
suspected of false advertising, meicheng mooncake guangzhou company changed its signboard overnight? the visit turned out to be an old photo


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recently, the false advertising of hong kong meicheng mooncakes promoted by xiao yangge and anchors under three sheep has continued to attract much attention. according to media reports, the high-end hong kong mooncakes "meicheng black truffle lava custard mooncakes" promoted and sold by "crazy xiao yangge" in the live broadcast room on the eve of the mid-autumn festival were revealed to be not sold in hong kong, and the origin of the mooncakes is not hong kong, but basically guangzhou and foshan. the sales of this brand of mooncakes on the short video platform have exceeded 50 million yuan in the past 30 days.

xiaoxiang morning news previously reported that on september 14, xiaoxiang morning news reporters called the guangzhou huadu district market supervision administration and the hefei high-tech zone market supervision administration respectively. the staff of the huadu district market supervision administration said that they have paid attention to this situation, and the market supervision office in the jurisdiction has intervened in the investigation and will respond after understanding the situation. the staff of the hefei high-tech zone market supervision administration said that it was inconvenient to accept the interview.

xiaoxiang morning news reporters also noticed that on september 15, a netizen posted a comparison picture showing that the name of guangzhou meicheng food technology co., ltd., the manufacturer of hong kong meicheng mooncakes, no longer appeared on the sign at its location. instead, it was replaced by a "guangzhou xianlang clothing accessories co., ltd." (hereinafter referred to as "guangzhou xianlang clothing accessories co., ltd."), questioning whether guangzhou meicheng food technology co., ltd. had run away overnight and started selling down jackets.

xiaoxiang morning news reporter searched and noticed that tianyancha data showed that guangzhou xianlang clothing accessories co., ltd. was established in july 2010 and was cancelled in july 2021. the address of guangzhou meicheng food technology co., ltd. was changed to the fourth floor of building 2, no. 7 gegang road, shiling town, huadu district, guangzhou in june 2023, and the address was not indicated before.

the reporter from xiaoxiang morning news called guangzhou meicheng food technology company, the legal representative of guangzhou xianlang clothing accessories company, and the huadu district market supervision and administration bureau several times, but received no effective response. the reporter then called several nearby companies, but the answering personnel hung up after knowing the reporter's intention.

according to the on-site visit of the daily economic news, the name of guangzhou meicheng food technology company is still on the signboard of the park. the signboard posted by netizens is an old photo. inside the company, its cultural wall introduces the company's development history. it mentioned that in 2019, meicheng group was officially established in hong kong and created its three major brands; in 2020, the first production base covering an area of ​​10,000 square meters was established in the mainland, focusing on the research and development and production of high-end foods; in 2023, two new factories in nanhai district, foshan city and conghua district, guangzhou city were completed and put into production to build a diversified industrial system. the meicheng intelligent manufacturing and high-end food r&d center project was officially launched.

meicheng mooncakes, which are "hong kong brands", are indeed produced in the mainland. the above-mentioned person in charge did not deny this, and he also said: "(online questioning) why do we register a company in hong kong and then produce in the mainland? i believe that there is no law that stipulates that i cannot produce in the mainland if i register a brand in hong kong, right? if you think there is something wrong with this, you can also cite some relevant laws and regulations."

source: daily economic news

on the evening of september 14, the live broadcast room of "three sheep" stopped selling meicheng mooncakes. at the same time, the douyin "crazy little brother yang" live broadcast room removed the meicheng mooncakes' product display and the same mooncakes were also removed from the product window. according to guangzhou daily, the reporter noticed that in recent years, the founders of the three sheep group, zhang qingyang (crazy little brother yang) and zhang kaiyang (crazy big brother yang), have spared no effort to promote meicheng mooncakes. previously, brother yang claimed in the live broadcast room that this mooncake is a high-end hong kong brand, with black truffles inside, and was prepared by a michelin master.

a video released by "three sheep" in 2023 showed: "last year, a live broadcast sold 100,000 orders", which means that "three sheep" has been selling hong kong meicheng mooncakes for three consecutive years. among the more than 100 talent shows under meicheng mooncakes, most of them are cut-out ads posted by accounts under "three sheep". moreover, in the cut-out ads in 2023, zhang qingyang and zhang kaiyang did not introduce it as a hong kong brand. in october 2022, guangzhou meicheng attempted to apply for the "hong kong meicheng" trademark, and the current status of this trademark is "under review of rejection."

in addition, some careful netizens discovered that meicheng mooncakes were previously sold for only 59 yuan for three boxes on platforms such as taobao and pinduoduo. after being sold by "three sheep", the price was changed to 169 yuan for three boxes.

recently, luo yonghao said that he would compensate for the meicheng mooncakes sold in the "make friends" vertical live broadcast room. "we checked the meicheng mooncakes exposed today, and it seems that our small vertical live broadcast room was also affected and sold some. if you have bought meicheng mooncakes in one of our "make friends" live broadcast rooms, now that we have checked, we will also refund one and compensate three in the next one or two days." luo yonghao said.

according to southern metropolis daily, on september 16, the guangzhou municipal market supervision bureau responded to a reporter from southern metropolis daily that the huadu district market supervision bureau has already intervened in the investigation. last night (15th), the guangzhou huadu district market supervision bureau responded that after noticing the situation on september 13, the bureau immediately conducted an investigation on the company involved, guangzhou meicheng food co., ltd.

in response to public concerns such as "whether it is registered in hong kong" and "whether it is a hong kong brand", the company provided the commercial registration information of hong kong meicheng food group co., ltd. registered in hong kong, and issued relevant certificates of hong kong meicheng food group co., ltd.'s registration of the "meisun", "meicheng" and "hong kong meicheng mooncakes" trademarks in hong kong. it also provided documents such as trademark authorization between the company and hong kong meicheng food group co., ltd.

regarding the issue of whether it involves "false advertising", because it involves a wide range of areas, the companies involved and the sales company (hefei three sheep network technology co., ltd.) are from different regions, and cross-regional verification requires coordination with multiple local regulatory departments. the huadu district market supervision bureau will speed up the verification progress, handle it in accordance with the law, and respond to the concerns of the public and the media in a timely manner.

xiaoxiang morning news reporter wu chenxingzi reported comprehensively

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