
a cadre in guangdong was reported to have "concealed serious mistakes before joining the party". what are these mistakes?


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on september 16, the discipline inspection and supervision commission of huizhou city, guangdong province issued a "double dismissal" notice on chen yuxia, former secretary of the party committee and director of the zhongkai branch of the huizhou public resources trading center.

chen yuxia, female, was announced to be under investigation in june this year. the latest notice mentioned that after investigation, chen yuxia lost her ideals and beliefs, betrayed her original mission, ignored the spirit of the central committee's eight regulations, and accepted gifts in violation of regulations; violated organizational principles and concealed serious mistakes before joining the party; abused public power for personal gain, used the convenience of her position to seek benefits for others in project contracting, engineering acceptance, and fund allocation, and illegally accepted property; in order to seek improper benefits, she gave property to state employees.

what does “concealing serious mistakes made before joining the party” mean?

being loyal and honest to the party and being consistent in words and deeds are obligations that party members must fulfill as stipulated in the party constitution. the website of the central commission for discipline inspection and the national supervisory commission published an article in may this year, introducing that "serious mistakes before joining the party" refers to the behavior before joining the party, which should be punished by revocation of party posts, probation or expulsion from the party in accordance with the party rules and regulations at the time. when filling out the relevant materials for joining the party, active party members should truthfully report their major personal circumstances, including serious mistakes they have made, in accordance with the regulations, so that the party organization can make a comprehensive understanding and evaluation of their ideological and political conditions. if a party member conceals serious mistakes before joining the party from the party organization, it means that he does not meet the conditions for party membership, and he should generally be expelled from the party. however, in line with the principle of punishing past mistakes and preventing future ones, curing illnesses and saving people, those who have joined the party for many years and have consistently performed well or made outstanding contributions in their work may not be expelled after comprehensive consideration, but may remain in the party and be given party discipline sanctions as appropriate.

earlier, an article signed by the discipline inspection and supervision commission of jinan city, shandong province, published in the china discipline inspection and supervision news cited as an example: case 1: a, a member of the communist party of china, was born in june 1971, joined the party in 2001, and served as the director of a department in a municipal department from may 2017 to march 2019. in september 1996, his father (now deceased) forged a college diploma from a certain college so that a could work in a municipal department (the unit required recruits to have a college degree or above). a did not study in the college, but entered the municipal department with the college degree. it was not until march 2019, when the organization verified the issue with him, that a truthfully confessed that he had concealed the fact that he used a forged college degree to work when he joined the party. a was expelled from the party.

in this case, although a did not directly forge the college degree, he did not study in the college and used the college degree knowing that it was forged. a entered the municipal department by using the forged college degree and was gradually promoted to director. a concealed serious mistakes before joining the party and should be expelled from the party.

case 2: b, a member of the communist party of china, joined the communist party of china in 2009 and served as the party branch secretary of a village in a certain district from january 2018 to may 2019. in 1999, b was sentenced to two years in prison for theft, suspended for two years, and fined 5,000 yuan. when b joined the party in november 2009, he did not inform the organization of the fact that he had been criminally punished, and the relevant departments did not find out the above situation. until may 2019, when the organization verified the issue with him, b truthfully confessed that he had concealed the fact that he had been criminally punished when he joined the party. b was given a one-year probationary period.

in this case, b concealed serious mistakes he made before joining the party and violated organizational discipline. however, in view of the fact that he had no other disciplinary violations after joining the party, and that he was active in his work as the village party branch secretary and led the entire village in effective economic development, it was determined that his performance after joining the party was good and he was given a one-year probationary period.

according to incomplete statistics from the paper, other related cases disclosed by various places in recent years include: qian, deputy director of a city’s water conservancy bureau, joined the party in april 2001 and started working in july 2002. in august 1999, qian had a dispute with others after drinking and accidentally injured someone, and was detained for 15 days by the public security organ. when joining the party, qian did not report his administrative detention to the organization, and the organization did not find it during the political review. after joining the party, qian was able to conscientiously abide by the party’s discipline, actively fulfill his obligations as a party member, work hard, achieve outstanding results, and was commended and rewarded many times. in january 2018, qian was reported for concealing serious mistakes before joining the party. after review by the organization and taking into account qian’s consistent performance since joining the party, qian was given a serious warning within the party.

on january 13, 2006, huang was sentenced to three years in prison and four years of probation by the people's court of napo county, guangxi province, for the crime of accepting bribes. after the probation was completed, the human resources and social security bureau of napo county issued a document on december 29, 2010 agreeing to restore huang's public office. in august 2013, huang submitted an application to join the party to the party branch of pohe township, napo county, and was listed as an active member of the party in april 2014. in june 2015, when huang filled out the application form for joining the party, he did not truthfully fill in the two columns of "when, where, why and what kind of punishment was received" and "issues that need to be explained to the party organization" that he was sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment in 2006; and in the same month, he was accepted as a probationary member of the communist party of china after discussion by the party branch. until he became a formal member in june 2016, huang had never reported to the organization that he had been sentenced to a fixed-term imprisonment. huang moumou was given a party warning on july 23, 2021 for concealing serious mistakes he made before joining the party and violating organizational discipline.

in addition, from march 2010 to july 2011, hu xia (formerly known as li shuping), a history researcher at the education and research center of the shinan district education and sports bureau in qingdao, concealed from the organization her serious mistakes of changing her name, age of birth, and place of origin before the college entrance examination during the period from when she was identified as an active member of the party to when she was developed into a probationary party member. the party branch of the education and research center of the shinan district education and sports bureau did not verify hu xia's personal matters, did not conduct a strict political review, and illegally developed hu xia into the party. with the approval of the party committee of the shinan district education and sports bureau, the party branch of the education and research center of the shinan district education and sports bureau expelled hu xia from the party. the shinan district discipline inspection commission gave jiang zuoxin, the former party branch secretary of the education and research center of the shinan district education and sports bureau, a warning within the party; and gave dong kunling, the organization committee member of the party branch of the education and research center of the shinan district education and sports bureau, a serious warning within the party, and the party committee of the shinan district education and sports bureau removed him from his position as the organization committee member of the party branch.