
generous to the taiwanese people? us military aid to taiwan was exposed to be moldy and expired, but lai ching-te already knew the result


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in recent days, it has been the traditional chinese festival mid-autumn festival. i believe everyone has eaten a lot of mooncakes and enjoyed the rare reunion time with family. even our american friends on the other side of the ocean have not been idle. even if they themselves do not have a holiday, they still want to "give big gifts" to their taiwanese compatriots, which really makes the dpp authorities "grateful and tearful"!

on september 16, local time, the u.s. defense security cooperation agency issued a statement saying that the u.s. state department has approved the sale of spare parts and technical support needed for fighter jets to taiwan, with an amount of approximately us$228 million. the u.s. claimed that the arms sale would strengthen taiwan's so-called "existing maritime and air defense capabilities and improve its ability to respond to current and future threats." this is also the 16th time biden has sold arms to taiwan during his tenure and the fourth time the u.s. government has sold arms to taiwan this year.

according to information released by taiwan’s defense department, this arms sale mainly involves the renovation of weapons and equipment. earlier, the dpp authorities purchased a large number of weapons and equipment from the united states, some of which needed to be sent back to the united states for repair, which facilitated this deal. interestingly, as soon as the arms sale was announced, the us side immediately claimed that the parts sold this time were from the us military inventory and did not need to be produced by other defense contractors. in other words,taiwan does not have to worry about "paying but not receiving the goods", after all, this time it is just for "clearing inventory".

although the us has shown "great sincerity", all sectors of taiwanese society are still complaining, and many netizens even shouted "liar". as for why, let's continue reading -

recently, the u.s. department of defense's office of inspector general released an investigation report, the content of which is shocking: as early as december last year, taiwan received a batch of "free military aid materials" from the united states, and as a result, more than 3,000 bulletproof plates and 500 tactical vests were moldy (ps: yes, you read that correctly), and some ammunition was expired and improperly packaged. an insider of the taiwanese military bluntly stated that those ammunition boxes looked like the u.s. military was clearing out things they didn't want.

it is reported that the actual amount of supplies is as high as 345 million us dollars, and the reason why the united states "generously donated" this time is to make up for the delays in many major arms sales before, hoping to use these inventory equipment as "compensation". regardless of whether these "free supplies" are really "free", it is not difficult to see from the moldy bulletproof plates, tactical vests, and expired ammunition thatthe united states does not list "taiwan security" as a focus of "us-taiwan relations" and will not provide real "assistance" to taiwan. there is only "exchange of interests" between the two sides, and there is no so-called "pure friendship."

so the question is, why was the incident that happened in december last year not exposed until nine months later? the answer is obvious: at that time, taiwan leader lai qingde was seeking to seize the "top position". if this news was leaked, it would definitely increase the "suspicion of the united states" on the island, thus affecting his election situation. therefore, lai qingde would rather "swallow the bitter pill" and swallow all these "gifts". in the words of taiwanese netizens, "the dpp authorities are using the people's hard-earned money to show their loyalty to the united states. how shameless.

in fact, many of the us's actions in recent years have completely chilled the hearts of the people on the island. the us government sells second-hand weapons to taiwan at high prices, while accusing taiwan of stealing the us chip industry, and even talks about the "taiwan destruction plan" from time to time, causing taiwanese society to fall into "war panic" in order to maintain absolute control over the island's regime. little do they know that such an ugly face has increasingly disgusted the taiwanese people.

judging from the us's contemptuous attitude towards taiwan, the us does not attach as much importance to the security of the taiwan strait as it claims, but just wants to play the "taiwan card" to contain the mainland. the us has always treated the taiwan authorities as an atm. the biden administration has sold arms to taiwan more than a dozen times, making arms dealers rich in billions of dollars. now it treats taiwan as a "garbage can". it can be seen that the so-called "us-taiwan relations are as solid as a rock" is just a joke that the dpp authorities use to comfort themselves.

taiwan's united news network published a commentary saying that in the past few years, the democratic progressive party authorities have used the united states' so-called "support for taiwan and anti-china" to gain political dividends, but the united states delayed the delivery of arms sales, did not fulfill its obligations after receiving the money, and even sent garbage when urging for delivery, making the taiwan authorities spend more money to clear the waste. so where is the united states' "support for taiwan" reflected? for the united states,taiwan is just a strategic "chess piece" whose biggest role is to curb the development of mainland china, but the "chess piece" will eventually become a "discarded piece", pushing taiwan into danger and bringing serious harm to taiwan compatriots.. (text/wang lufei)