
zhanjiang, guangdong: cancel the difference between the first and second housing provident fund loan amounts, and the maximum loan amount is 900,000 yuan


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on september 15, five departments including the housing and urban-rural development bureau of zhanjiang city, guangdong province, the zhanjiang city natural resources bureau, and the zhanjiang city housing provident fund management center issued a notice on several measures to promote the stable and healthy development of the real estate market. the opinions will be implemented from the date of issuance and will be valid for three years.

the notice mentioned that the policy of housing provident fund loans in other places will be optimized. employees who pay housing provident fund in other places can apply for housing provident fund loans in zhanjiang city if they purchase, build, rebuild or overhaul their own houses in zhanjiang city. the loan conditions and loan amount are the same as those for employees who pay housing provident fund in zhanjiang city.

at the same time, the standard for determining the number of housing provident fund housing loans will be optimized. if the family members of employees (including borrowers, spouses and minor children, the same below) have no housing provident fund loan records nationwide, or have one housing provident fund loan record nationwide but have paid off the loan and do not have a complete house in their name locally when applying for a provident fund loan, they will all be regarded as their first home and enjoy the interest rate policy of the first housing provident fund loan.

in terms of increasing the housing provident fund loan amount, the housing provident fund loan amount for a single person has increased from 500,000 yuan to 600,000 yuan, and for a couple has increased from 800,000 yuan to 900,000 yuan.

in addition, the difference between the first and second housing provident fund loan amounts will be eliminated. the second housing provident fund loan amount will be increased from 400,000 yuan to 600,000 yuan for a single person and from 700,000 yuan to 900,000 yuan for a couple.

in terms of optimizing the housing provident fund loan repayment withdrawal policy, adding loan repayment withdrawal methods, if an employee has one or more houses that meet the same withdrawal conditions, he or she can choose one house in the same time period to withdraw housing provident fund, and the withdrawal can be made once every three months. the cumulative withdrawal amount shall not exceed the current loan principal and interest balance of one house, and the withdrawal amount each time shall not be limited by the actual loan principal and interest repayment amount of the year until the loan is paid off.