
lighthouse: in 2023 and the first half of 2024, changzhou will continue to rank first in the national music festival city box office


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on september 14, the "fullmoon awards ceremony" jointly presented by damai, esquire and nuts music was held in changzhou. at the ceremony, lighthouse professional edition released the first comprehensive urban cultural tourism consumption report in china, "why changzhou: the secret code of "youth music city"" (hereinafter referred to as the report). the report shows that in 2023 and the first half of 2024, changzhou will top the national music festival city box office list with box office revenues exceeding 190 million and 100 million respectively, becoming a veritable "youth music city".

in 2023, the domestic performance market will see explosive growth, with large-scale concerts and music festivals advancing by leaps and bounds, and the box office scale and number of audiences hitting new highs, with a significant market siphoning effect. as the cultural, tourism, leisure and vacation center of the yangtze river delta, changzhou has seized the opportunity of the "music performance economy" and accelerated the development of the new "music performance + tourism" format. by introducing brand content and taking multiple measures, it has driven the vitality of changzhou's cultural tourism consumption and the rapid growth of cultural performing arts.

changzhou music festival box office ranks first among cities nationwide, with high audience repurchase rate

in 2023, china's music performance market is booming, with strong user demand and abundant market supply. according to data from the china performance industry association, the box office of large-scale music festivals across the country in 2023 will be nearly 3.2 billion yuan, 8.5 times that of 2019; the number of performances will be 6.2 times that of 2019, and the number of audiences will be 7.2 times that of 2019. among them, changzhou, as a dark horse city, performed particularly well, surpassing guangzhou, tianjin, nanjing, qingdao and other cities, and became the box office champion of large-scale music festivals across the country.

the report shows that the box office of changzhou music festival in 2023 reached more than 190 million yuan, accounting for 32.5% of the box office of jiangsu music festival and 6.3% of the box office of music festivals across the country, with a total number of audience exceeding 280,000.

entering 2024, the development momentum of changzhou music festival is still rapid. according to the statistics of lighthouse professional edition, as of the end of june 2024, changzhou is still the city with the highest box office of music festivals in the country. the city's music festival box office in the first half of the year accounted for 52.3% of the music festival box office in jiangsu province and 8.5% of the national music festival box office. both proportions continued to rise, with a strong growth trend.

in terms of audience composition, the audience at changzhou music festival is younger than that at concerts, with audiences aged 18-29 accounting for 75.5%. young people in particular are becoming another major force in consumption at changzhou music festival and concerts.

the report shows that the proportion of young audiences at the changzhou music festival is nearly 2 percentage points higher than that of young audiences at concerts. in particular, at the times youth league's "san chong lou" - "lou fei lou" concert in changzhou, the younger audience was more obvious. women under the age of 24 have become the absolute main force of the audience, among which teenagers account for as high as 22.3%.

from the perspective of geographical distribution, the audience of changzhou music festival is mainly music fans from jiangsu, zhejiang and shanghai, and it also radiates to north china, central china, east china, south china and other regions. the report shows that among the audience of changzhou music festival, local audiences account for only 25.7%, and 74.3% are cross-city audiences. among them, the audience from jiangsu province accounts for more than half, reaching 50.7%; followed by zhejiang province and shanghai, accounting for 13.0% and 8.2% respectively; the audience from other provinces accounts for less than 5%. from the perspective of cities, beijing, qingdao, huzhou, changsha, wuhan, shenzhen and other cities are also important audiences of changzhou music festival.

in terms of consumer stickiness, the repurchase rate of changzhou music festival audiences is higher than that of surrounding cities. at the same time, the proportion of couples watching performances is also higher than the national average. the report shows that 57.4% of changzhou music festival audiences watch performances alone, 1.6 percentage points lower than the national average; 38.5% watch performances in pairs, 1.9 percentage points higher than the national average.

in addition, from 2023 to the first half of 2024, 89.1% of the audience purchased tickets only once, 9.2% of the users purchased tickets twice, and 1.7% of the users purchased tickets three times or more. overall, the repurchase rate is higher than that of nearby major performance cities such as nanjing and hangzhou.

