
2024 world marine equipment conference investment roadshow held in shanghai


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original title: 2024 world navigation equipment conference investment roadshow held in shanghai

(fujian daily reporter lin wei) recently, the 2024 world maritime equipment conference investment roadshow and marine economic industry supply and demand matching meeting was held in shanghai.

at the scene, four parks, including fuzhou lianjiang economic development zone, jiangyin port city economic zone, zhangzhou high-tech industrial development zone, and putian meizhou bay north shore economic development zone, respectively promoted their development foundations, industrial advantages, and key development areas in the future. china shipbuilding group released 8 technical requirements and 5 convertible and landing technical achievements. many key enterprises, scientific research institutions and investment institutions from the marine economic industry participated in the investment roadshow.

the conference released key innovative technological achievements in the marine industry, covering multiple fields such as shipbuilding industry, ship and marine equipment, and marine engineering equipment manufacturing. during the on-site project cooperation discussion, representatives from multiple parks and enterprises in fujian province and the yangtze river delta region had in-depth exchanges and reached a number of cooperation intentions.

a relevant person in charge of the fujian provincial development and reform commission said that the 2024 world navigation equipment conference is not only an important window for fujian province to showcase the achievements of marine economic and industrial development, but also a key platform to attract high-quality projects from all over the country and promote the upgrading of the industrial chain. fujian will rely on its unique marine resources, solid industrial foundation and profound cultural heritage to create an open, inclusive, cooperative and win-win new marine economic ecology, and contribute "fujian wisdom" and "fujian strength" to the vigorous development of the marine economic industry.

it is reported that this event is jointly sponsored by the fujian provincial development and reform commission, the fuzhou municipal people's government, and the china shipbuilding industry corporation comprehensive technology and economic research institute. in the next step, the conference preparatory group will move to chongqing and wuhan to continue to carry out investment roadshows, promote more high-quality projects to take root across the country, and promote the high-quality development of my country's marine economic industry.

(lin wei)

(southeast network)
