
the patient's family members put up banners in the hospital, questioning the "disregard for human life". the latest report from the hospital


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on september 18, bazhou development zone hospital released a statement on the "9.15" online public opinion:

on september 15, after the online public opinion on the douyin platform that "bazhou rheumatoid hospital disregards human life", the leaders of bazhou development zone hospital attached great importance to it and organized personnel to conduct a detailed investigation. the specific situation is as follows:

the patient, zhao moumou, female, 51 years old, from bazhou city, was hospitalized for treatment of uterine fibroids in bazhou development zone hospital at 8:06 am on september 3, 2024. after admission, preoperative examinations such as electrocardiogram, color ultrasound, blood routine, blood lipids, blood sugar, liver and kidney function, and coagulation showed no obvious abnormalities. the doctor organized a preoperative discussion and the patient met the surgical indications. the doctor explained to the patient and her family that a laparoscopic hysterectomy would be performed, and explained in detail the risks that the operation might bring. the patient and her family agreed to bear the risks of the operation and signed to express their understanding.

at around 9:00 a.m. on september 5, 2024, the patient entered the operating room and underwent surgery under general anesthesia. the operation was successfully completed. at 12:09 a.m. on the same day, the patient returned to the ward safely with stable vital signs. at around 2:27 p.m., the medical staff found that the patient was abnormal and indifferent during observation. they immediately asked the hospital's internal medicine doctor for consultation. after an mri examination, they considered a left frontal and parietal lobe cerebral infarction. after reaching an agreement with the patient's family, the bazhou development zone hospital sent a 120 ambulance to beijing xuanwu hospital accompanied by three medical staff. the examination report of xuanwu hospital showed acute cerebral infarction in the left frontal lobe and basal ganglia, and explained that the patient's condition did not support surgical treatment. due to the shortage of beds in xuanwu hospital, it was recommended to transfer to beijing you'anmen hospital for conservative hospitalization. the patient's family agreed and was admitted to the intensive care unit of you'anmen hospital for treatment. at the same time, the bazhou development zone hospital sealed the patient's medical records on the night of the incident to preserve medical evidence. the matter was reported to the medical administration section of the bazhou municipal health and health bureau the next day.

at 10 p.m. on september 8, 2024, the patient's family called the bazhou development zone hospital to inform them that the patient's condition had worsened and the medical expenses were tight. after receiving the news, out of concern for the patient's life and health, the bazhou development zone hospital organized two obstetricians and gynecologists to visit the patient at beijing youanmen hospital overnight. they arrived at youanmen hospital at 2 a.m. and handed over 10,000 yuan (life-saving money collected by many doctors in our hospital) to the patient's family as advance payment for humanitarian aid.

on september 12, 2024, the family members voluntarily gave up treatment at youanmen hospital and returned to langfang fourth people's hospital for hospitalization.

on september 14, 2024, the patient's vital signs disappeared in langfang fourth hospital. as for the specific reasons why the patient's condition suddenly worsened during treatment at beijing you'anmen hospital, the family members never disclosed the truth.

after the patient returned to bazhou, the bazhou development zone hospital communicated with the patient's family and client as soon as possible, and both parties agreed to jointly entrust a lawyer to intervene in the negotiation and deal with the matter. at 10 a.m. on september 15, 2024, go to a certain law firm in bazhou city to discuss solutions and determine the final solution. the lawyer first informed the patient's client that he should retain the right to an autopsy of the cause of death. during the negotiation process, the family of the deceased automatically gave up the negotiation solution without notifying the law firm. at about 2:30 p.m. on the same day, they suddenly went to the bazhou development zone hospital to pull banners and place the crystal coffin in the outpatient hall on the first floor, as shown in the video posted by netizens on douyin. therefore, this behavior disturbs public order, hinders normal medical activities, brings terror to patients visiting the bazhou development zone hospital, affects patients' medical treatment, and infringes on the rights of others. the staff of the bazhou development zone hospital called the police in accordance with the law. after receiving the alarm, the bazhou city station front police station immediately dispatched the police. after the police arrived at the bazhou development zone hospital, they learned about the situation in a timely manner, actively dissuaded the family from ending their ongoing illegal behavior, and told the family that they should protect their rights in accordance with the law. the family members did not listen to the dissuasion and still made a big fuss in the hospital, insulting and abusing. the police removed the banners hung by the patient's family at the entrance of the hospital in accordance with the law, and once again warned the patient to protect his rights in accordance with the law. to this day, the crystal coffin is still placed in the consultation hall of bazhou development zone hospital. the family members continue to hang white cloth banners, place wreaths in the hospital, burn paper money, drink and have dinner together, seriously disrupting the medical order and infringing on the rights of the hospital.

to sum up, since the patient suffered cerebral infarction till now, bazhuo development zone hospital has always attached great importance to it, paid close attention to it, and actively solved the problem without any shirking, buckling or delaying from beginning to end.

according to the current situation, bazhou development zone hospital has collectively decided to continue to actively cooperate, choose to solve the problem in accordance with the law and regulations, follow the national designated medical dispute resolution method, and scientifically determine the medical responsibility that should be borne through medical appraisal. at present, bazhou development zone hospital has unilaterally submitted a medical appraisal application to the bazhou municipal health and health bureau.

statement from bazhou development zone hospital:

1. the hospital supports the patient's family in exercising their rights in a reasonable and legal manner with an attitude of respecting science and seeking truth from facts.

2. we hope that the patient’s family will clarify responsibility through legal channels. if we are indeed responsible, the hospital will bear it according to the law and will never shirk its responsibility.

3. our hospital reserves the right to pursue legal responsibility for the adverse impact caused by the patient's family members on our normal diagnosis and treatment activities during the handling of this medical dispute.

4. we call on the news media to report in a neutral, objective and fair manner, to create a safe medical practice environment and build a harmonious doctor-patient relationship.