
a woman who was abused 16 times in two years applied for a higher level of trial and tried her best to protect her daughter


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elephant news reporter shen zizhong chen zhengyi li junfeng

on the eve of the mid-autumn festival, there has been new progress in the case of xiao xie, the person who was "suffering domestic violence 16 times in two years". she has applied to upgrade the trial of her ex-husband's criminal case.

xiao xie is from chengdu, sichuan. her case has received widespread attention in the past few years.

on september 11, xiao xie, who was invited to participate in the launch event of the "xiangshan" public welfare project of henan radio and television station's elephant news, once again called for zero tolerance of domestic violence. she hopes that her experience can give hope to other women and children who have been subjected to domestic violence, and prevent another woman like her from appearing.

domestic violence

xiao xie, 31 years old this year, is short and handsome. he met he mouyang in his hometown of sichuan in 2020.

"he looks very gentle and honest." xiao xie described his first impression of he mouyang. in may 2021, the two got married, but he mouyang seemed to have completely changed. "he often seemed timid in front of outsiders, but in front of me, especially at home, he was very strong."

the first domestic violence she encountered occurred in july 2021, more than a month after her marriage. at that time, xiao xie had just become pregnant. she accidentally heard that her husband and his ex-wife had some intimate behavior, so she asked about it on wechat. unexpectedly, her husband rushed into the bedroom without saying a word and beat her, and then dragged her outside to continue beating her. later, a takeaway boy who passed by couldn't stand it anymore and called the police.

the first domestic violence left her with small wounds all over her body. the police did not take any measures against the abuser but only gave a verbal warning.

the hasty ending of the first encounter also foreshadowed the routine trend of similar encounters later: domestic violence, the woman returned to her parents' home, the man came to apologize, and the woman chose to forgive, and so on. xiao xie later recalled that after marriage, she had experienced 16 domestic violence incidents of varying degrees, and 5 of them were "serious". after identification, 4 of them were serious injuries, 5 were minor injuries, and 1 was a slight injury.

and what xiao xie meant by "serious" was that "his life was seriously threatened at that time."

in january 2022, when xiao xie was seven months pregnant, she was beaten again.

after the violence, her husband took her cell phone away to prevent her from calling the police. xiao xie waited until her husband fell asleep before she dug out her old cell phone and took pictures of her injuries. she didn't dare to speak loudly, so she sent a wechat message to her friends begging for help in calling the police. it was also this time that the police issued a "domestic violence warning" to her husband for the first time.


however, the "warnings" did not become a talisman.

"every time i file for divorce, it will further anger him." the last episode of domestic violence that xiao xie experienced can be divided into "part 1" and "part 2".

on april 15 last year, xiao xie, her husband he mouyang, and a female friend of hers were having dinner at a restaurant. during the meal, xiao xie's friend chatted with he mouyang about family matters. when xiao xie's friend talked about the conflict between her and her boyfriend, he mouyang quickly got involved in the situation and became increasingly emotional. xiao xie kindly reminded him to lower his voice, but was immediately "ruthlessly suppressed." "he took a boiling casserole and poured it on me. he poured it on me four times. my chest and back were all burned."

afterwards, xiao xie, who had long been accustomed to dealing with the situation, blocked her husband's wechat and phone calls as usual, and hid herself as usual. she kept seeking help from the police, community, and women's federation, but the responses were limited.

on april 24, she went to the local court to consult about filing for divorce. at about 2 a.m. on april 25, she was dragged into he mouyang's car and taken to a hotel, where she was beaten. in the end, she was saved only when a stranger passing by the hotel corridor heard her cry for help and called the police.

when xiao xie was sent to the hospital for treatment, her pupils were dilated and she had no pulse. she was in a coma and stayed in the icu for 8 days before she was out of danger. after examination, it was found that she had extensive contusion and laceration of the left liver with bleeding, contusion and rupture of the duodenum, lung contusion, subarachnoid hemorrhage, brain contusion, bilateral pleural effusion, left kidney contusion, fractures of the 6th to 8th ribs on the left, and concussion.

"the doctor said if it had been 20 minutes later, i would not have been able to be saved." later, an appraisal opinion notice issued by the local police showed that his abdominal injury reached the standard of grade 2 severe injury.

a cry of despair

on may 12, 2023, he mouyang was arrested for intentional injury. the various soft and hard pressures from he mouyang caused xiao xie to lose 20 kilograms, and she felt fear and despair. in june of that year, she could no longer bear it and made her experience public on the short video platform. she accused "this is to kill me." she also questioned "why can't i escape, can't leave, and can't live well?"

after being reported by many media outlets including elephant news, xiao xie's experience and accusations aroused strong public concern.

on may 31, 2024, xiao xie's divorce lawsuit finally made substantial progress. the court ruled for divorce, and she also got custody of her 3-year-old daughter.

on the evening of june 7 this year, xiao xie received the long-awaited divorce decree. at that moment, she burst into tears.

a seemingly calm life requires greater courage and more to face.

at the event on september 11, the elephant news reporter noticed that xiao xie on the podium was standing straight but speaking very slowly and in a light voice.

it turns out that the domestic violence she experienced has caused damage to many of her internal organs. her left kidney has completely lost its function, and the absorption and digestion functions of her duodenum have been severely damaged. even a small cold is a disaster for xiao xie. "i used to have a strong immune system, so i would only last four or five days if i caught a cold, whether i took medicine or not. now, because i can't take many medicines, i feel terrible when i catch a cold. it takes at least half a month for the symptoms to get better."

"if i walk a slightly longer distance or talk too fast, i will start to pant and be unable to catch my breath." xiao xie stood straight because damage to her internal organs forced her to be unable to adopt a posture that would appear relatively comfortable and lazy to ordinary people. her body was so weak that she couldn't even lift up her 3-year-old daughter.

wake up more sisters

xiao xie is a smart and hardworking girl. after she got pregnant, she sold her clothing store to better manage her family. after her child was born, she also did a cosmetics business for the sake of her child's future. now, because she has lost her ability to do physical labor, she has no job and no source of income.

due to financial constraints, xiao xie had to live in a shared house, a single room with a monthly rent of more than 800 yuan. a bed, a small wardrobe and a small table were all the belongings she and her daughter had.

"i know that i still have a long way to go in defending my rights in the future, but at least my daughter and i are safe now." xiao xie's speech was still slow, but he was extremely firm.

statistics show that on average, a woman suffers domestic violence every 7.4 seconds. although the public has been calling for "zero tolerance for domestic violence" since the promulgation of the anti-domestic violence law in 2016, there are still a considerable number of people who stubbornly attribute domestic violence to family affairs, or even privacy, and use the so-called "it is difficult for a good official to judge family affairs" to cover up the indifference of onlookers and the inaction of law enforcement officers.

"there are only 0 times and countless times of domestic violence. i hope my experience and appeal can awaken more sisters." xiao xie said that in fact, people's understanding of the harm of domestic violence is somewhat similar to drunk driving, and their tolerance is not as strict as that of drunk driving.

she believes that the most important thing is to raise people's awareness of the harm of domestic violence.