
geomagnetic storms may occur again today and tomorrow! netizen: is this the reason why i can't wake up?


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the national space weather monitoring and early warning center introduced on the 15th that at 23:29 beijing time on september 14, a significant flare broke out in the solar active region 13825, with a peak intensity of x4.5, reaching the level of a large flare. when the flare occurred, it was nighttime in my country, so it did not affect the ionospheric weather in my country.

the eruption came from the solar active region 13825, which is currently located in the south-eastern part of the solar surface and covers a large area.

shortly after the flare erupted, a large amount of solar plasma was ejected outward at high speed, forming a coronal mass ejection (cme). observation data shows that a large amount of ejecta was flying towards the direction of the earth.

the soho satellite captured this cme process. image source: "space weather" wechat public account

according to the currently acquired solar active region position, coronal mass ejection speed and relative position relationship with the earth,the coronal mass ejection that occurred on the evening of the 14th may affect the earth between september 16 and 17.a series of space environment changes may occur, including geomagnetic storms, increased density of the upper atmosphere, and ionospheric storms., which in turn has varying degrees of impact on multiple fields such as aerospace and communications.

currently, it is the time for autumn pigeon racing competitions, and a large number of racing pigeons are soaring on their way home. we would like to remind all pigeon racing players to pay more attention to the trends of space weather and ground weather in the coming period, make comprehensive judgments, release their pigeons cautiously, and reduce unnecessary losses.

in addition, based on the intensity of possible geomagnetic storms,aurora activity may occur in my countryhowever, due to the influence of the full moon during the mid-autumn festival, the observation effect may be slightly worse. the bright moonlight weakens the aurora effect to a certain extent.

in december 2023, auroras appeared in many parts of my country. image source: cctv news

a previous outbreak

caused a 27-hour geomagnetic storm

according to the official wechat account of the national space weather monitoring and early warning center on the 14th, affected by the solar coronal mass ejection activity, the earth experienced a geomagnetic storm process lasting 27 hours from 14:00 on september 12 to 08:00 on september 14, beijing time, of which 6 hours was a large geomagnetic storm with a kp index of 7. at present, this geomagnetic storm has ended and the earth's magnetic field is gradually recovering.

along with the occurrence of geomagnetic activities, places such as mohe in heilongjiang, dunhuang in gansu, and hulunbuir in inner mongolia in my country once again welcomed magnificent aurora shows.

what is a geomagnetic storm?

geomagnetic storms are a typical solar eruption activity. when the sun erupts, a coronal mass ejection occurs, which can throw hundreds of millions of tons of solar material away from the sun's surface at a speed of hundreds to thousands of meters per second.

han dayang, senior engineer of the space weather technology research and development office of the national space weather monitoring and early warning center of the china meteorological administration, said, "geomagnetic storms are invisible and imperceptible to humans."

these materials not only contain kinetic energy from huge mass and speed, but also carry the strong magnetic field energy of the sun. once they hit the earth, they will cause changes in the direction and size of the geomagnetic field, which is called geomagnetic storm.

there are four levels of geomagnetic storm warning from low to high: blue, yellow, orange and red.

solar flares, as intense energy eruptions on the surface of the sun, are divided into five levels: a, b, c, m, and x, where a is the lowest energy level and x is the highest energy level.

geomagnetic storms can be divided into the following levels:

do geomagnetic storms cause sleepiness?

what impact does it have on life?

previously, topics such as solar flares and geomagnetic storms have been trending on the internet, sparking discussions. some netizens said that geomagnetic storms have had more or less impact on their bodies.

"i've been so sleepy lately. i want to sleep as soon as i have some free time." "i've found the reason why i can't sleep." "i'm not only sleepy but also gluttonous. is this normal?" "i've found the reason why i can't wake up..." the entry "geomagnetic storm sleepiness" once became a hot search.

experts responded that even if an x-class flare and a super geomagnetic storm occurred in may this year, ordinary people may not feel it too strongly, nor will it affect their health, and there is no need for special protection.

this year and next year will be a period of high solar activity

according to previous reports, this year and next year will be peak periods of solar activity, and the public may frequently see flares and geomagnetic storm warnings, so there is no need to be surprised.

wang jinsong, director of the national space weather monitoring and early warning center, said at a press conference held by the china meteorological administration that monitoring shows thatthis round of solar activity has entered its peak year. according to the latest research, the peak of this round of solar activity is expected to arrive between 2024 and 2025. it is currently near the peak, and solar activity is relatively frequent, which is a normal natural phenomenon.

he said that this year and next year will be the peak years of solar activity, which means that there will be some space weather events such as solar flares and geomagnetic storms in the future. the public can remain calm and look at the impact of space weather events scientifically. "although geomagnetic storms will have a certain impact on the operation of spacecraft, the impact on people's health and daily life is minimal, so the public does not need to worry."