
what does “xiang-style investment promotion” rely on? ——observations from the hunan business conference


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from september 12 to 14, the 11th global hunan businessmen conference was held in huaihua city, hunan province. business attraction was the core theme of the conference. the reporter observed at the conference that in recent years, hunan has actively explored new models of business attraction, and has shown its full sincerity of respecting, valuing, and loving businesses through means such as industrial ecological investment attraction, emotional investment attraction, and capital investment attraction.
this is the mechanical equipment industry chain exhibition area of ​​the 11th global hunan business conference. photo by xinhua news agency reporter yu chunshengnew display industry chain, bio-based industry chain, electronic components industry chain... walking into the exhibition hall of this hunan businessmen conference, one exhibition area after another divided according to the industrial chain comes into view. in the exhibition area, upstream and downstream enterprises in the industry are "strung into a chain" to start joint investment promotion.
at the end of august this year, hunan issued the "positive list for investment promotion" to strengthen positive guidance on grassroots investment promotion work. among them, "supporting industrial ecological investment promotion" is an important one.
"this is the first time for us to participate in the exhibition in the form of an industrial ecosystem." sun wenjing, marketing director of hunan wuxin intelligent technology co., ltd., said that in the past, going out to attract investment was "going it alone", but now this form can not only form an overall investment attraction advantage, but also help strengthen exchanges and cooperation among related companies in the industrial chain and further strengthen local industries.
in addition to industrial ecological investment promotion, hunan has also continued to promote the "return of hunan businessmen" in recent years.
at this year's hunan businessmen conference, li yonghong, a huaihua native who had been doing business abroad for many years, returned to his hometown and signed a circuit board production project with the huaihua high-tech industrial development zone, which is scheduled to be officially put into production in more than a year.
"in recent years, i have had more and more exchanges with my hometown, and i can feel that hunan's business environment has improved significantly. this is one of the important reasons why i chose to return to my hometown to invest," li yonghong told reporters.
play the emotional card well and make active "investment" moves. data shows that in the first half of 2024, the number of newly registered enterprises by hunan businessmen returning to hunan to invest reached 776, and the total funds invested by hunan businessmen returning to hunan reached 336.89 billion yuan, an increase of 29.8% and 30.8% year-on-year respectively.
visitors visit the exhibition area at the 11th global hunan business conference. photo by xinhua news agency reporter yu chunshengnot only that, some new investment explorations are also gradually being launched.
at the opening ceremony of this hunan business conference, relevant departments of hunan province specially promoted the newly established jin furong investment fund. according to reports, the fund plans to form a fund scale of about 300 billion yuan in about three years through the linkage of "government + state-owned enterprises + society", better play the role of government investment funds, develop patient capital, and serve the development of hunan's real economy.
it is worth mentioning that the fund has also established and improved a loss tolerance and fault tolerance mechanism, tolerated normal investment risks, and set a reasonable loss tolerance rate.
industry insiders said that capital investment can achieve a win-win situation for enterprises and industries. some local governments have already achieved results in exploring the "investment-led" model. this more dynamic and market-oriented investment model will play a greater role in the future local investment promotion process.
it is reported that with the joint efforts of various investment promotion methods, this hunan businessmen conference signed 108 major provincial investment promotion projects with a total investment of 81.74 billion yuan, and 191 municipal projects with a total investment of 74.32 billion yuan.
during the conference, some entrepreneurs interviewed said that they expect local governments to do a better job in the "second half" of attracting investment, and promote the implementation of signed projects as soon as possible, so that enterprises can be attracted and retained. (reporters yu chunsheng and zhang ge)
source: xinhua news agency
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