
after vucic's strong response, china spoke out


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recently, tensions in kosovo have escalated again. at the end of august, the kosovo authorities closed five parallel institutions that cooperated with serbs in the serbian-populated areas in the north on the grounds of "violation of the law", triggering protests from serbs.
the move also drew criticism from the united states and the european union, which fear that tensions in kosovo could lead to wider unrest in the balkans as the war in ukraine spreads.
on september 16, a spokesperson for the chinese ministry of foreign affairs responded to reporters' questions about the situation in kosovo and said that relevant parties should continue to conduct pragmatic and constructive dialogue and actively seek a lasting solution to the kosovo issue.
changan street governor (wechat id: capitalnews) noticed that since the beginning of this year, the kosovo authorities have taken frequent actions, such as designating the euro as the only legal currency at the beginning of the year.
earlier this month, for example, it was announced that the bridge over the ibar river would be opened. the bridge divides kosovo mitrovica into the serb-majority north and the albanian-majority south. the serbs have been setting up roadblocks there since 2011.
in 1999, the un security council adopted resolution 1244 on the political settlement of the kosovo crisis, reaffirming the sovereignty of the federal republic of yugoslavia over the kosovo region and requiring all un member states to "respect the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the federal republic of yugoslavia". however, after kosovo unilaterally declared "independence" from serbia in february 2008, the united states and other western countries recognized its status.
on september 13, serbian president vucic delivered a public speech. source: visual chinaon september 13, serbian president vucic responded strongly in a televised speech, demanding that local elections be held in northern kosovo, the return of serbs to the police force and the judiciary, and the withdrawal of the kosovo special police force from the north.
vucic also announced that the serbian parliament will pass a resolution declaring illegal all institutions and organizations established in the kosovo region since kosovo's unilateral declaration of "independence".
on september 16, the chinese ministry of foreign affairs stated that on the kosovo issue, china, as always, respects serbia's sovereignty and territorial integrity and believes that the security and legitimate rights and interests of the serbs in the kosovo region should be guaranteed. unilateral actions will not help solve the problem and will affect regional security and stability. the relevant parties should continue to conduct pragmatic and constructive dialogue and actively seek a lasting solution to the kosovo issue.