
"i want to participate in the national games" competition selection is underway, fitness enthusiasts have the opportunity to appear in the national games


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on september 18, ding dong, director of the mass sports department of the general administration of sport of china, revealed at a press conference held by the state council information office that the 15th national games to be held in 2025 will include 23 major events and 166 minor events for mass competitions. currently, various regions are conducting selections for the "i want to participate in the national games" competition, and some fitness enthusiasts will take the stage of the national games to showcase their fitness results.
ding dong said that events are a catalyst for the development of national fitness. in recent years, the state sports general administration has taken multiple measures and adopted comprehensive policies to lead the supply of national fitness events with mass events of the national games, national fitness competitions, and community games. this year, in accordance with the idea of ​​"providing a national event platform for the masses and holding events close to the masses", the first national fitness competition was innovatively held, with a total of 7 competition areas, striving to create national fitness events close to the masses that are chosen, participated in, organized, and benefited by the masses, so that fitness enthusiasts have a greater sense of gain and happiness.
at the same time, the national fitness theme activities will be carried out in chronological order throughout the year, including new year's day climbing, spring festival national fitness new year greetings, "walking the grand canal" in may, mass fitness activities in commemoration of comrade mao zedong's inscription "develop sports and enhance people's physique", national fitness day in august, farmers' harvest festival in september, "double ninth festival" elderly sports fitness display activities in october, and mass ice and snow season in december to strengthen brand building. among them, the national national fitness new year greetings activity will be launched for the first time in 2024, and many places will integrate national fitness activities into the overall design of the festival. according to incomplete statistics, more than 7,200 mass events were carried out during the spring festival this year, with more than 10 million people directly participating.
in addition, efforts will be made to promote and popularize the "three major balls" and ice and snow sports. we will increase support, publicity and cultivation of popular mass events such as "village super", "village ba" and "village va" that are popular among the people, further consolidate and expand the results of "driving 300 million people to participate in ice and snow sports", and use brand activities such as the national mass ice and snow season as a leading demonstration to promote the mastery and improvement of ice and snow sports by the masses. in addition, we will strengthen the combination of online and offline. the national fitness online games have been successfully held for two sessions, and this year is the third session. the number of direct participants in the 2023 online games will reach 22.6 million, and more than 17 million certificates will be issued.
ding dong said that the next step will be to continue to mobilize and stimulate the enthusiasm of party committees and governments at all levels, so that the content of mass events will be richer, the system will be further improved, the events will be safer and more standardized, and the enthusiasm of the masses to participate will continue to increase.
text and photos by reporter wang li