
china demands israel seriously investigate and hold accountable all attacks on humanitarian workers


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china news service, united nations, september 16 (xinhua) the un security council held an open meeting on the palestinian-israeli issue on the 16th. china's deputy permanent representative to the united nations geng shuang stated at the meeting that china demands that israel conduct a serious investigation and hold accountable all attacks on humanitarian workers.

on the same day, the united nations gaza senior humanitarian and reconstruction coordinator kaag reported that the world health organization, the united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees in the near east (unrwa) and unicef successfully completed the first of two rounds of polio vaccination activities in the gaza strip. the ongoing hostilities have seriously hampered the united nations' humanitarian aid efforts in gaza, and humanitarian workers lack security guarantees.

geng shuang said that despite the efforts made by the united nations and other humanitarian organizations, the humanitarian situation in gaza has been deteriorating, and violations of international law, especially international humanitarian law, have been occurring. last week, a un polio vaccine transport vehicle approved by israel was forcibly detained for nearly eight hours and was shot at. also last week, six unrwa employees were killed in an airstrike.

geng shuang said that the attacks on humanitarian agencies and personnel are shocking and unacceptable, and china strongly condemns them. unrwa provides relief to palestinian refugees in accordance with the authorization of the general assembly and is the mainstay of humanitarian assistance in gaza. even in the most dangerous times, unrwa has been holding on in gaza, and 224 employees have been killed so far. china expresses its highest respect to all humanitarian workers who are still holding on, expresses its deepest condolences to the victims, and demands that israel conduct a serious investigation and hold accountable all attacks on humanitarian workers.

geng shuang said that the polio vaccination campaign can be carried out, which fully proves that as long as the parties concerned show political will, it is entirely possible to expand humanitarian operations in gaza. china once again calls on israel to proceed from life and humanity, fulfill its obligations under international humanitarian law, immediately lift the blockade, open all crossing points, cancel restrictions on the access of humanitarian supplies, stop attacking and suppressing humanitarian agencies such as the united nations, and provide security and convenience for humanitarian agencies to carry out assistance.