
after chen baolian jumped off the building, her son was raised by wang fei's agent and looked like his godfather huang renzhong


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in 2002, the hong kong entertainment industry was hit by a shocking news: chen baolian, the once popular third-level film actress, chose to end her life at the age of 29.

she jumped from a 24-story building, leaving behind countless questions and a one-year-old child. what kind of ups and downs did this seemingly charming actress experience in her life? 21 years later, her son has grown up under the care of faye wong's agent qiu likuan.

however, when people noticed that this young man had a striking resemblance to chen baolian's godfather huang renzhong, a long-forgotten mystery once again surfaced.

chen baolian's story is like a legend that spans time and space, which is both sad and thought-provoking.

chen baolian's life is like a tragedy, which began in her childhood. in her memory, her father is almost blank, and all she has left is the difficult years of relying on her mother.

however, this blood relationship not only failed to bring warmth to the young chen baolian, but instead became the heaviest shackle in her life.

chen baolian's mother was addicted to gambling and often took out her frustrations on her daughter. the family was in financial difficulty and could not even provide basic education. when chen baolian returned home with her junior high school diploma full of hope, she was greeted by her mother's cruel reality: the family could no longer afford the cost of her continuing her studies.

in order to escape debt, the mother and daughter came to hong kong. however, only the address changed, not the fate. the shadow of the debt collector followed her everywhere, and the life of the young girl chen baolian was full of anxiety and fear.

it was in this predicament that 15-year-old chen baolian was pushed by her mother onto a path she had never imagined.

this should have been a turning point in chen baolian's life, but unfortunately it became the prelude to tragedy. driven by her mother, the underage chen baolian was forced to take on the role of a third-level film.

facing the camera, her heart was full of contradictions and pain, but under the coercion of her mother, she had no choice but to accept this cruel reality against her will.

the release of "strange stories from a chinese studio 3" made chen baolian famous overnight, but it also pushed her into a deeper abyss. after each filming, she would repeatedly wash her body, as if she wanted to wash away the guilt in her heart.

however, as time went by, chen baolian gradually became numb and began to adapt to this lifestyle.

during this process, chen baolian's heart was always crying out. she longed for someone to redeem her, accompany her through her lonely time, and listen to her inner pain.

just when she needed warmth the most, a person who changed her destiny appeared.

however, can the appearance of this person really bring a turnaround for chen baolian? or will it push her into another abyss? chen baolian's life seems to be a struggle with no end in sight, and she is just the protagonist in this play who cannot control her own destiny.

from an ignorant 15-year-old girl to a popular actress in third-level films, chen baolian's transformation is a cause for regret. her story is not only a personal tragedy, but also reflects the dark side of the entertainment industry at that time.

when chen baolian was at her most confused and helpless, a wealthy businessman named huang renzhong broke into her life. this businessman, who was famous for his romantic affairs, accidentally saw chen baolian's face and couldn't help but exclaimed: "chen baolian is a rare beauty in the world!" this compliment opened the prelude to the complicated relationship between the two.

huang renzhong pursued chen baolian passionately. however, chen baolian was full of resistance when she first met this wealthy businessman who was much older than her. she still had a beautiful fantasy about love and hoped to meet a handsome and virtuous partner.

obviously, huang renzhong is far from her ideal type.

but huang renzhong did not back down because of chen baolian's rejection. he was keenly aware of chen baolian's inner pain and cleverly grasped her weakness. huang renzhong promised chen baolian that he would help her get rid of the predicament of shooting third-level films and return to normal life.

for chen baolian, who has been living in the dark for a long time, this is undoubtedly a shot in the arm.

under huang renzhong's gentle offensive, chen baolian's defenses gradually collapsed. not only did she accept huang renzhong's pursuit, she even became his adopted daughter. chen baolian thought she had finally found a safe haven in her life, but the good times didn't last long.

soon after, huang renzhong became tired of chen baolian. he proposed to break up. although he promised to give her a huge breakup fee and send her abroad, this was tantamount to a second injury to chen baolian.

after leaving hong kong, chen baolian quickly squandered all her money and fell into deeper depravity.

alcohol and an indulgent lifestyle seriously damaged chen baolian's health. she even suffered from uterine blisters. at this time, she was shocked to find that she was unexpectedly pregnant. facing this little life, chen baolian decided to give birth to it.

perhaps it is to keep a memory, or to look forward to having someone to rely on in the future. however, the pressure of life has not been reduced with the birth of the child.

chen baolian's heart was full of contradictions and pain. she began to look for spiritual sustenance, hoping to gain inner peace through learning buddhism. however, the shadow of the past always shrouded her, making it difficult for her to truly find peace.

looking back at the relationship between chen baolian and huang renzhong, it is not difficult to see the tragedy in it. for chen baolian, huang renzhong was both her salvation and her abyss.

he gave her brief warmth and security, but ultimately pushed her into an even more desperate situation.

