11, 13, 14, 15, 16... it's typhoon no. 16 in one go!

let’s take a look at the typhoons’ “schedule”:

typhoon no. 11 "makar"after severely damaging my country's southern china region, it continued to sweep across the indochina peninsula with great force, then dragged the residual circulation into the indian ocean, accumulating energy again and penetrating into northern india, where it will also create a wave of heavy rains and torrential rains.

△ look at this remnant circulation from the previous life of "capricorn", still spinning...

typhoon no. 13 "bebejia"after going deep inland, it brought torrential rains rarely seen in the same period to eastern henan, northern anhui, northwestern jiangsu, and southwestern shandong. the precipitation in xiaoxian county and huaibei county of anhui exceeded 300 mm, which was the latest heavy rain in the local observation history. today, the center of the weakened tropical depression "bebejia" basically circled in henan province, and its influence will basically end tomorrow.

typhoon no. 14 "prasang"he is impatient. seeing that bebejia is dying, he is galloping straight to zhejiang. from yesterday to today, prasang has been running all the way. from 08:00 on the 17th to 11:00 on the 18th, the straight-line distance in 27 hours is about 1,110 kilometers (41.1 kilometers per hour). considering that the path is not a straight line, the speed will only be faster. xin xin, chief meteorological analyst of china weather network, said that the fastest typhoon in the northwest pacific since 1949 was nancy in 1986, with an average speed of 38.28 kilometers per hour in its life history. the speed of prasang will slow down after landing. whether it can eventually become the fastest typhoon remains to be seen.

although prasang is not very strong and may be a tropical storm or severe tropical storm when it lands, it should be noted that the rainfall impact of prasang will be greater than the wind impact. this is because after prasang lands, it will encounter southward cold air, and the "collision" of the two will trigger stronger rainfall.

it is expected that under the influence of "prasang", from the 19th to the 20th, parts of zhejiang, anhui, jiangsu, shanghai, eastern shandong and other places will have heavy to torrential rain, with local torrential rain.

typhoon soulik no. 15it is still a tropical depression now, and it may strengthen into a tropical storm tonight or tomorrow morning, and get a typhoon "registration". at present, although it will not land in my country, it will pass through the waters south of hainan. it is expected that from tonight to tomorrow, there will be moderate to heavy rain in the coastal areas of south china and hainan island.heavy to torrential rain, with locally torrential rain in the eastern part of hainan island.

typhoon no. 16 "cimaron"in late september, another typhoon may form in the northwest pacific. as the subtropical high breaks and retreats eastward from the 22nd to the 25th, this typhoon will move northward to confront the cold air moving southward. it is expected to affect the southeastern coastal areas of my country around the 20th. the coastal areas of zhejiang, fujian, guangdong and other places may experience continuous heavy rainfall. please keep an eye on it in the later period.

why are there so many typhoons recently?

on average, september is the typhoon active season, with the number of typhoons generated second only to august, making it the second most active month in the year.

secondly, the shape and position of the subtropical high pressure are also conducive to the formation of typhoons. the area circled by the red circle in the figure below is the subtropical high pressure, and its edge is shaped like a knife handle. when the southwest monsoon airflow pushes up, it is blocked by the subtropical high pressure, just like encountering a wall, and the airflow will be forced to turn counterclockwise, which makes it easy to "rub out" a low-pressure vortex. under the favorable conditions of high sea temperatures, it develops into a typhoon and, under the guidance of the northern subtropical high, comes to my country.

friends in the north should pay special attention to the upcoming cold front. the central meteorological observatory predicts that from september 19 to 22, affected by the strong air moving eastward and southward, the temperature in most areas of central and eastern my country will drop by 4 to 8 degrees celsius, and in some areas of the north, the temperature will drop by 8 to 10 degrees celsius, and the temperature in central and western inner mongolia and northern north china may reach above 12 degrees celsius. the above-mentioned areas will also be accompanied by northerly winds of 4 to 5 levels, with gusts of 6 to 8 levels, and the maximum gusts on rivers and lakes may reach 8 to 9 levels.

this cold front will push the "late" autumn in many parts of the north to collectively complete the kpi, and the contrast before and after the temperature drop is particularly large. for example, in beijing, after an autumn rain on friday, the temperature will drop all the way, and when everyone gets off work in the evening, it may not be as simple as a long-sleeved shirt, but it may be so cold that you need to wear a coat.

the cold air will also bring significant rainfall to most areas of the north. from the 19th to the 21st, there will be light to moderate rain in the central and eastern parts of the northwest, most of inner mongolia, and most of north china, including heavy rain in parts of northeastern qinghai, central gansu, central inner mongolia, and northern hebei, with local torrential rain. after the 22nd, the situation of continuous cloudy and rainy weather in the northwest, inner mongolia, and northern north china will come to an end.

in short, friends in the north should remember to look through their wardrobes these two days and prepare their autumn coats and even autumn trousers.