
several a-share companies have issued repurchase announcements. what’s going on?


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recently, listed companies have been repurchasing shares in large numbers.since september, more than 500 a-share listed companies have issued repurchase announcements., sending positive signals to the market.

higher repurchase amount

judging from the repurchase amount, many listed companies plan to repurchase more than 100 million yuan. according to incomplete statistics from china securities journal reporters, 32 listed companies have announced repurchase plans of more than 100 million yuan since september.

xishan technology recently announced that the company plans to repurchase shares through centralized bidding transactions, with a total amount of funds not less than 150 million yuan and not more than 300 million yuan, and a repurchase price not exceeding 80 yuan per share. the repurchased shares will be used to reduce the registered capital and cancel them according to law. the estimated number of repurchased shares is 1.875 million shares to 3.75 million shares, accounting for 3.54% to 7.08% of the total share capital. the repurchase period is within 12 months from the date when the shareholders' meeting deliberates and approves the final share repurchase plan.

in terms of the purpose of repurchase, most companies repurchase for equity incentive plans or employee stock ownership plans. zhejiang agricultural technology co., ltd. announced that it plans to use its own funds to repurchase 100 million to 200 million yuan of company shares, with the repurchase price not exceeding 11.14 yuan per share (inclusive). the repurchased shares will be used for equity incentive plans or employee stock ownership plans.

some companies intend to repurchase shares for convertible bond conversion. jiajiayue recently announced that it plans to implement the second phase of share repurchase in 2024, with the repurchase amount not less than 100 million yuan (inclusive) and not more than 200 million yuan (inclusive), and the source of funds is its own funds. the repurchased shares are intended to be used to convert corporate bonds issued by the company that can be converted into shares. the repurchase price does not exceed 10 yuan per share. the repurchase method is a centralized bidding transaction method. the repurchase period is within 12 months from the date when the company's board of directors deliberates and approves this share repurchase plan.

there are also many companies that put forward formal repurchase plans shortly after the chairman or general manager proposed a repurchase plan.

xidian new energy announced on september 13 that the company plans to repurchase the company's shares for 50 million to 100 million yuan to cancel and reduce registered capital. the repurchase price will not exceed 40 yuan per share.

previously, on september 6, 2024, xidian new energy received a letter from sheng jianhua, the company's controlling shareholder, one of the actual controllers, chairman and general manager, "on proposing a second repurchase of the company's shares by suzhou xidian new energy electric co., ltd." sheng jianhua proposed that the company use its own funds to repurchase part of the company's issued rmb common stock (a shares) through the shanghai stock exchange's stock trading system by way of centralized bidding transactions.

intensive release of plans to increase holdings

in addition to announcing repurchase plans, many companies have announced plans for major shareholders to increase their holdings.

some companies plan to increase their holdings by more than 100 million yuan. cccc design recently announced that cccc capital, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the company's controlling shareholder, plans to increase its holdings of the company's shares within 6 months from september 10, 2024 with its own funds through the methods permitted by the shanghai stock exchange trading system. the planned increase in holdings is not less than 100 million yuan and not more than 200 million yuan.

some important shareholders or executives of star companies have joined the ranks of increasing holdings.

byd recently announced that senior vice president luo hongbin and other senior executives increased their holdings of the company's a shares by a total of 58,100 shares from september 2 to september 9, with a total amount of 14.6572 million yuan; the company's other 33 core personnel recently increased their holdings of the company's a shares by a total of 83,900 shares, with a total amount of 20.7964 million yuan. the above entities increased their holdings of the company's a shares by a total of 142,000 shares, with a total amount of 35.4536 million yuan.

sinopec recently announced that as of the close of september 11, 2024, the controlling shareholder sinopec group and its wholly-owned subsidiaries have accumulated 273,371,456 shares of the company, accounting for approximately 0.22% of the company's total issued shares, and the cumulative amount of increased holdings is 1.187 billion yuan (excluding taxes and fees). among them, through the shanghai stock exchange trading system, a total of 99,453,456 a shares of the company were accumulated through centralized bidding, accounting for approximately 0.08% of the company's total issued shares, and the cumulative amount of increased holdings was 549 million yuan (excluding taxes and fees); through its wholly-owned overseas subsidiaries, a total of 173,918,000 h shares of the company were accumulated through on-site trading in the hong kong stock exchange limited system, accounting for approximately 0.14% of the company's total issued shares, and the cumulative amount of increased holdings was hk$699 million (excluding taxes and fees). sinopec group will continue to increase its holdings of the company's shares in accordance with the increase plan.