
yu zongbo from qishang online: let digital infrastructure take the lead and work together to promote the development of domestic computing power


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beijing news shell finance (reporter wei boya) from september 12 to 16, the 2024 china international fair for trade in services was held in beijing. yu zongbo, senior vice president of qishang online (beijing) data technology co., ltd., told shell finance reporters that moderately advanced construction of digital infrastructure is a forward-looking view of the country, and only by working together can the development of domestic computing power be promoted.
regarding this year's government work report's first mention of the "artificial intelligence +" action and related statements about moderately advancing the construction of digital infrastructure, yu zongbo believes that moderately advancing refers to comparing with the country's development stage. although my country's demand for digital infrastructure has not yet shown explosive growth, in the long run, infrastructure must still come first and we must accept that capacity building must be ahead of actual demand.
the current demand for large model training is booming, but there are also problems such as a shortage of computing power and a surge in energy consumption. can domestic computing power solve the "thirst for computing power"? yu zongbo said that with the strong support of national policies, a number of domestic chip companies, computing power operation companies, model companies and large-scale intelligent computing centers have emerged in china. it is believed that with the cooperation of many parties, this problem is expected to be solved in the future.
yu zongbo told reporters that compared with last year, there are more companies in the ai ​​ecosystem at this year's services trade fair, including companies in chips, big models and computing power operations. at the same time, the hot words are more diverse, "in the past, it may have only talked about computing power, but now it has penetrated into more vertical fields and industrial fields, such as vertical models."
at the "general artificial intelligence computing power forum" of the services trade fair, wang yi, chairman of qishang online, introduced the relevant situation of the shijingshan intelligent computing power center. it is reported that qishang online has been planning intelligent computing since 2019, and has successively built and operated intelligent computing center projects such as the sanlitun capital financial computing power center, the photon no. 1 financial computing power center, and the shijingshan intelligent computing power center.
it is reported that the shijingshan intelligent computing center is located in the beijing heavy industry science and technology cultural industrial park. it was transformed from the old factory building of beijing heavy industry motor factory and covers an area of ​​13,000 square meters.
during the interview, yu zongbo said that "renovating the old factory" is in line with national policies and the characteristics of the times. at the same time, the old factory is of good quality and can meet the needs of renovation. therefore, on the basis of preserving the integrity of the factory's appearance and historical features, bosu technology, a wholly-owned subsidiary of qishang online, carried out a series of technical renovations on the factory to meet the high requirements of the intelligent computing center for the operation and maintenance environment.
yu zongbo believes that the shijingshan intelligent computing center has two positionings. on the one hand, it meets the needs of relevant enterprises in beijing, especially in shijingshan district, and provides computing power support for relevant large-scale model, metaverse, animation and other enterprises in the region. on the other hand, the shijingshan intelligent computing center has the nature of public computing power, and in the future, the company will focus on supporting some high-quality and high-quality customers, including those in the financial field.
it is understood that the shijingshan intelligent computing center is a large-scale double-precision floating-point intelligent computing supercomputing center in beijing that integrates training and promotion, and has been included in the 2024 beijing key project new infrastructure project.
proofread by liu jun