
scout's ten years of professional career were in vain! lpl insider revealed: the liquidated damages are as high as 30 million


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there are only 9 days left until the world championship. scout, the mid laner of the lng team, has been restricted from leaving the country and cannot participate in the competition. there is still no result so far. during this period, scout's agency and edg management have been arguing with each other, but public opinion is still on edg's side. after all, scout breached the contract first and lost the first instance, so they really cannot have the upper hand in this dispute.

now edg's attitude is to refuse to reconcile. scout has no choice but to pay back the money, because lng and the agency are unlikely to spend tens of millions to guarantee scout. this year's world championship, xiaoxuedi will not be able to go.han yi also said directly during a recent live broadcast: scout in europe is 100% unable to go, there is no need to think about it, and at this stage, lng can only use substitutes or let the jungler transform.

in addition to hanyi, zhu kai and real e-sports also broke the news in a joint broadcast recently, revealing the details of the dispute between edg and scout and the amount of scout's breach of contract. we will combine the information from the two of them and sort out the whole story of scout's breach of contract from beginning to end. the cause of the dispute was that after scout won the championship, he signed a 1+1 maximum salary contract with edg, but at the same time as signing with edg, he also signed with kt.

as a result, edg paid compensation to kt to keep scout. he had already breached the contract once. in the second year, which was the s13 season, lpl began to implement the salary cap system. edg was unwilling to pay more money outside the salary cap, and scout did not want to take a pay cut. the two sides had a disagreement on this. during this transfer period, scout contacted the lck team again, but failed in the end. he had to take a pay cut to join the lng team.

edg's 1+1 contract has the priority right of renewal in s13. if other teams offer scout a higher price than edg, then there will be nothing wrong with scout going to other teams. however, he lowered his price to join lng at that time, and his salary was lower than what edg offered, which violated the +1 contract. although this +1 non-compete contract is not officially recognized by the league, it is legally binding after all, so scout was sued by edg.

the first-instance judgment result was that both scout and edg applied for confidentiality and not to be made public (as mr. pan said), but real esports, who didn’t know where he got the news from, revealed the specific amount of compensation for both parties during the live broadcast.after scout lost the lawsuit, it had to pay 4 million in liquidated damagesedg also had to compensate scout nearly 1.3 million, but edg was not satisfied with the result of the first instance judgment so it had a second instance.

during the second trial, edg applied for a travel ban to prevent scout from escaping, so they were unable to participate in the world championship. this is a true e-sports scout wants to play in the world championship, and he has to pay edg more than 30 million.although the result of the second-instance judgment has not yet been announced, he needs to pay a deposit to leave the country. with such a large amount, it is no wonder that the agency and lng do not want to act as a guarantor.

if scout has to pay edg 30 million, then his ten years of professional career would have been in vain. before winning the championship, his salary was not even the highest. he only got a one-year contract in s12 at edg. after the salary cap was implemented in s13, he lowered his value by going to lng. after ten years of professional career, plus the share of the championship skins, he probably only earned this much money for breach of contract. if he loses the second instance, he will have to pay off all his assets.


the above information is not guaranteed to be authentic. after all, edg's first instance trial was confidential, and we don't know the specific amount of breach of contract, so everyone should look at the revelations of real esports rationally. however, after learning about the revelations of real esports live broadcast, edg president pan has sent a lawyer's letter to the other party and is preparing to sue. it is estimated that the content of the revelations is similar to the judgment result. this time, scout really shot himself in the foot.

so who do you think lng will let play mid?

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