
data of listed companies and heterogeneous institutional investors from 2003 to 2023


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institutional investors mainly refer to those investment entities with large amounts of funds, professional investment skills and rich market experience. they gather funds from many small and medium-sized investors through centralized management and make various forms of securities investment. these institutions include but are not limited to pension funds, insurance companies, mutual funds, hedge funds, charitable foundations, endowment funds, investment banks, commercial banks, securities companies, futures companies, etc.

heterogeneous institutional investors are the differences between different institutions. this difference is reflected in many aspects, including company nature, capital scale, shareholding motivation, investment style, source of funds, asset nature, debt characteristics, entrustment requirements, investment restrictions, etc.

this data contains original data, references, code do files, and final results.

data name: listed companies-heterogeneous institutional investors

data year: 2003-2023

relevant data and indicators

stock code year institutional investor shareholding ratio (relative to total share capital) stable institutional investors are 1, and trading institutional investors are 0 stable institutional investors or trading institutional investors stock code stock abbreviation industry name - csrc 2012 edition industry code - csrc 2012 edition institutional investor shareholding ratio of company i in year t institutional investor shareholding ratio of company i in year t-1 institutional investor shareholding ratio of company i in year t-2 institutional investor shareholding ratio of company i in year t-3 standard deviation of institutional investor shareholding ratio of company i in the previous three years ratio of institutional investor shareholding ratio of company i in year t to the standard deviation of its institutional investor shareholding ratio in the past three years median of industry j in year t