
this year's mid-autumn festival is "the full moon on the 15th day of the 16th day of the lunar calendar" and it is also a "supermoon"


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caption: a full moon during the mid-autumn festival last year photo by yang jianzheng
xinmin evening news (reporter gao yang) after bidding farewell to "bebejia", shanghai citizens are expected to see a full moon during the mid-autumn festival. this year's mid-autumn festival is "the moon is full on the 15th and 16th", and it is also a "supermoon". a full moon is an ordinary moment for the moon, but in the hearts of chinese people, it is a symbol of reunion, happiness, and eternity. on this warm day today, remember to "share the beauty of the moon" with your family and friends.
on the first day of every lunar month, which the ancients called "shuo", we can hardly see the moon; until the fifteenth day, which is called "wang", the moon becomes full and round like a mirror on the yaotai. from "shuo" to "wang" and then to "shuo", a cycle is completed, which is a month on the lunar calendar.
the moon's orbit around the earth is an ellipse, and its revolution speed is not uniform - when it is close to the earth, the moon's speed will be faster; when it is far from the earth, the moon's speed will be slower. the shortest time from the "new moon" to the "full moon" is less than 14 days, and the longest is more than 15 days. therefore, the full moon can appear as early as the night of the 14th day of the lunar calendar and as late as the morning of the 17th day of the lunar calendar. the full moon appears most often on the 15th and 16th day of the lunar calendar, and the most often on the 16th day of the lunar calendar. therefore, there is a folk saying that "the moon on the 15th day is fuller on the 16th day".
from 2021 to 2023, for three consecutive years, the mid-autumn festival was "the moon is full on the 15th day of the 15th month"; this year's mid-autumn festival is "the moon is full on the 16th day of the 15th month", and the full moon time is 10:34 on the 18th. coincidentally, like last year's mid-autumn moon, this year's mid-autumn moon is also a "supermoon".
photo caption: on august 19, shanghai welcomed the first "supermoon" of the year. photo by xinmin evening news reporter liu xin
the so-called "supermoon" is essentially a "perigee full moon", that is, when the moon is full, it is near the perigee, and its apparent diameter is larger than that of a normal full moon, and its brightness is also higher, but it is difficult to distinguish this difference with the naked eye. "supermoons" are not rare, and they occur every year. there are four "supermoons" this year, and the second one on the 18th of this month is.
it is worth mentioning that this full moon will also usher in a very small partial lunar eclipse. unfortunately, this lunar eclipse occurred on the morning of the 18th, beijing time, during the daytime in my country, and the public had no chance to enjoy it.
astronomy experts suggest that a good time to appreciate the moon is more than an hour after sunset. at this time, the moon has just risen and is hanging not high above the horizon. to the naked eye, its color and shape will appear different from when it is high in the sky. at this time, night has not yet completely fallen and buildings on the ground are vaguely visible. against their backdrop, the moon will appear especially large and round.