in terms of consumption level, the mainstream consumption range at changzhou music festival is 500-799 yuan, accounting for 48.2%, which is nearly 30 percentage points higher than the overall market level; high-priced consumption of 800-999 yuan accounts for 14.2%, which is 11 percentage points higher than the national level.

it can be seen that changzhou's music performance market is prosperous and active, the content has a deep influence on the hearts of the people, and consumers are willing to pay for high quality.

building a nest to attract talents: changzhou's experience of "music performance + tourism" is taking shape

changzhou is located in the core area of ​​the yangtze river delta, and is close to cities with strong consumption potential. at the same time, it also has many large-scale music performance infrastructures such as xinlong ecological forest, china dinosaur park, and play valley park, which can meet the rapid landing of various types of performances. in terms of policies, the changzhou municipal government has successively issued the "changzhou city overall tourism plan", "changzhou city's eight measures to support the development of cultural tourism and promote tourism consumption", and "implementation opinions on accelerating the integration of culture, commerce and tourism" and other measures to encourage the integrated development of culture, commerce and tourism. obviously, the natural hard power plus the soft measures of policy support have pushed changzhou to become the preferred landing city for many large-scale music festivals and concerts in the yangtze river delta region.

the report shows that well-known music festival brands such as taihu bay music festival, manghe music festival and nuts music festival have chosen to land in changzhou in 2023. among them, the 6th and 7th taihu bay music festivals in 2023 achieved a cumulative box office revenue of more than 120 million yuan; the box office of the 8th taihu bay music festival in 2024 increased by 33.2% compared with the 7th, and the number of people who wanted to watch damai reached nearly 753,000.

in 2024, well-known musicians and music groups such as phoenix legend, jolin tsai, and times youth league also chose to hold concerts in changzhou. for a time, social media continued to search for it, and changzhou quickly became popular and widely known by young performance users.

the holding of numerous music festivals and concerts has also driven consumption upgrades in changzhou's hotels, restaurants, shopping, tourism and other fields. "going to a city for a concert" is becoming a new traffic code for changzhou's cultural and tourism development.

ctrip data shows that during the 2023 xinlong nuts music festival and manghe changdang lake music festival, the number of ticket bookings for the china dinosaur park increased by 162.3% year-on-year, and the amount of booking consumption within the park increased by 217.4% year-on-year; the number of ticket bookings for the "nanshan bamboo sea" scenic spot increased by 91.2% year-on-year, and the amount of booking consumption in the scenic spot increased by 88.2% year-on-year.

in 2024, the times youth league "sanchonglou" concert brought in nearly 800 million yuan in two days in changzhou. among them, the ticket booking volume of the china dinosaur park increased by 203.7% compared with the same period in 2023, and the average booking amount increased by 199.3% compared with august 2023; at the same time, the passenger throughput of changzhou airport in august reached about 493,000, with an average of 16,000 passengers per day, setting a new record for the highest monthly tourist throughput.

according to the report, since 2023, changzhou has held more than 40 large-scale music festivals and concerts, attracting more than 800,000 music fans and tourists, and driving comprehensive consumption in surrounding attractions, hotels, transportation and other areas by nearly 10 billion yuan.

among them, traditional cultural scenic spots such as qingguo lane, jiangnan global harbor, banshan bookstore, and hongmei park have become must-visit destinations for music fans in changzhou; changzhou cultural palace and university town business district are the favorite leisure and dining destinations for music audiences. the youth fashion art exhibitions, art markets, talk shows, and immersive performances in the business district frequently attract tourists to consume and appreciate.

overall, changzhou has entered the fast lane of the integrated development of culture and tourism. “using culture to promote tourism and using tourism to promote culture” is releasing the “multiplication” effect of the integration of culture, commerce and tourism in changzhou, and is pushing changzhou’s culture and tourism towards higher quality with refined content, diversified carriers and integrated services.