this relationship also reflects some social realities of that era. the unequal relationship between the wealthy businessman and the young actress, and the entanglement of money and love, are all reflected in the story of chen baolian and huang renzhong.

for chen baolian, huang renzhong was perhaps the only person she had ever truly loved in her life. however, this relationship eventually became the biggest regret in her life. not only did it not bring happiness to chen baolian, but it became the last straw that broke her back.

the end of this relationship also marked the beginning of chen baolian's life tragedy. from then on, she fell into deeper confusion and despair, and finally came to that heartbreaking ending.

in 2002, an ordinary day suddenly became extraordinary because of a piece of news that shocked the entertainment industry. the 29-year-old chen baolian, a once popular actress in third-level films, chose to end her life in the most decisive way.

she jumped from a 24-story building, leaving behind countless questions and a one-year-old child.

at the last moment of her life, chen baolian chose to leave a suicide note. in this painful farewell letter, she expressed her deep longing for huang renzhong.

perhaps in her heart, huang renzhong was the person she truly loved and tried to entrust her life to. however, the cruel reality made this relationship become the last regret in her life.

the death of pauline chan was like a bomb that caused a huge shock in the hong kong entertainment industry. many of her friends, including well-known artists eric tsang and tony leung, were deeply shocked by the sad news.

they all expressed their willingness to raise chen baolian's children, as if they wanted to make up for their guilt towards the deceased in this way.

however, reality is often more cruel than drama. after chen baolian was buried, these generous promises were not fulfilled. the fate of the orphans once again became an unresolved issue.

during this difficult time, the welfare home tried to contact chen baolian's mother, hoping that she could raise her grandson. however, the mother who once pushed her daughter into the abyss of the entertainment industry once again rejected the request on the grounds of financial difficulties.

chen baolian's tragedy seemed to have been destined since birth and even continued after her death.

when the fate of the child was in confusion, an unexpected person stepped forward. huang renzhong was deeply shocked when he learned of chen baolian's death.

although their relationship was over, he still felt deeply guilty about chen baolian's death, and he promised to do his best to raise chen baolian's children, as if trying to atone for his sins in this way.

however, fate played a cruel joke again. not long after huang renzhong made this promise, he himself died of illness. the fate of this child was once again in doubt.

chen baolian's story is full of helplessness and regret. her life was like a tragedy, shrouded in gloom from beginning to end. even at the last moment of her life, she failed to fulfill her last wish - to find a stable home for her children.

however, just when everyone thought that this story would end in tragedy, fate took another turn. the appearance of an unexpected character brought a ray of hope to this sad story.

when the fate of chen baolian's child was in confusion, an unexpected person stepped forward and completely changed the direction of the story. she was faye wong's agent qiu likuan.

when qiu likuan learned about the plight of chen baolian's child, she made a surprising decision: to adopt the innocent baby boy. this move not only demonstrated her kindness and courage, but also brought a touch of warmth to this sad story.

as he grew older, huang yi began to understand his own life experience. however, this did not affect his feelings for qiu likuan. on the contrary, he regarded qiu likuan as his biological mother and even decided to take her surname to express his gratitude to his adoptive mother.

qiu likuan's selfless act not only changed the fate of an orphan, but also to some extent fulfilled chen baolian's wish before her death: to allow her children to be properly cared for and live a happy life.

this unexpected turn of events brought a glimmer of comfort to chen baolian's story. it proved that even in the darkest moments, there is still love and hope. qiu likuan used his actions to interpret what true love is, and also drew a slightly warm end to this sad story.

time flies, and 21 years have passed in the blink of an eye. the baby in the cradle has now grown up. under qiu likuan's careful training, huang yi has shown outstanding talents and grown into a sunny and handsome young man.

however, as he grew up, a new mystery gradually surfaced, attracting widespread public attention.

people were surprised to find that huang yi's appearance was strikingly similar to huang renzhong. this unexpected discovery immediately triggered many speculations: could it be that huang renzhong was huang yi's biological father? the answer to this question may always remain a mystery.

but it is undeniable that both huang renzhong and qiu likuan played a crucial role in huang yi's life. one gave him the possibility of life, and the other gave him the warmth to grow.

today, huang yi is continuing to write his life in his own way. he is full of gratitude to his adoptive mother qiu likuan, and at the same time he is reminiscing about his biological mother chen baolian whom he has never met.

this story spanning 21 years not only bears witness to the fragility of life, but also highlights the brilliance of human nature.

chen baolian's tragedy has left us with many questions worth pondering. the growth of her son huang yi has brought a glimmer of hope to this story. life may be impermanent, but love and responsibility will eventually illuminate the way forward.

huang yi's story reminds us that even in the darkest moments, hope is never far away. his growth experience is not only a kind of redemption for chen baolian, but also the best interpretation of the tenacity of life.

no matter what the future holds, huang yi will continue his life journey with the love of his two mothers.