
hong kong martial arts actor xu shaoqiang passed away at the age of 43. his wife suffered a heart attack while handling his funeral and died shortly afterwards


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on september 15, according to hong kong media reports, martial arts actor xu shaoqiang passed away at the age of 73. later, hong kong film workers association spokesman tin kai man further revealed in an interview with the media that xu shaoqiang's 30-year-old wife had also passed away. mrs. xu unfortunately suffered a heart attack while arranging the funeral for her late husband. now xu shaoqiang's funeral affairs are handled by his daughter.

xu shaoqiang's daughter xu yingkun posted jacky cheung's song "you are the only legend in my life" on social media: "i love you!" xu yingkun accepted an interview with east net and said: "thank you for your concern. i hope everyone will give us space to deal with this matter." his son xu weidong just replied to east net: "thank you for your concern. we are dealing with it with my family."

it is reported that xu shaoqiang's wife is about 30 years younger than him. the two got married in 2005 and have lived in beijing since then. tin kai man said on the phone that although he did not know mrs. xu, according to the information he received, it was this lady who suddenly passed away after xu shaoqiang's death.