
200 apps have been launched on hongmeng in shanghai, and cloud testing data supports hongmeng native app adaptation


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recently, according to public data, 200 applications have been successfully launched on the hongmeng native system in shanghai, and there are countless actions to support hongmeng native application software in many cities. this number not only reflects the wide support of the hongmeng system, but also indicates the unlimited possibilities of the hongmeng ecosystem in the future, and also brings new development opportunities to practitioners in the software industry. at the same time, as a leading service provider in the field of domestic software testing,cloud testing datathe exploration and practice in hongmeng native application testing provide solid technical support for the healthy development of the hongmeng ecosystem.

the cross-platform, high-security, smooth and stable features of the hongmeng system provide developers with a broad space for innovation. companies have taken advantage of the hongmeng system to develop native applications that meet market demand, which not only improves the user experience but also expands their market share. for example, financial management applications such as huitianfu cash bao and yinhua shengli bao have achieved security upgrades and created smarter and more personalized financial services by leveraging the multiple advantages of harmonyos next; while convenient life applications such as earthquake express and delicious no need, etc., have brought users more useful and fun innovative experiences through functions such as live windows and service cards.

since the release of hongmeng, its ecosystem user base has grown steadily and rapidly. the rapid development of hongmeng ecosystem benefits from its powerful cross-device collaboration capabilities, efficient and secure data processing and privacy protection capabilities, and scenario-based services based on native intelligence. these features make hongmeng the preferred platform for many developers and enterprises, and promote the digital transformation process of various industries.

the hongmeng ecosystem is developing rapidly, and the software quality of the entire ecosystem has become an important indicator. as a leader in the software testing industry,cloud testing dataalways standing at the forefront of technology, it provides comprehensive support for the adaptation and testing of hongmeng native applications. it is understood that in terms of hongmeng native application testing,cloud testing datain-depth exploration and practice were carried out. first,cloud testing datathe architecture and features of the hongmeng system were deeply analyzed to ensure that the test solution can fully cover various application testing datacombined with actual user usehabithabits, simulating a variety of operating scenarios to ensure the comprehensiveness and accuracy of the testing dataa complete testing environment system has also been built, including different versions of hongmeng system, multiple models of testing equipment, and stable network connections, to ensure the smooth progress of the testing process and to restore the actual application scenarios to the greatest extent testing datahelp developers reduce the burden of traditional development models, ensure that application quality meets industry standards, and thus accelerate the market promotion of innovative applications.

it is reported that yunce data is a specialized and innovative enterprise in beijing, and has been selected as one of the "typical cases of empowerment of beijing's artificial intelligence industry (2023)" and "2022 trusted ai case-benchmark case of artificial intelligence platform application". it has more than 300 patents and software copyrights, iso27701 certification, and iso-20001 certification.

as the hongmeng ecosystem continues to mature and improve, the quality of hongmeng native application software will be further improved. the participation of third-party testing organizations such as testin cloud testing provides strong support for the quality assurance of hongmeng native applications. in the future, hongmeng native applications will pay more attention to user experience and market demand, and provide users with a more convenient, intelligent and secure digital life experience through continuous technological innovation and service upgrades. (zhang yiru)
